Chapter 11

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Ten followed Jeno out of Taeyong's chamber, feeling a strange mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through his veins. The encounter he had just shared with the Vampire Lord had awakened a desire within him that he never knew existed. It was as if a dormant part of him had been ignited, and now he craved more.

Lost in his thoughts, Ten barely noticed when they arrived at the training grounds. The smell of sweat and the sound of clashing swords filled the air. Ten ignored the vampires who lowered their weapons to stare at him as he followed Jeno onto the field. Yuta stood at the center, sparring with another member of the coven. His gaze landed on Ten as he approached, a knowing expression on his face that made Ten blush.

Practice sessions with Yuta were always intense, and being a latecomer was never a good start. But today was different. The lingering sensation of Taeyong's touch still sent shivers down his spine, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

"Are you alright, Ambassador?" Jeno asked, concern evident in his voice.

Ten shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a bit distracted today," he replied, offering a small smile.

Jeno seemed to understand, smiling back sympathetically. "My Lord does have that effect on people.

"What? No-" Just as Ten started to object,

Yuta sidled up with a sly smile. "Glad our Lord could manage to bear to part with you for a few measly hours." Ten eyed Yuta warily, not blind to the mischievous gleam in the vampire's eyes.

"Jeno!" a voice called out excitedly from across the field. Ten turned to see a handsome young man waving his bow enthusiastically above his head while shouting, "Hey Jeno, come on! We're all waiting for you!" Jeno waved back with equal amounts of excitement, asking Ten distractedly, "You'll be fine here with Yuta, right?" His gaze locked on the brunette boy in the distance.


"Great, I'll see you later." Jeno flashed a big grin before racing off towards the other boy like an eager puppy.

Yuta rolled his eyes fondly at Jeno's retreating figure. "He's completely head over heels for Jaemin, it's almost embarrassing to watch."

"Is that the brunette? Jaemin?"

"Yep - he may be cute as a button but don't let that fool you, he's sharp as a whip. And Jeno can't resist him," Yuta chuckled. "But let's be honest, Jaemin is just as smitten with Jeno. They both just refuse to admit it."

Ten grinned at the endearing situation, commenting, "Well of course, they both don't want to give the other the upper hand,"

"Hmmm," Yuta looked thoughtful as he gazed in the direction of the young couple, "I never thought of it like that. I guess you have to be very brave to throw it all out there and hope the other person reciprocates."

"Yes well, I'd certainly appreciate the vulnerability that would take." Ten mused

"Vulnerability?" Yuta let out a startled laugh, "You're certainly full of surprises Ten."

Ten rolled his eyes, "can we get to sparring already?"

"Alright alright. The advanced group is working on sword forms if you want to join them," he offered with a careless wave of his hand in the general direction of the group of vampires arrayed behind him.

Sure enough, each of the vampires looked immersed in their world as they moved through their sword forms. Ten looked on remarking with admiration, "Quite a few are almost at the level of a sword dance."

Yuta snorted, "they have got a ways to go until then, these are just the basics." He jerked his head in the direction of one of the closer vampires, "Take Serin there for example- it's almost flawless technique but there's no soul behind it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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