Book 2: chapter 14 ~ the final chapter

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Most of the last day in lothlorien helke actually spent sleeping off her headache from the wine yesterday. She had not had two glasses but had completely blacked out. She was curled up in the bed with thranduil's silk cloak underneath her with the silk bed sheets wrapped around her small body. Thranduil had a small breakfast of fruits and milk before strolling into the gardens which looked out over lothlorien. It was a beautiful city with a sparking waterfall which had the whether been warmer thranduil would have taken helke to experience. Maybe another time? He himself strolled down to the waterfall and stripped, dipping into the sun warmer water. The sound of the trees rustling and water spraying softly sent him into relaxation though he could not completely relax, with one concern on his mind.
Would Luca try and snatch helke away from him again? Thranduil was sure that if he lost helke again that he would lose his mind. He wanted to know what she had experienced under his rule. Had he treated her horribly, or had he been fair? Had he made her work under the hot sun until she could hardly breathe. The thought made him feel very sick. He looked down at his rings as his good mood quickly vanished. If he ever saw Luca again he would take his life, that he was sure of....

Helke rolled over, roused from her peaceful though she found that she had a headache. She slowly got up and found she was lying upon thranduil's cloak. She looked around and felt less safe with his absent, though she did not want to appear clingy and dependent on him. Though in the back of her mind she knew that he would rather like that. He liked feeling in power and dominant. She wrapped the cloak around her and crawled out of bed. She walked loungingly to galadirel's balcony but was surprised to see she was not there. Then again thranduil wasn't always in his throne room. Helke noticed a sort of glow in lothlorien that afternoon and as she looked out could just make out that there was a figure bathing in the waterfall though she could not see him features.
"Do you enjoy the view?" Helke squealed and turned around to see Galadriel smiling, amused at her.
"It is beautiful" helke looked out again.
"You must visit again when the whether is cooler, there are many beautiful sights to be seen" Galadriel informed and helke nodded.
"That sounds like a good idea" helke nodded in agreement. After a few minutes of debating helke decided to speak. "My lady?" She asked and helke looked up. "Those elleths yesterday at the ball..." She began but trailed off. She wasn't perticulary sure what she had wanted to ask, maybe she just wanted to see what Galadriel would say upon the subject. Maybe helke was just being paranoid?
"They were talked to about their behaviour" Galadriel comforted.
"Oh no!" Helke shook her head. "I never meant for them to get into trouble!"
"They were making fun of you" Galadriel pointed out.
"In good nature" helke corrected weekly but Galadriel's look made her go quite. Of course, helke was so young and naive that she still tried to think that everyone in the world was kind or at least did things in good humour. No matter, she would learn with age...
Meanwhile thranduil was drying up and slipping his clothes back on, eager to pack and head to mirkwood early tomorrow morning. The tips of his hair were damp but that did not bother him as he climbed the stairs back to lady Galadriel's balcony. He looked in upon hearing two females voices chatting away the sunlight. Without warning thranduil threaded his fingers into helke's hair, scratching at her scalp lightly and sucked on the side of her neck. He pulled away and stopped, knowing the noise which she let out (which was half away between a moan and mewl) would filter past his ears and go straight to his groin. He kissed her cheek as he to looked out into lothlorien.
"What time will you be leaving tomorrow?" Asked lady Galadriel upon watching the couple.
"Early" thranduil replied shortly, trying to distract himself from helke's low cut dress by looking out at lothlorien.
"I am preparing a small dinner for my husband and myself, would you care to join us?" Galadriel asked though she posed the question more to helke than thranduil. Thranduil to looked down at helke.
"Yes thank you" helke nodded and looked up at thranduil who to nodded to Galadriel slowly.
Galadriel smiled and said "there is a library just a small walk away, perhaps helke would-"
"A library?!" Gasped helke. She loved nothing more then a good book.
"Yes" smiled Galadriel. "Just down the halls, you have probably passed it on your travels" Galadriel nodded.
"Are they all in elvish?" Asked helke, her spirits sinking.
"No, many of them are in English" Galadriel reassured her.
"Can we go, please?" Helke begged, her childish nature reappearing as she tugged thranduil's hand. Thranduil nodded warmly and lead her down the steps towards the library. He had been there once before when he had visited lothlorien when legolas was still just an elfling. Her eyes lit up upon seeing the rows and rows of books. As thranduil let his finger sweep over the books of his interest helke looked through shelves, pulling out and putting back boots. Thranduil had settled down with a book on elvish warriors whilst helke still seemed to be choosing. Finally she picked a book but made a small noise upon finding there wasn't another chair. She went to sit by thranduil's feet but he uncrossed his legs and outstretched his arms, welcoming her to sit on his lap. She crawled on and wiggled into a comfortable potision where she sat sideways upon his lap, her head on his shoulder and began to read. Upon glancing down he found helke's book was upon animals of all shapes and sizes and smiled. She had a love for every animals and it had not extinguished over the years. Her hand rested against his chest as the book laid open in her lap.
"Thranduil?" She questioned quietly.
"Yes darling?" He asked, looking away from his book.
"What does this say?" She inquired, pointing at a word underneath a diagram of an animal's jaw.
"Incisors" he said, reading the word with ease.
"What about this one?" She asked pointing to anther just as he was looking at his own book again.
"Premolars" the two were quiet as helke studied the book once more, confusion clearly written on her face at the language used. Thranduil placed his book down and picked up hers.
"Premolars -- The premolars lie immediately posterior to the canines. In the upper jaw, they are found in the maxillary. They vary considerably in shape and size, from a tiny peg in the mouth of a shrew to a massive crushing or slicing organ in a sea otter or wolf" he read aloud and helke snuggled up into him, crooning softly in comfort. Thranduil stroked her hair as he read to her about creatures from bears to shrews. He basked in pleasure as she played with his hair and placed gentle kisses on his neck. His words began tangled in his mouth as her kissed nipped at his jawline and she sat up to work kisses up behind his ears. He shuddered and moaned loudly as her lips found the tip of his ear and sucked gently.
This was not helping him to remain calm as he so wanted to take her upstairs now and rediscover her body. But he had promised himself he would only do that once they were back in mirkwood. But vallar was he aching.
"Helke" he tried to make his voice sound authoritative but it wavered slightly. "Behave" he commanded softly, truth was he did not actually want the affection to stop but if she continued he would end up having his way with her in this very library. She whimpered but stopped, sitting back on his lap.
"I know my darling I miss it to" he read her expression of disappointment. "But once we are back in mirkwood I will spoil and ravish you beyond your dreams" he chuckled and she smiled, a little happier at the promise. She settled back down but couldn't help but continue playing with his silky locks as he continued to read from the book.
Soon they were called for dinner and sat at an elegant white table that held vegetables and meats. There was quiet small talk between the two couples but helke and thranduil soon retired to their chamber to prepare for the early journey ahead of them.

