Book 2: chapter 12 ~ the lost and found part 2

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Vall hardly slept that night. She spent most of the night planning an escape but all came to nothing. Just as she began to doze off the was a knocking on the door and she glared at it.
"M'lady?" Asked the voice behind it and she sat up. "Your presence it requested by lady Galadriel" the door was finally unlocked and rumil looked in. Vall got up silently and allowed herself to be lead down some marble steps by this tall, blonde elf.
"Where is Luca?" She asked but he did not reply. She was about to ask again when they rounded a corner to be met by two important looking elves that almost glowed as they smiled at her gently. One was female and she recognised to be Galadriel the other was male and she did not recognise. She nodded in thanks to rumil and he cleared off.
"Lady Galadriel" helke bowed slowly and Galadriel smiled.
"Helke. It is so good to see you well again. I am afraid you gave us all much grief when you disappeared" Galadriel explained.
"Please my lady, why Is it that address me by helke? And why do I only remember you and the march warden and no one else they speak of?" She asked.
"Helke, I do believe you are under a strong enchantment that has taken away much of your memories" Galadriel explained and vall shifted uncomfortably.
"King thranduil is on his way to lothlorien now. Maybe all will become clear soon" she smiled.
"But, Luca, he is down in the dungeons" vall reminded and there was pleading in her tone.
"He is being fed and given water, do not worry yourself. Though he is a criminal and will be treated like one" Galadriel said smoothly.
"He is no criminal!! He took me in, loved me, clothed me, fed me!!" Vall protested but Galadriel raised her hand, silencing her.
" breakfast will be served soon, will you be joining my husband and myself?" Galadriel asked, looking to celeborn.
"I..." Vall bit the inside of her cheek nervously "I'm not hungry" she said quickly and ran out of the room, flying past rumil. She kept running through corridors, round corners and down stairs hoping to find Luca but she was utterly lost. She leant against a wall an began to cry quietly....

--> a few hours earlier-->
Thranduil was surprised to say the least upon hearing that a lothlorien guard was in mirkwood, claiming to have news for him. Thranduil granted him access, wanting to get whatever the guard had to say over with quickly. He walked briskly to the throne room and bowed low in front of thranduil who sat upon his throne. Thranduil's eyes turned cold when he saw that the man was smiling. What right did he have to be merry? When he himself was so glum in spirit?
"What news do you bring? And wipe that smirk off of your face at once" thranduil commanded coldly.
" lord" started the guard quietly. "It is only good news I bring! Helke! She is safely in lothlorien!" Exclaimed the guard. At this thranduil's staff slipped from his grip and clanked to the floor loudly, rolling down the stairs. Neither of them said a word as thranduil stared at the guard in disbelief. Two years had passed, two years of heartache and he was sure she was dead. Yet here this guard was, telling him that she was live and well?!!
"Take me to her" he demanded, rising from his throne.
As he was about to leave thranduil opened his second draw down next to his bed for his dagger. To his surprise there lay helke's circlet. When on earth had that been out there? And for how long? He picked it up and smiled as he remembered how beautiful she looked in it. He straightened up and took it with him, thinking it would be a pleasant surprise to greet helke with.

Helke heard footsteps as she sat on the floor and she quickly got her, her breathe shallow. Haldir rounded the corner, the dungeon keys strapped to his hip. He looked concerned when he saw helke's tear stained face and she sniffled.
"Are you lost?" He asked gently but she would not look at him.
"No" she quipped back and it came out harsher then she had intended. Then again he was the reason that she was here, and not with luca, in the first place.
"I am glad to see you are safe again" he said warmly but she still refused to look at him or say a word. "I would be glad to show you back to your room?" Haldir suggested and vall nodded once and followed after haldir's footsteps.
The rest of the day vall occupied herself by shooting little bits of frost into the air and letting it fall on her face.
Thranduil arrived as the sun began to set, casting an orange glow throughout the sky. He dismounted laure and marched over to where he knew Galadriel would be.
"Where is she?" He demanded and Galadriel looked round smoothly.
"She is resting in a spare chamber. I have no doubt you are anxious to see her" Galadriel said.
"I had convinced myself she was dead these past two years, of course I want to see her!" Growled thranduil but Galadriel sat down and gestured to a seat opposite her. Thranduil sat rigidly.
"I am afraid she is under a memory lock curse" she began slowly and thranduil's eyes looked like they had caught fire. "Her memories of you, of mirkwood and all to do with it have been locked into something, an object maybe?" Galadriel said and thranduil looked numbly at the wooden table they sat at. He was being tormented and it was going to send him mad. She was being waved in his face, so close for him to grasp and yet she had slipped away again.
"I do not believe you" he whispered hoarsely though he was trying to convince himself more. Galadriel rose to her feet and calmly swept out of the room, leaving thranduil at the table as she went to fetch the Iceling.
Helke was still experimenting with the frost when Suddenly she heard a knock at the door. At this she jumped, an icicle shooting up and imbedded itself into the ceiling. Vall bit her lip worriedly as she looked at it but sat up anyway. Galadriel pushed opened the door gracefully and smiled softly at her.
"Helke" she smoked softly. "There is somebody I think you should meet". Vall got to her feet and followed Galadriel slowly through the marble corridors and through an archway. Her eyes fell upon the elf that was sat at the table. Her white eyes connected with thranduil's and he smiled in relief as he rose from the table.
"Helke" he smiled, coming closer, wanting to just touch her and hold her. To feel that she was real! But vall stepped back when thranduil reached out to touch her face. He felt cold inside when he saw that her eyes held confusion. She He did not recognise him at all....

An iceling in mirkwood ~ thranduil love storyWhere stories live. Discover now