Book 2: chapter 6 ~ traitor

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Sorry it's been so long since the last update! Busy with work! Anyway the pic is of helke's dress. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Love you all!!
By the next day thranduil had gotten next to no sleep, maybe an hours snooze, but he felt too sick to sleep. Being an elf he had never gotten 'sick' before in his life but this aching in his stomach was nothing he had felt before. Yes he had felt sadness and grief when his wife passed away but never this unknowing feeling. Now knowing whether helke was dead or alive. If she was in pain or not. As soon as the us began to peep over the horizon he dressed and made himself look as presentable as he could. But as he looked at himself in the mirror even he noticed he did not look like himself. His eyes were duller, slight bags under his eyes and his skin had taken up a slightly greyish tinge. He went straight down to the stables and fed and tacked up laure before heading out into the forest. He soon sent guards out to help him look but they held no luck. There was no ice, no evidence of a fight or that the ground had even been disturbed. However it was did not step foot inside of mirkwood forest which confirmed thranduil's suspicions of a traitor.....

"Oh isn't it terrible" said an kitchen Elleth to another.
"What is?" The other answer as she chopped vegetables.
"Have you not heard? Helke, the king's Iceling has been taken by somebody. She had not been seen in days!" The first one explained. It just so happened that a young maid was passing through the kitchen at the time and heard the two elleths talk. She faltered in her step before running out. She had seen amalda leading helke through the corridors the last time anyone had seen her. Could amalda be responsible? The Elleth, who's name was calina (illuminated), walked quickly but nimbly through the halls and to the doors of the king's throne room.
"I wish to speak to his majesty thranduil" she requested.
"The king is out at this moment in time" one of the guards reported.
"But I have urgent news! About the disappearance of helke" she informed them. The two guards looked at each other them straight ahead again.
"I am afraid you will have to wait until the king returns, we will inform you when the king is back" they said sternly and calina sighed. She went about cleaning the palace and waiting for a guard to fetch her so she may see the king.
Although it was not raining anymore the search for helke was not an enjoyable task. The trees and forest floor where still damp and the weather was beginning to turn cold.
'At least helke can thrive in the cold' the king thought to himself. He turned back laure and headed back for the palace. If he were to find helke he would need to call upon other elves for help...

Valladea awoke on the floor of luca's caravan the next day and smiled as she remembered the fun and laughter she had had the night before. She got up and found she was no longer chained to the wall. She opened the caravan door and peeped out. When she saw that no one was up she grabbed a spare cloth and walked down to the river, intending to bath. She stripped quickly and cautiously stepped into the river, only to find the freezing water pleasant, sending sweet tingles up her body. She washed her body then dipped down so her hair was submerged in water, blocking her hearing out. She closed her eyes as she scrubbed her scalp underwater. She was so pre-occupied as did not notice when somebody had began to watch her fro, the pebbly bank of the river. That is, until they spoke.
"What a pretty fish" they commented, loud enough for her to hear. Valladea almost screamed and she took her head out of the water to cover herself. She looked up on the bank to see Luca smirking down at her, his hair looking slightly disheveled. She looked almost angrily at him, causing him to chuckle.
"You know, when I awoke from my pleasant sleep. Was rather alarmed to see you were gone. I was convinced you had tried to escape. I was pleasantly surprised to see you splashing about over here" he chortled. "Here" he passed her the cloth and she wrapped it around her embarrassedly.
"How long where you watching?" She asked, stepping out of the cold water.
"Not long. I was not being a peeping Tom, honest love. I merely saw you then spoke" he said truthfully. "Here" he took off his long coat and wrapped it around her. He knew she would not be cold, but he did not want all the eyes of his camp seeing valladea naked. He accompanied her back to his caravan and passed her a set of clean clothes without looking. These clothes were from another young women who had a raging crush in Luca and would do ANYTHING to see him happy. When she emerged she was dressed in a long white silky dress which suited her skin and hair well.
"We continue travelling today" he told her as he helped her down the steps. "Would you accompany me in front again?" He asked and she nodded shyly. He smiled back dashingly before doing to wake up the other members of his camp. Valladea smiled as she watched him walking through the camp, knocking on caravan doors and patted horses shoulders. He turned round and smiled goofily at her and she giggled....

When thranduil returned from his search he was informed there was a young made that had been desperate to discuss urgent information with him. He washed and changed quickly before heading to his throne room. "Bring the maid to me" he commanded and some of his soldiers went off to fetch calina. As the young maid was escorted back she could to help the feeling of fear rising inside of her. She had never actually talked to the great king before but had heard of his short temper. The door was shut loudly behind her and she took short and shallow breathes as she slowly stepped up to talk to thranduil. He sat proudly in his magnificent elk horn throne, his Icy blue, green eyes boring down at her, causing her to take a step back.
"Y-your highness" she started but felt she could say no more.
"My Guards tell me that you have important information you need to tell me" he stated patiently.
"It is about the Iceling my lord" she said and thranduil sat up, waiting for her to go on. "I heard some elleths in the kitchens talking about her, about how she has disappeared" she sated.
"Yes" the king clarified and calina went on.
"I do not know If she is tied into it and I do not want to accuse but I saw a healer leading helke down the corridor, towards the healing tower" she said.
"Who was this maid?" He asked, trying to keep an even temper.
"Amalda" she stated shyly, hoping she was not getting the healer into any trouble.
"BRING ME AMALDA!" He shouted to his guards, standing from his throne.
"You are free to go. I thank you for the information" he nodded at calina and gestured for the guards to take her away.

Amalda was reading when the guards came in and escorted her (rather roughly) to the king chambers. They were not so respectful as they tossed her inside and slammed the door behind her. Amalda stumbled but caught herself then looked up at the silent king that glared down at her, his face scarily unemotional.
"Amalda" he began quietly. "You have been a good healer over the many years you have been under my reign" he started coolly though inside anger was churning. "I have been told you were the last one to see helke before her disappearance." Amalda gulped nervously.
"Yes my lord" she confirmed.
"And then what? Where did you take her?" He asked impatiently.
"I did not take her anywhere my lord. She was walking down the corridor by herself" she said arrogantly but soon regretted it.
"Do not lie amalda. I know a liar when I see one" he spat and her eyes went down to the floor.
"Where you, or where you not in cohesion with a witch?" He asked. Amalda did not answer. She had been caught. There were others that had saw her lead helke into that room that night. Whatever she said, she would be driving herself further and further into a mess.
"DID YOU LEAD HELKE AWAY?!!" He asked, his booming voice echoing throughout the halls. "Are you the reason that she could be dead, or starving. Lonely and scared?" He asked so only she could hear. She had only wanted helke out of the way! Never to kill her! Amalda let out a quiet sob as she imagined helke laying dead in a ditch somewhere, her neck broken, blood pouring from her mouth and nose. The king took the sob as amalda's confession.
"I did not mean for her to come into harm's way!" She sobbed as the king climbed the steps with a heavy heart.
"Amalda you have committed the highest treason. You are a traitor of my court, for this you must be punished" he spat angrily. Amalda, even the guards, expected thranduil to banish her for life or strip her of her healing duties. They did not expect him to utter the words he did.
"You will be punished by execution tomorrow morning...."

If you guys wanted me to write a love story for another character (in the world, not just Tolkien's world) who would it be?! Comment and let me know :3

An iceling in mirkwood ~ thranduil love storyWhere stories live. Discover now