Chapter 7

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Taeyong's expression hardened even further, "Start talking," he warned raising a hand shimmering with crimson magic, "or I'll force you out of Ten's body...and I won't be gentle."

Jungwoo-Ten's eyes widened in fear, "ok ok! Here's what I know..."


Some 20 minutes later Jungwoo had finished explaining. Not much furniture was still left intact and a circle of destruction marked the result of Taeyong's various angry outbursts as he learned about Sejun's situation.

So you're telling me...Sejun didn't die during our trial of combat but she went investigating the Sable Sect and she just disappeared?and this was 2 weeks ago?" Taeyong asked incredulously.

Jungwoo-Ten smirked, "Yep, that's  all the rumors in the underground about if you don't mind it's time for me to go..."

"Don't you dare-" Taeyong threatened, but with a final air kiss Jungwoo was gone.

Taeyong exhaled angrily but quickly reached out to catch Ten as his body toppled forward after being released from Jungwoo's control.

Ten sat up slowly, rubbing his head, "I have the worst headache..." he stopped seeing Taeyong's stony expression.

Taeyong's eyebrows crinkled at the pause, "Are you hurt? I swear if that little body-stealer hurt you—"

"No no, I'm fine," Ten assured with a frown of his own, "what was that about a body-stealer?"

"Jungwoo," Taeyong growled voice full of menace, "He's a very old vampire, his spirit is so strong after so long that he can leave his body for periods of time and inhabit others," he looked pointedly at Ten."

"oh. Oh!"

"Yes, that little menace took over your body to talk to me," Taeyong's face darkened, "when I catch him—" he swore.

"It's fine Taeyong" Ten looked around at the carnage and sighed before picking up his sword lying on the ground, "Let's go."

"You're not healed yet," Taeyong disagreed

Ten rolled his eyes and unraveled the bandage on his leg with a tug, a tiny pink line was the only indication that it had ever been wounded, "That little scratch? It was healed a few hours after I got it, my magic accelerates my body's healing speed," Ten boasted.

"Fine. But stick close to me ok?"

Ten rolled his eyes, "That's my job silly," he teased.

Taeyong could've sworn he felt his heart beat again at that moment for the first time since he became immortal. He eyed Ten a bit strangely but dismissed it soon after.

He strode out of the room with Ten close behind, raising his voice he called, "Jaehyun?"

"Yes, my lord?" The vampire appeared before him.

"The youngling?"

"She is awake and wandering around the infirmary"

Taeyong raised an eyebrow,
The head medic wasn't one to allow her charges to be underfoot, he mused

Jaehyun hurriedly answered his unspoken question, "Chaerin doesn't seem to mind"

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