"Good" part 1

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Remus was hot. He knew it too. And he knew he looked even hotter today. He had agreed to let lily give him a "makeover" today. Not really a makeover just her dressing him and making him look like whatever she wanted, but she liked to call it a makeover. They we both stressing over their exams and their boyfriends were not helping, so they both thought it would be a good idea to have a morning to themselves. With that in mind Remus walked into the great hall with his head up. He was wearing steel toe doc martens, with loose light wash jeans (the bottoms cuffed) with a brown tight fitted sweater and a white shirt underneath, that way just the cuff was showing. But what really just added the perfect touch to the look was a black leather jacket. And it what was even better was that it was Sirius' leather jacket. The jacket was a bit big on Sirius so it fit perfectly on Remus. He had black eyeliner on his eyes in perfect lines. His veiny hands and finger were covered with many silver rings and his neck in necklaces. His hair was not crazy messy but just enough for it to make all the girls and guys look at him with a hunger in their eyes. There was one set of eyes that looked the hungriest. These eyes looked so hungry you would think that they hadn't eaten in weeks. As he walked to his table all eyes were on him. Remus just took his seat, said good morning and started to fill his plate. He looked over to who he was sitting by. He was obviously sitting by Sirius and Sirius looked like he was just hit by a bus. His eyes were wider then he'd even seen before (except for when Sirius' eyes were that wide in bed if you know what I mean😏). His mouth was open wide also (maybe foreshadowing later events), there was even some drool coming out of his mouth. Right as he made eye contact with Sirius, Sirius abruptly stood up, grabbed Remus' hand and tried to walk away. Remus knew what he wanted but he wanted to toy with Sirius for a bit, so he yanked Sirius' hand back toward him, grabbed him by the hips, and planted him back down in his seat. He then leaned over to Sirius and started to whisper/ growl in his ear,
"You didn't think it'd be that easy did you? Oh love no, your gonna have to work for what you want." He then nibbled on Sirius' ear earning a small groan/Yelp. Sirius looked at him with a fire burning deep in his eyes,
"Anything I swear, I'll do anything you want me to!"
"Mhm! Yup absolutely anything, I'll suck your dick right now in front of everyone if you just fuck m-" he quickly stopped when he was cut off by a pair of lips. Remus kissed him very quickly just to shut him up, because he knew what he wanted. He wanted to make Sirius squirm all day and want him. Sirius tried to deepen the kiss and try to get his tongue in there but Remus had already pulled away. Sirius whined.
"Nope that won't be necessary, I know exactly what I want you to do. It's not hard actually it's quite easy." He said smirking at Sirius. Sirius nodded his head very quickly basically begging Remus to go on.
"All you have to do is be good. You have to sit in lessons and not joke or anything. Just pay attention. Also one more thing.. you can't touch me at all today. Not once, you can't hold my hand you can't touch my legs or lips or face. Nothing. You can't touch me until after classes. Oh actually I want an hour after that too. So about an hour after classes. It's very simple, if you do that then I will give you everything you want later tonight. We can even go in the room of requirement for whatever might fulfill your needs." Remus smiled
If Remus thought thought Sirius had looked like he was hit by a bus earlier then oh boy, now he looked like he got hit by a dump truck. He stared at Remus as if waiting for a Remus to say it was a joke. He finally looked Remus up and down and stammered out,
"B-but if we can't touch each-" Remus cut him off again by saying,
"Oh no I didn't say WE couldn't touch each other. I said you can't touch me. I can touch you all I want. Anyways I think we're gonna be late to charms huh. I hope you filled up on breakfast because you have a long day ahead of you. We better get going or you won't be there in time to start taking your notes." He stood up and winked at lily. He later had to thank her and suggest that they do this more often. He pulled Sirius up from his seat. Sirius just stood there looking at Remus, so Remus grabbed his own bag and Sirius' and he set off towards charms. When he didn't hear footsteps behind him he turned around to look at Sirius. Sirius had not moved. Remus walked back towards him and bent down to whisper in his ear again,
"If you do not come with me, then you will get nothing tonight." At those words Sirius blinked out of his haze, stood up straighter and then followed Remus as they walked out of the hall.

Remus was enjoying Sirius being quiet for once. He didn't have him poking him and talking to him all during class like usual. And the look on Mcgonagall's face when Sirius sat down and started taking notes while being silent, made it even better. She had to hold on to the desk to breathe at the sight. Sirius had done what Remus asked, be good. But Remus liked to make it extra hard. He would lean over and whisper some VERY dirty things in his ear. Then he would "accidentally" touch Sirius' groin. At lunch Remus grabbed a pickle and put it on his plate. He obviously wasn't going to deep throat it in front of all his friends but he noticed as he was eating it, Sirius was staring at him with lust in his eyes. In the last couple of classes Remus always had a sucker in his mouth. When no one was looking but Sirius he would swirl his tongue around the tip of the sucker while staring into Sirius' eyes. He would then offer the sucker to Sirius, but when Sirius went to go (eagerly) grab it he would just plop it in his mouth again and say he changed his mind. Sirius had his eyes on him the whole day, even while he was taking notes between every word he glanced at Remus.

There was one hour left of Remus' peace. Him and Sirius were both in the common room with their friends. Remus was sat next to Lily reading his book. Sirius was seated next him. Sirius was as close as he could get without touching him. Remus then moved to the couch with Sirius right on his tail. Remus laid down taking up the whole couch, making Sirius just stand there (🧍🏻). Remus was about to open his book when he looked at Sirius and said,
"Well we still have about an hour left, but I will let you come cuddle with me because I know if I don't say anything you are going to just stand there staring at me. So come on then!"
Sirius quickly went and laid down with Remus. He laid to where his back was on Remus' chest and he intertwined their legs. He leaned his head a little bit back on Remus chest. Remus opened his book to continue reading while Sirius, for some reason, went back to staring at his watch.

Remus was about halfway through his book when suddenly Sirius flipped himself so his legs were straddling Remus. He had a huge grin on his face while he grabbed Remus' book from his hands, threw it on the floor and put his hands on Remus' chest. Remus suddenly realized why Sirius was staring at his watch... his time was up. Sirius leaned his mouth toward Remus and said,
"I think I've been good today, don't you think?" But before Remus could reply Sirius' mouth was suddenly on his mouth demanding entrance. Sirius leaned back but dragged Remus up from his laying position by his tie. Remus though Sirius was going to start taking their clothes off right then when James yelled,
"Oi! Get a room, we're trying to sit in here. Sirius do you tricks somewhere else I don't want to watch my two best-friends shag right in front of me!" Sirius suddenly pulled away from Remus with a huge smirk on his face. He sat up and started to pull Remus up still by his tie. Both of their lips were pink and kiss bruised. Sirius practically ran out the common room while dragging Remus. He stopped which made Remus stop because he STILL had ahold of his tie. He turned to everyone in the common who just witnessed that and said,
"Good bye everyone! Don't mind me just taking away this fine piece of ass to the room of requirement where he's gonna fuck-" he abruptly stop due to Remus' hand over his mouth. You could only hear his muffling words as Remus apologized and pulled Sirius out the common room with him. Sirius was licking his hand when Remus pulled his hand away. Sirius yanked on Remus' tie once again ( Remus made a mental note to take his ties off when around Sirius) and brought their lips together once again. He growled against his mouth while he let go of Remus' tie. He replaced the tie with Remus' hands and broke off the kiss. He ran down the almost empty hallways to the room of requirement dragging Remus behind him.

Sheesh. Honestly I really liked this one. I will make a part two of the actual smut part. Yk what happens in the room of requirement! It will be the next chapter!

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