Lmao rich sirius gets robbed then meets cute man.. interesting

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Sorry it's been a while but I'm out of school now and so I'll try to write more! I do have a job and have to work though but I will still write! I don't know what I want to write about so if you guys have ideas let me know!

Anyway this is babysitter Remus and ya so in this one shot Harry is about 9 months old and I know that's kinda young but I wanted baby Harry so here we are! Also it's a modern AU obviously and it's set in like now times but no the virus or anything just normal!

Sirius was having a rough day. First on his way to a very important business meeting he spilled his coffee all over his white shirt. Then when trying to clean it he just continued to smear it. He parked his car in a random lot to walk to work so he could stop at a local shop for a new shirt. When taking a shortcut to the shops he was mugged. At this point Sirius thought this day couldn't get any worse until he went back to his car and saw that someone had broken into his car and stolen all his stuff.

So here Sirius was, on the street with no money, so phone, and no transportation. The guy who stole his stuff took his keys and his car was broken into so it wasn't like he could go home. He realized that James' and Lily's house was not far away so he decided to just go to their house.

Finally Sirius found himself on their front doorstep. He looked around, James' car wasn't there.

"Huh that's weird.." he muttered out loud. He knocked on the door once and waited. He waited and waited. Then he knocked on the door again. Still no one answered. He stepped up to the door one more time and banged on the door yelling,
"JAMES I KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE! LET ME IN OR I SWEAR I WILL-" but that's as far as he got when suddenly the door swung open and a tall man was standing there in its place.

The man was gorgeous, he was tall and skinny but not like a twig. He had light brown hair and hazel eyes. Freckles danced all on his face and he had nice plump pink lips. He was wearing a sweater and some sweats. He had on long striped socks. Sirius also realized two more things, 1; that this very attractive man looked very angry, and 2; he had a sleeping baby Harry clutched to his chest.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" Sirius about fainted. His voice, it was smooth like butter and sounded sexy as hell even if the tone was a little annoyed.

"Oh um, I guess your not James" he barely managed to get out. The man's lips quirked up a little bit in the corners.

"No I am not James and you are banging on the door yelling while I am trying to keep a baby asleep, so why are you here and who are you?"

"Right yes, I'm Sirius. Sirius Black. I'm james' best mate. I guess you're the babysitter?" Sirius looked at him then brought his eyes back down to sleeping Harry then back up to him.

"I'm Remus, and yes that's me. I'm sorry but you still haven't said why you're here. Do you need to come in?"

"Oh yes actually, thank you. I was just... " Sirius trailed off. He couldn't tell this handsome man that he was robbed. He was not going to embarrass himself in front of Remus. Their first impressions as not going well. He forgot he trailed off think when he looked up to find Remus staring at him.
"I was just wanted to have a chat with Jamesie so though I'd stop by. But he's not here. Although I think I might stay if you don't mind?"
Remus smiled at him, and Sirius was sure he was going to melt.

"I mean sure you can stay.. as long as you help with Harry. Here look you take him and I'll make you some tea. That sound good?" Remus didn't even wait for a response as he just handed Harry gently to Sirius and made him way to the kitchen.

Sirius took Harry into his arms and went to sit down on the couch. He sat and waited until Remus came back with two cups of tea in his hand.

"I didn't know what you liked in your tea so there's just some honey" Remus spoke as he handed Sirius a cup. Not that Sirius would tell him but Sirius only like tea with extreme amounts of sugar and milk. But if Remus liked honey in his tea then he did too. Remus took Harry into his arms from Sirius so Sirius could get his tea.

"So Remus you have a girlfriend?" Sirius spoke so quickly he took a second to try to contain himself. Why did he ask that, he just met this man. He was embarrassed as he looked away quickly. But he looked back over at Remus and met his eyes when Remus chuckled.

"I'm afraid I don't, I haven't either for about 10 years. I swing the other way y'know, more into blokes." Remus gave Sirius a small smile and Sirius just beamed at him

"Really..." Sirius scooted close to him. "Well you know that's pretty funny cause I swing the same way." Remus looked at him with amusement clear in his eyes. Remus leaned forward close enough where their lips were almost touching about to say something. But Sirius never heard what he was going to say cause it was at that moment that James and lily walked in the door.

"Remus we're back! How was- oh Sirius hey what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work-" James started to say as Sirius quickly sat up fixing him with a look.

"Oh Jamsie I just came to talk to you but I ran into Remus, so I decided to stay to help out with Harry!" James looked like he was going to laugh.

"So you stayed to help out with Harry did you?" Sirius glared at him as lily went over to chat with Remus. Sirius didn't have enough time to reply as Remus sat up after giving Harry to lily.

"Well I must be on my way I have to stop by Marlene's house on my way home!" He gave lily a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He went and gave James a hug as well. He walked toward Sirius and gave him a cheeky smile, "I'll see you around, Sirius, ya?" Sirius just nodded at him with a huge smile on his face. Then that smile was gone once Remus closed the door.

"ARE YOU KIDDING! I WAS ABOUT TO KISS HIM BUT THEN YOU JUST HAD TO WALK RIGHT IN LIKE THIS IS YOUR HOUSE AND RUIN THE MOMENT!!" He yelled at James continuing with, "and now I don't even have his number!" He wined the second part even adding a stomp with one of his feet to add to it.

James smiled and lily giggled as they exchanged looks.

"You know," James spoke, "I can just give you his number. I have it." Oh. Why didn't he think of that.
The smile came back to his face.

"Oh James your just so perfect! Give me now!" He said with grabby hands. James sent the contact to Sirius and scoffed as Sirius started to walk out his door.
"Um sirius, why were you here in the first place? What did you need to talk about?" James questioned.

"Oh nothing it's not important, bye!" He yelled as he was already typing a message to Remus.

Hey guys! So I have a confession to make... I hate this one so much! Sorry this one was short and kind of rushed I started it a while back and then just didn't know how I wanted to finish it. Sorry if you didn't like it but I wrote this one before the one I just published! Thanks for getting through it!

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