Chapter 3

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Taeyong carried Ten to his private chambers, helping him carefully settle himself into one of the plush armchairs in the sitting room.

"I'm sorry for not using my healing magic on you," Taeyong said regretfully, "I'm afraid my magic might react negatively to the different type of magic already in your body."

Ten's eyes widened in understanding.

There was a gentle knock at the door and Taeyong went to answer it, returning holding a tray with a bowl of hot water, salve, towels, some linen bandages, and a needle & thread.

Taeyong knelt and gently began to clean Ten's wounds.

"Doesn't it bother you?" Ten asked curiously

Taeyong looked up in surprise.

"The blood," Ten clarified.

"It does," he admitted before going back to his gentle ministrations, "I just can't stand seeing you hurt knowing it's my fault for not protecting you."

If Taeyong had looked up at that moment he would have seen a rosy color bloom across Ten's cheeks as he blushed but his attention was focused on Ten's injuries.

Taeyong placed a gentle hand on Ten's thigh, "I think you should take your pants off."

"Excuse me?" Ten almost choked.

"I think these are beyond repair don't you," Taeyong said absentmindedly fingering the torn fabric over Ten's thigh where one of the vampire's swords had slashed, "and we need to bandage your wound so we'll probably have to cut them off so we don't hurt you further.

"Right...," Ten tried to steady his voice which was a bit breathless, "but what will I change into? My clothes haven't arrived from Dusk Rose Organization yet."

Taeyong scanned Ten from head to toe, "I think you're close to my size so I'll just lend you some of my clothes," he decided.

Taeyong went through the double doors that led from the sitting room to his bedroom into his large closet pulling several items he thought would probably fit Ten before going back to the sitting room.

Taeyong was shocked to find Ten standing shakily without any support, having taken a few steps in the direction of the doors Taeyong had gone through just as Taeyong walked into the room Ten's injured leg gave out and he began to fall.

Taeyong flashed to Ten's side using his vampiric speed easily catching Ten before he could hit the ground, "You shouldn't be moving around," Taeyong scolded gently.

"I don't like being a burden on you."

"Nonsense, you're not a burden Ten."

"No, you don't understand! I was sent here by the Dusk Rose Organization to observe the new vampire lord and judge him according to my conclusions. If he is considered unfit I am to act accordingly to ensure the situation does not escalate."

Taeyong was a bit startled, although he tried not to show it, he had not expected Ten to outright admit the intentions of the Dusk Rose Organization—to spy on him, out in the open no less, and eliminate him if he was determined unfit for his newly-inherited position—they were bold indeed.

Ten was watching his face to gauge his reaction, "I figured it was something like that," Taeyong replied, "it doesn't matter."

"What?!" Ten looked startled, "It doesn't matter? Didn't you hear me?"

"Of course I did, but it doesn't change how I will treat you, after all, you are your own person, your wishes aren't synonymous with those of Dusk Rose Organization. Besides, you're hurt, and it's my fault, it only makes sense for me to treat your injuries."

Taeyong's reasonable tone was apparently enough to convince Ten or maybe he had just run out of energy to resist Taeyong's help because he sagged in the vampire's embrace allowing himself to be helped back to the comfort of the armchair he had previously occupied.

Taeyong carefully cut around the leg of  Ten's pants above his wound carefully removing the fabric making one side of his pants into shorts so the wound was easy to access. Taeyong finished cleaning Ten's injury and carefully stitched the skin back together before bandaging the wound neatly. He was so efficient that Ten barely had time to gasp at the unpleasant faint tugging sensation before Taeyong was already done. Taeyong examined the cut on Ten's face with careful fingers, determining that it was too shallow to require stitches and just applied a salve and bandage.

Taeyong picked Ten up once again, trying to ignore how good the soft skin of Ten's bare leg felt against his hands, and carried him to one of the spare bedrooms in his apartment suite setting him gently on the edge of the bed. He disappeared then reappeared a moment later with the clothes he had gathered for Ten offering them to Ten who accepted them gratefully.

Ten pointed to a grey-painted door near the bed, "Where does that lead?"

"That leads to your bathroom," Taeyong replied, "and the door next to it on the right is your closet. Are you hungry right now? There's a small kitchen in the suite or I can order you something from the Main Kitchen?"

Ten's stomach growled as if on command. Taeyong smiled, "What do you like to eat?"

"Ummm anything really—Oh! Except for fruits, unless they're juiced, I don't like fruits."

Taeyong laughed aloud, "Alright then no fruits," he promised, "How about Italian food?"

"Ooh!" Ten clapped happily, "That sounds great!"

Taeyong spoke briefly with one of the guards outside the doors of his private apartment and the vampire departed for the kitchens with his order.

In the meantime Ten has changed his clothes, discarding his ruined pants and old shirt and pulling on an over-long tunic of Taeyong's that draped down to his mid-thigh.

Taeyong returned with the food to see Ten exiting his bathroom wearing only boxers and a long white tunic and he found himself unconsciously licking his lips at the sight.

Ten, seemingly not realizing the impact his wardrobe choices were having on Taeyong, walked gingerly to the table and chairs near the bedroom entrance where Taeyong had set the food.

Taeyong sat down carefully next to Ten his eyes never leaving the sword shaman. The human had unknowingly captured the Vampire Lord's interest and Taeyong found himself curious about what Ten would do next.

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