Chapter 20 ~ helke's awakening

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Next one! Hope u guys enjoy :) please comment and rate like you always do ;) <3

When he next awoke it was with a start. A crow cawed loudly above him, making him jump. He felt a numbing coldness in his feet and toes as he stood and saw the sun was only just grazing the horizon. He certainly had not dressed for the cold weather. He hurried over to the cauldron and checked it. The mixture looked different, had a slight silver tint to it.

As he was about to storm back into the cave fayla appeared. "There is nothing wrong with it, it is perfect" she answered the question buzzing around in his head. He glared at her as she passed him without a hint of acknowledgment. He certainly was not use to be treated this way.

"It is done. I will travel with you back to mirkwood but we must hurry" she said.

"You are not traveling on MY elk. She is a proud creature." The king boasted and fayla rolled her eyes. She whistled and almost out of nowhere a large black horse came over. He was smaller then thranduil's elk but just as beautiful. Fayla filled a tall, thin bottle with the potion and mounted her horse.

"Lead the way" she said in a matter of fact tone of voice and the king gave a small nudge to his elk's side.

After an hour of silent travel the king spoke up.

"If you can see the future and see that helke is to love another, you can see she will live?" Questioned the king as the two rode across the mountain.

"There are two versions. I only speak of the happier one" she said with heavy sadness. That was the happier one?!

"Was is the other?" He pressed.

"Helke will die and you will mourn for the rest of your life. You will hand your kingdom over to your son and live your life in misery" she recited sadly and thranduil's grip on his reins tightened.

"Helke is strong. She will not die" he said sternly but could not help the stinging in his throat. Fayla said nothing in reply, the only noise being the two creature's breathing and the wind whistling.

"Please" he begged silently to some sort of higher power than himself "please. I love her. I do not want to lose her as well. Please let me love her, keep her" he begged as he rode un enthusiastically across the rocky terrain. The two travellers only stopped for water and small rest and the king kept as much distance as he could, he was not fond of witches, even if one was helping him.

"How did you come across the iceling?" She asked suddenly as they climbed a hill.

"She was brought to me by my guards. Frightened, could not speak a word of elvish." He recalled the memory when he first saw her.

"How did you know she was an iceling?" Fayla questioned.

"Well, when ice jets out from where a person stands it is a rather big clue" he mused and heard her laugh.

By the time the two were nearing the edge of mirkwood forest the sun had began to set and tthe two creatures were exhausted as were their riders. Thranduil's elk began to pick up the pace when she realised she knew where she was and that her calf was nearby. He was welcomed back by his people and guards but people looked questioningly at fayla who pulled over her cape hood. Thranduil dismounted and fayla followed, cradling the bottle of potion.

"Where is she?" The witch questioned, wasting no time.

"In my quarters, this way" the king commanded and took big strides towards his halls. The guards bowed low when the king passed through but straightened up when fayla walked by. Fayla was almost jogging to keep up with thranduil as they drew closer and closer to his room. As thranduil pushed open the wooden door he hoped to see helke up and about. But she wasn't, she was lying how he had left her with anwa, amalda and legolas by her side. The old healer looked up and scowled when he saw fayla.

An iceling in mirkwood ~ thranduil love storyWhere stories live. Discover now