Chapter 1

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"Curse that woman" Taeyong muttered to himself as he shuffled through the seemingly endless paperwork piled on his desk, "Leaving me to deal with your mess, how could you!"

Getting his affairs straightened out in order for him to take over Sejun's former position as the head of the coven was turning out to be the biggest headache of his life. Every time he felt he made a modicum of progress the door to his office would inevitably open and Sejun's secretary—or rather his secretary now—would enter carrying a fresh pile of work for him to complete. After two days of this frustrating routine Taeyong was reaching his limits. Around early evening he heaved a sigh of relief as he finished the last loops of his signature at the bottom of the last paper of the giant stack in front of him. He was happy to finally set down his pen after hours of tedious writing. As if summoned by the sound of his pen touching the desk, however, his newly-inherited secretary, Jaehyun, entered his office clutching yet another bundle of papers in his hands.

"That's enough!" Taeyong growled, slapping his palms down on the desk in frustration.

"My lord?" Jaehyun questioned, he had paused at Taeyong's outburst and stood uncertainly just inside the doorway staring at Taeyong who was now cradling his head in his hands.

"I'm going out" Taeyong declared suddenly.

" lord!" Jaehyun protested

Taeyong looked directly at Jaehyun and there must have been something in his gaze that made the secretary wary because he took an inadvertent step back.

Later Taeyong would wonder how he had been able to make the much older vampire unconsciously submit and give ground to him, but he was too impatient to escape at the moment and merely brushed past the other man, who was still rooted in place in shock, as he walked out the door.

Ahh freedom Taeyong thought to himself as he strolled down the quiet streets scenting the cool evening air.

Suddenly Taeyong's enhanced hearing picked up something that disturbed him from his peace.

"Come little human, donate some blood if you're good I might even let you warm my bed tonight" the voice was deep and scratchy and Taeyong thought it sounded familiar.

"Don't touch me" another voice, Taeyong assumed belonged to the human, responded coldly.

Taeyong used a flash of his vampiric speed to quickly follow the voices to their source and he was met with the scene of two vampires looming over one human male who had been cornered into a position with his back against a brick wall. The first vampire flashed his fangs while the second looked on with a predatory leer. The human was surprisingly calm looking at the two vampires coolly as if they were too insignificant in his eyes to even garner his attention. Unfortunately this behavior had clearly only riled up the two vampires leading to the current situation. Taeyong strode into the alleyway with purposeful steps, the second vampire noticed his presence for the first time and half turned to face him with an arrogant expression.

"This is our prey," he snarled, "look elsewhere for your evening meal"

Taeyong didn't respond his focus completely on the human boy.

"Didn't you hear me?" demanded the first vamp angrily

By this time Taeyong had reached the trio but the vampire cornering the human was too mesmerized by the scent of human blood to realize the danger Taeyong posed.

The other vampire however was nearly foaming at the mouth with rage at being ignored, "You bastard!" He swung a punch with supernatural quickness but Taeyong easily swayed out of his reach grabbing the vamp's arms in a bone-crunching grasp before flinging him away to crash into the opposite wall of the alleyway with a sickening crunch. The vampire lunged unsteadily back to his feet snarling in rage and pain as he clutched his mangled left arm to his chest. He rushed forward again only for Taeyong to grab him by the throat and slam him against the wall again. This time the vampire did not stand back up, having been knocked unconscious by the savage blow.

"Stop this Nichkun," Taeyong commanded the vampire trapping the human, his voice gravelly with anger, "How dare you break the Blood Pact like this."

Nichkun seemed to stir from his blood-lust induced state upon hearing his name from Taeyong's lips, "Who are you?" He growled.

Taeyong laughed coldly, "You don't recognize your lord? And you dare to act in this manner?" My eyes flashed, "Stop this. I will not repeat myself again."


Nichkun's eyes widened as he finally recognized the vampire in front of him. The new vampire lord was regarding him with a look of disdain. Nichkun trembled at Taeyong's expression taking a careful step away from the human he had cornered.

" lord," he stuttered, "I didn't...I don't."

Taeyong stared coldly down at him, "You will report yourself before the clan court by sundown tomorrow evening and will be tried for the crime of violating the Blood Pacts. I trust you understand what this means?"

Nichkun gulped, those tried in crimes involving the Blood Pacts were often punished most severely to discourage any behavior that could lead to the potential outbreak of war between the supernatural and human communities.

He nodded gravely no thought of defying the absolute words of the vampire lord even entering his head.

"Good. Take your conspirator's body with you. I expect him to appear before the clan court alongside you. If not, you know the consequences."

"Ye-Yes, my lord." He hurriedly went to where the unconscious vampire lay, throwing the limp body over his shoulder.

Taeyong turned to the human who was still eyeing Nichkun warily. The human was somehow now holding a strange sword that seemed to glow with a strange blue light. If the vampire lord was also wondering how the boy had pulled that sword out of nowhere it didn't show on his face.

Nichkun bowed to Taeyong who waved a hand dismissively, Nichkun happily fled with his friend's body knowing he had gotten off leniently considering that Taeyong hadn't immediately killed him, however, he was already shuddering imagining what punishment he would receive from the clan court, they would likely be far less merciful.

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