Book 2: chapter 12 ~ Thranduil and Luca meet

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Thranduil's eyes held hurt and anger in the fact that his lover did not recognise him. On his way here he had imagined being reunited with her, the joy and love the two would share. How we would take her home and pamper her. He had even brought the circlet he had given her. But now...
Thranduil shook with rage as he stalked back over to the chair and grasped it tightly. Suddenly he threw the chair across the room and it broke as it crashed against the wall. Vall's eyes widened and she stepped back, away from the enraged elven king.
"Where are they?" Asked thranduil through gritted teeth. When Galadriel did not reply thranduil raised his voice. "The scum that did this to her! Where are they?!!" He shouted making vall cower. Vallar, how he wanted to hold her again, feel her tiny frame against his larger one.
"I believe it was fayla that placed this upon her. Though I sense she is no longer....with us" Galadriel looked at thranduil and he returned her with a cold stare. "There is another. He is a gypsy king, by the name of Luca. He is down in the dungeons-"
Thranduil strode of with a frightening and determined aura towards the dungeons
"I use to love him?" Questioned vall in unbelief.
"He was never so...full of anger. He was gentle and kind when you were helke" Galadriel explained and vall nodded though she was not convinced.

"Where is Luca?" Demanded thranduil once he came down to the dungeons. The guard lead him to a cell that held a youngish looking man who seems to be very at ease considering he was being held a prisoner. Thranduil balled his hands into fists as he shook with rage.
"Open it" he requested as level-headed as he could. The guard took out his keys and opened the metal door and thranduil stepped inside. By now Luca had noticed his 'visitor' and was smirking at him slightly. He knew exactly who he was.
"Morning your highness" he said rather lightheartedly even though thranduil's glare bore into his milky-blue ones.
"You" thranduil growled menacingly as he restrained himself from decapitating Luca on the spot. Luca merely waited for what the king had to say to him. "You took her" he accused.
"Technically no" smirked Luca, mocking the king. "I bought her actually" he declared. This enraged thranduil even more. Luca had treated her as some sort of item!
"You treated her like some sort of jewel-"
"No different then what you were doing" Luca's tone changed and suddenly he was serious.
"I did not treat her like an object of wealth! I treated her as my love-" Luca snorted with laughter and thranduil's hand skimmed the handle of his sword.
"So when did you first do it?" Luca asked rudely. Thranduil gave him a curious look though the anger still remained. "You know" Luca smirked. "Have her in your bed" Luca said crudely and the king's eyes flared up in anger.
"How dare you!"
"We almost committed to each other a few times. Almost became one. But each time she said it just...didn't feel right. I could only guess that she had already committed herself to you" Luca leaned back against the wall. Although the words were crude they actually gave thranduil much comfort. Helke had stayed loyal to him in that sense.
"Do you have any idea how much hurt-"
"What?" Sneered Luca "how much hurt I caused you? Your people?" He asked viciously. "I don't give two damns, your highness" he spat the last words out. "She is better off with me" at this thranduil pulled his sword out and pressed the tip to Luca's neck. As he pulled back to slash the half Icelers neck a smooth voice cut through.
"Killing this man with not release your pain thranduil" Galadriel stood opposite the bars, looking at the scene before him. Neither of the two males had heard this women come in. Galadriel sensed that Luca needed to be kept alive. That in the future Helke would need him very much.
"Thranduil, we must talk" Galadriel requested softly and thranduil nodded to her calmly. He was about to step out of the cell but grabbed his sword and hit Luca's cheek with the heavy Handle. As Luca fell to the floor spitting out blood somebody cried out and ran forward.
"Luca!" Vall gasped and ran past thranduil into Luca's cell. A guard was about to pull her out but Galadriel raised a hand to stop them. The two elves watched as vall bent down and brushed Luca's hair from his face tenderly as he sat up.
"Are you okay?" She whispered as Luca felt the inside of his mouth with his tongue. Thranduil had nearly knocked a tooth out of his mouth but instead cracked it and it now painfully throbbed.
"I'm fine" Luca smiled and vall threw her arms around Luca's neck.
"I was so worried" she cried softly and Luca pulled her into a soft hug in return.
"I can look after myself" Luca smiled, stroking vall's hair tenderly. "What about you? Are you okay? Where are they keeping you?" He questioned.
"In a spare room upstairs" she whispered as she pulled back and pressed her forehead against luca's. Upon watching their tender scene Thranduil felt betrayal and sadness, But that was not helke's fault.
"Thranduil" Galadriel called out softly. Thranduil looked to see she had already reached the stairs back up whilst he still stared at the couple before him. He mundanely followed behind her, sheeting his sword again.
Once back in what would be the equivalent to Thranduil's throne room for galadirel the two began to talk. Thranduil looked out at the beautiful lothlorien and remembered the last time he was here helke being by his side. Lothlorien did not look so beautiful without her.
"This traveler" Galadriel started referring to Luca, also looking at her kingdom. "What do you fell should be done as-"
"Let him go" thranduil said hoarsely as a soft breeze rustled the trees. Galadriel looked at him, surprised by his decision. She merely waited for him to explain. "I came here believing that in taking helke back to mirkwood I would make her happy. I wanted nothing more than for her to be happy. But it appears she find happiness somewhere else" he looked over his shoulder. "If this is what makes helke happy then let her go with Luca" Thranduil said. His heart was full of pain but it would break upon seeing helke unhappy with him.
"Thank you" said a small voice and the two looked round to see vall standing at the top of the stairs. She had apparently heard all that thranduil had said. Thranduil nodded to her.
"All I ask is one thing" thranduil requested and vall listened attentively. "That you wear this" thranduil went Over to the table where a small but beautiful green and gold satchel lay. He reached inside and pulled out helke's circlet from inside. It seemed whoever he gave the circlet to he would have to say goodbye to.
"It's beautiful" vall smiled as thranduil came over and gave it to her.
"It is yours" he said simply. He looked at her with longing, sad eyes and gentle pressed the back of his fingers to her cold, familiar cheek. It broke his heart that she tensed uncomfortably at the simple gesture when not that long ago she would have laid in bed with him as he kissed the back of her neck.
"Thank you" helke nodded when the king pulled back and headed to the steps that lead to the stables where laure was. He turned and took one last look at She was no longer his helke. She was Luca's Valladea. He looked at her for one last time and turned away quickly so she could not see the tears that streamed down his eyes as he descended down the marble steps...

An iceling in mirkwood ~ thranduil love storyWhere stories live. Discover now