Chapter 9

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Ten emerged, stone-faced from his room an hour later.

As soon as he caught sight of him, Taeyong jumped up from his seat and stumbled over himself trying to apologize, "Ten...I'm sorry about earlier...I didn't mean to keep things from you. It's just that I have to be careful what I say or else people who shouldn't know things might find out. Not that you're one of those people! I want to tell you..."

"Hey hey, calm down" Ten crossed his arms, "I MAY be persuaded to forgive you...if you promise not to do that again or at least if you can't tell me give me an explanation."

Taeyong breathed a sigh of relief, "I can do that. I don't want to hurt you Tennie. Please tell me when I've upset you."

Ten's lips curled slightly, "you're just a softie aren't you?"

Taeyong's entire demeanor brightened and he broke into a smile, "What gave it away?" he asked teasingly.

Ten smirked, "who knows?"

"Also Ten," Taeyong began hesitantly, "I have a meeting with the coven leaders today...and well did you want to come?"

Ten frowned slightly, "Of course I should come, it's my job after all.

"Right...that's right of course you should come," Taeyong muttered awkwardly to himself.
"Well do you mind then ?" He asked, holding out an arm to Ten.

Ten tilted his head quizzically looking at the offered arm, "Mind what?" 

Taeyong, "Well it's quite far so..."

Ten blinked, "Right. Ok then." He slowly grasped the offered arm and Taeyong promptly tucked him against his chest.

Ten squirmed slightly, "This is a bit close"

Taeyong frowned "actually it's not quite close enough for the speed we'll be traveling"

Ten reluctantly moved his arms to wrap them around Taeyong's waist, "Is this better?"


"Let's go already then," Ten grumbled

Taeyong laughed, "Settle down, first a few guidelines for this meeting"

Ten rolled his eyes but motioned in a "go on" gesture.

"Firstly, no fighting is allowed in the meeting hall so do not draw your sword unless someone else draws first and only if they are directly threatening you. Secondly, please act as my shadow during this meeting and try not to antagonize my subordinates." Taeyong let out a sigh, "They are...unused to humans and your presence will already be testing to some."

Ten's brow furrowed but he nodded.

Taeyong pressed Ten to his chest once more and whisked them both away to the coven meeting with Ten clinging on to him for dear life.

They arrived outside the entrance of the building where the meeting was to be held, the ancient oak doors looming above them with Ten swaying dizzily in Taeyong's embrace.

"Are you alright Tennie?" Taeyong asked concernedly

Ten grimaced, "give me a minute" he drew several deep breaths and slowly straightened his back, "I'm ready," he said with a slight nod.

Taeyong's hand brushed down Ten's back and found its way naturally to the small of his back. Ten relaxed, leaning against Taeyong then abruptly, stiffened and took a step away from the Vampire Lord.

The corners of Taeyong's mouth frowned imperceptibly but he strode to the gigantic doors and pulled one open waiting for Ten to walk inside before following closely behind.

The scene that greeted the pair as they entered the banquet hall was a group of vampires conversing around or lounging at the lengthy table, large enough to fit 30 with ease, occupying the center of the room.

Jaehyun appeared silently by Taeyong's side as he strode towards the head of the table hands full of documents. The other vampires looked up as he walked past, each of them staring with varying degrees of interest at the sword shaman masquerading as the vampire lord's shadow.

Taeyong took his place at the head of the table and the vampires dispersed throughout the room quickly made their way to the meeting table. The seats had no names engraved in them but each of the vampires had fought for the right to sit in one of these chairs as a member of the Vampire Lord's advisory council. Yuta gestured to the empty seat beside him, directly to the right of Taeyong, offering it to Ten. Ten thanked Yuta and glanced over at Taeyong, who was watching their exchange with amusement, before sitting. One vampire let out an audible gasp.

"Coven Head Jongin is there a problem?" Taeyong asked mildly.

"N-no my lord" he replied stiffly jolted out of staring at the place Ten was sitting.

"Anyone else?" Taeyong questioned. All of the vampires lowered their heads as his gaze swept over each of them in turn.

"No my lord." The vampires all replied in unison.

"Good. Let us proceed with the meeting then."

Two or so hours later the meeting finally concluded and the various coven leaders and other council members gradually left after paying their respects to Taeyong.

Soon only Jaehyun, Yuta, Ten, and Taeyong remained in the hall.

"Jaehyun please have the summary of today's meeting to me by tomorrow night at the latest"

"Yes my lord" He replied with a bow, "and shall I make a note to reserve that seat for the ambassador?"

Taeyong squinted at his secretary's face seeing a hint of humor swirling in his dark eyes, "Yes please do." he said solemnly.

Jaehyun's eyes widened fractionally and he blinked before nodding, "very good my lord," he said with another slight bow before gathering all of his papers and sweeping away.

Yuta chuckled as he watched Jaehyun hurry away, "I was hoping he might faint but seems I underestimated him."

"Sorry to disappoint you," Taeyong said dryly

"Not at all not at all," Yuta replied waving a hand flippantly, "that expression alone was priceless"

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