Sick boys

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When Sirius walked in the common room he looked for Remus immediately. He found Remus curled up in one of the sofas with about 4 blankets covering him. Sirius smiled brightly and made his way to remus.

"Hiya Remmy!" He said as he leaned down and gave a quick kiss to remus' cheek. Remus had been sick and stayed inside while Sirius had to go to quidditch practice. Remus smiled at him and blinked slowly while coming out of his blankets.

"Hi love. How was practice?" He asked Sirius while sniffing. Sirius thought it was so cute and just melted into remus on the couch.

"Mmm good" came the muffled reply from Remus' neck.

"Eww you're all sweaty, off." Remus pushed Sirius off with a grunt. Sirius pouted and tried to grab remus, but Remus ducked out of his way.
Sirius twisted out the way and put his cold hand to Remus' burning forehead. Remus leaned into the cold touch and hummed.

"Remus you are burning up! You need to take all of these blankets off." Sirius tried to pull the blankets away but Remus wouldn't let him, he just pulled Sirius down and laid on his chest. Sirius chuckled while picking remus up. Although Remus was taller and stronger, Sirius was still very fit from quidditch. So with that and the fact that remus was so skinny he barely weighed a thing, Sirius held him in his arms. Remus curled into him and held onto his neck and shoulders.

Once they got their dorms, Sirius set Remus down on his bed. Sirius wiggles out of Remus' grip to quickly changed into some pajamas. He then slithered into bed next to Remus. He grabbed Remus' chin and pulled him into a slow kiss. Remus' lips barely touched his before remus pulled away. His eyes where wide as he spoke in a worried tone.

"No you're gonna get sick, you can't kiss me" Sirius huffed and grabbed Remus' face again and this time kissed his fully on the mouth. Remus muttered a few things into Sirius' mouth before he gave in and kissed Sirius back. It was a slow, gentle loving kiss. Sirius slipped his tongue in Remus' mouth, tasting the ice cream Remus' had been eating. It was chocolate of course, and Sirius couldn't get enough of the taste of Remus' lips.

The gentle sighs and sniffs coming from Remus just made him want to kiss him forever. Sirius sucked on his bottom lip and gently pulled away. Remus' face was covered in red, either from his fever or from blushing but Sirius loved it. Sirius trailed his lips to Remus' cheeks, then to his nose, and finally to his forehead. Remus stared at him biting his lip, and Sirius swore it was the cutest thing.

"You're cute when you're sick, y'know that?" At Sirius' words Remus blushed more and turned his face into the pillows.

"No, no," Sirius muttered and nosed at Remus' cheek. "Don't hide from me love, 'm just saying." Sirius grinned and started to kiss at Remus' jaw.

"Shut up" came Remus' reply as he lifted his head out of the pillows. He was shyly smiling while blinking at Sirius. Sirius just couldn't help himself when he tilted Remus' face towards him then leaned forward and captured his lips in another kiss. This one still gently like the last one. Remus melted into Sirius.

When Sirius pulled away, Remus kept his eyes closed. Sirius pulled him closer and started to thread his fingers through the curls that laid on Remus' head.

*A few days later*

Remus woke up to find everyone gone except him and Sirius. Sirius' back was snuggled up to his chest, while Remus had his hands around Sirius' waist. Sirius shifted and turned around to stare at Remus.

"Hi" Remus uttered while he kissed Sirius' head. Sirius just looked at him then hurriedly sat up. Just as he was about to stand up, Sirius threw up all over the side of the bed.

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