Chapter 6 ~ the ball

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The ball came quicker than either helke or thranduil has expected. She looked in the mirror nervously as chamber maids plated her hair, each of them trying not to touch or look helke in the eyes. She wore a silver dress which was unusually tight around the bust area, a corset underneath (a contraption which she did NOT like) and white leather pumps. The dress was beautiful and seemed to move almost like water when she moved. It had seams of reflecting thread running through it which caught the light when she moved, giving the dress a frosted look. The two front parts of her hair were plaited back elegantly and pinned back with white crystal pins.

Apparently there would be many other elves at the ball, all very important which didn't help helke's nerves. They had tried using gloves but the gloves had frosted over a while ago, so a growing layer of clear ice now surrounded the iceling which the elleths were doing their best not to slip on.

The king suddenly came in and dismissed the chamber maids shortly and studied the ice on the floor.

"This is not a pleasant start" he said as he came closer.

"I cannot help it" she replied in defence.

"If you do not control it then word will get out that there is an iceling in mirkwood and all sorts of creatures will be invading my land" he whispered agitatedly.

"I can't-" she started but the king took her hands.

"Just remember I am right by your side, nothing is going to happen to you, just remain calm" he soothed and helke nodded. To her surprise the king pressed a slow, soft kiss to helke's forehead before saying "we must go now" and she nodded. She took the kings's arm as he walked her to a big oak door. Behind the door she could hear someone announcing the king's name and just as the doors opened thranduil whispered "smile, you look beautiful".

People clapped as the king walked down an isle with helke. She squeezed his arm as she saw and felt people looking at her and heard whispers.

"Relax" the king whispered as ice began to form on her palms. "Please, return to your business" the king called politely and soft music started up.

A male elf with dark hair was the first to come forward and talk to thranduil but helke could not understand their strange language. She looked around the large, beautiful hall and couldn't remember the door being there before. Helke noticed that the male elf was talking in his language but looking from thranduil to her, almost like he was talking about her. Thranduil nodded and pulled back helke's hair from her neck affectionately.

"Ah, you cannot speak elvish?" The elf asked when he saw helke's confused face. Helke just shook her head. "I see, I am lord elrond, it is a pleasure to meet you" he said and stretched out his hand. Helke had never seen an elf (or anyone for that matter) do this before so wasn't entirely sure what to do. The first thought that came to mind that she was suppose to put her hand in his. She looked up at thranduil and he nodded. She put her Hand in elrond's softly and to her surprise he kissed the back of it. She thought only the king was to do that? She pulled away quickly and gripped thranuil's arm as they both chuckled.

"I am afraid she is still not use to meeting gestures" the king said in elvish and elrond nodded.

An hour later things were still going well. Helke was getting use to the 'kissing of the back of the hand' thing and generally talking to new people.

Suddenly there was a loud shattering of glass and belfore thranduil could say anything helke jumped and sharp, rough ice jetted out from her and covered the floor. She looked down nervously then bolted out of the room before anyone could say or do anything. Thranduil excused himself and followed after helke swiftly, following the trail of ice. When, however, he found that the ice had melted he stopped and thought, 'Where would she go?'. First he checked his chambers, nothing. Then the kitchen, they were extremely busy due to the ball so that was the last place she would go. He smiled to himself as he thought of the most obvious place.
He walked briskly to the stables and peeped in. He walked over to his elk's stable and peered in. On the ground, leaning against the elk was helke. The elk seemed rather at ease to have the iceling curled up to it, stroking it's fur gently. As soon as thranduil opened the half door the elk stood up nimbly and bowed low to it's master. Helke stayed sat as thranduil pressed his palm to the elk's a head, signalling for it to relax. The elk lay back down as helke continued to stroke it softly.

The king said nothing as he watched his iceling pet the elk. Just to know she was safe was enough.

"I didn't mean to" helke croaked quietly.

"I know" said the king kindly. He slipped off his rich, silver silk coat and wrapped it around the iceling's small shoulders. He was surprised when he saw her eyes were red like she had been crying.

"I think it would be best if you returned to my chambers, you are much too stressed to continue" he said softly. Helke nodded but didn't budge. The king picked up her up sidesaddle easily and walked off swiftly, shutting the door of the stable behind him with his back. He walked up the steps to his bedroom and laid her in the bed. He pulled the rich soft silk covers over her and pressed a gentle kiss to her cold lips. Helke instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back. Her lips moved with him for a few minuted until they pulled back for air. In those few minutes helke felt hotness she had never experienced and a strange feeling in her stomach, like something had sparked to life.

"Sleep now" the king whispered as he stroked her soft cheek. The iceling nodded and settled down in the luxurious bed. He waited to make sure his iceling was asleep before walking out and shutting the door softly behind him. He headed back to the ball as he tried to think of how he could cover up helke's mistake.


Three dwarves clustered together in the red of night. "Did you hear?" One of them asked, his accent thick. "Apparently there is an iceling in mirkwood"

"Don't be daft" another said As he smoked a pipe. "There hasn't been one of those spotted for thousands of years, why would one appear now?" He grumbled.

"A sign maybe?" The third said "a sign that our wealth should soon be restored"

There was silence before they all said "skazi".......

An iceling in mirkwood ~ thranduil love storyWhere stories live. Discover now