The next morning thranduil went down to the stables to find laure already tacked up in her shining silver bridle. Thranduil lifted helke onto her and she sat side saddle behind thranduil, wrapping her arms around him so she would not fall off. Several lothlorien guards accompanied thranduil back to mirkwood, showing him the quickest and safest routes (and for helke's protection).
As helke rode back to mirkwood with thranduil she could not help but let the question that haldir had asked her roll over in her mind
"Then what are you?"
What was she? She was no queen that was for sure, but no princess either. She did feel royal in any sense and did not hold any power over mirkwood yet she lay with and loved the king with a strong heart.
That was all she was. Titles did not matter. She did not need to be crowned, she did not need a coronation to know that she belonged with thranduil, to be friends with legolas and the other elves. She was helke of mirkwood, and with that she was content.
"Thranduil?" She asked quietly as the rode at a slow pace over a lush green field. He looked over his shoulder at her. "What will happen to us when we get back?" She asked. She was worried that things had changed between them, that he no longer loved her as he once did. She could not have been more wrong.
"Our story will continue" he said in a smooth voice that comforted helke. "Together" and with that they rode back to mirkwood, back to their home....

I cannot believe I have finished it! I felt like this ending was a little rushed so i may go back and redo it.
but Thank you so much to everybody that supported this story, I never thought it would get so popular!! If anybody would be interested in reading a sequel if I made one (which would tie into the events of the hobbit and a little bit before) please comment!
Hope you all have had as much fun reading as i Have writing! Please feel free to Comment telling me your favourite moment in the book or favourite chapter!
Love you all!!

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