Chapter 8 ~ a turn for the worst

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Three dwarves packed up and set off early in the morning, their sights set on mirkwood. They had had word confirmed that there was indeed an iceling in mirkwood but that she was tightly under the king's thumb. "This better be worth it" one coughed as they set out through the early sewed grass.

"Once we get her power nothing will stand in our way" the second said.

"Maybe even the king will accept a price for her!" Cackled the third and they all laughed.

Meanwhile in the palace helke helped cut up some vegetable for that evening's meal whilst the king saw to his duties.
"That's it" encouraged the head elleth as she watched helke slice the carrots. Nothing seemed to phase the head elleth, earlier helke had accidentally froze a broth which the elleth had just said "wait for it to thaw and carry on"

"You and the king seem rather....cosy" she teased nudging helke playfully and helke just blushed. "Is he good in bed?" She asked and helke looked up confused. "You know. Sex?" She said quietly but helke just blinked at her. "My, my" the elleth chuckled. "You may want to ask the king about sex" she laughed and walked away.

Later that day helke was aloud to visit the king who was sat lazily on his grand antler throne. "Come here" he said, stretching his hand out lazily. She slowly and timidly walked up the steps to his great throne. He sat lazily, his large silver coat draped around him, only held up by his wrists. In one hand he held a staff whilst the other settled on the arm of the throne.

"Sit" he said plainly once she had reached the top of the stairs. She looked around for a space until it clicked in her head. His lap. She sat quietly down on his lap rigidly.

"Relax" he cooed in her ear, pushing back some of her white hair. She shivered at the contact but leaned back and began to feel more at ease. She leaned back against shoulder and he moved her so she was side saddled and curved up on his lap. He soon began to display affections upon her neck and cheek as she sat sideways on his lap. The feel of his warm lips upon her skin made her body tingle and a glow spread throughout her. He nipped and sucked at the soft pale skin of her neck.

"What is sex?" She asked suddenly, making the king stop.

"Who told you about that?" He asked as he leaned back.

"The kitchen elleth" she replied plainly.

He chuckled and said "I will tell you later, for now I think it be best you forget about it" he said and she nodded reluctantly.

At dinner time A bowl of green roots and leaves was set in front of helke, matching the king's. she looked down at hers than the the kings. "What is wrong?" Said the king as he watched her examine her food and reached for his drink.

"Do you have any meat?" She asked shyly and the king almost snorted his drink. He grabbed a napkin and dried his mouth before saying " you sound like a dwarf".

Helke looked down at the bowl of greens again, craving the iron she knew meat would posses. "He sighed and said "there may be some rabbit in the kitchen" tiredly. He signalled for a maid to come to him. He said something in elvish and the maid bowed and scurried off quickly. 10 minutes later she came back with a bowl of cooked meat. As helke ate it she found that it didn't fill her craving, if anything made it burn more. "Better?" Asked the king as he ate the greenery. Helke just nodded as she ate the cooked rabbit


Late that night helke slipped down to the empty kitchens and looked in the cold stone box where the meat was kept. 'Am I really going to do this?' She asked herself as she took out a freshly skinned hare. She timidly took a knife and ran it along the belly of the animal. She closed her eyes as she picked up the insides and ate them slowly. They didn't not taste as bad as she thought they would and the raw meat seemed to extinguish the burning hunger she had. As she pulled some raw meat off with her teeth she heard a noise from the door. She froze. Her hands, mouth and dress were covered with red blood and the hare lay on the table In front of her.

"Oh!" The head elleth squeaked as she saw helke. "Helke- what on earth are you doing?!" She asked when she saw the raw rabbit and the iceling's red stained hands.

"I-I I just needed-" started the iceling but wasn't sure what she could say.

"A...strange preference I must say" she said, slightly taken aback by helke's eating habbits.

"I'm sorry" she said frightenedly.

"does the king know?" Asked the elleth gently and helke shook her head. Suddenly the door opened and the king stepped in. "What on earth is-" but he stopped once he saw helke. He looked upon her with disgusted eyes as she wiped the blood from her mouth with the back of her arm.

"What on earth are doing?" He questioned. Helke just looked away, wishing she had just stayed in bed.

"Do not utter a word to anybody" warned the king to the elleth as he lead helke away roughly.

He took her to his bathroom and washed the blood off her mouth and arms and also got her to strip from her red stained dress.

"Why did you wish to eat a raw animal?" Asked the king once helke was re dressed.

"I don't know" whimpered the iceling. "My body just wanted it. I didn't know what else to do" she defended.

"Do you have any idea what sort of talk will arise now?! People will say your are impregnated" he hissed but helke did not understand what the word meant. The king sighed and kneeled down when he saw helke sitting upon the grand bed, shaking like a leaf.

"Perhaps" he started quietly. "There are still things for me to learn about your race"

"Are you not angry?" She asked and he shook his head.

"Not angry, taken back maybe" he said and she nodded.

"I do not want you to however continue to eat uncooked animals, it is quite possible for you to catch diseases from them. And I do not want to see you become sick" he said and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you" the iceling said suddenly and the king smiled.

"And I you my love" he cooed. He picked her up and settled her in bed with him and a soft breeze ran through the room.

Helke began to hum quietly as she twirled the king's long hair around her fingers and plaited it. The king relaxed as the iceling hummed and played with his hair. He pressed a loving kiss to her lips before drifting off.

An iceling in mirkwood ~ thranduil love storyWhere stories live. Discover now