The aftermath/getting back togther after "the incident"

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Okay guys so I haven't reread this or edited it. I'm sorry I'm tired though. I will edit it tomorrow and fix my mistakes but for now you can read it if you want! 😀

It's been exactly one month and 16 days since Remus and Sirius have spoken since the incident.

Not that Remus was counting or anything.

Okay fine he was counting but he could only admit that to himself and Lily. I mean it was hard not to count when you couldn't kiss the person you love, every time you see them. It was even harder not to count when you couldn't even speak to them.

Remus was not going to lie to himself, he missed Sirius. He missed him so much it hurt. But speaking of hurt, he was hurt himself. He made Remus feel disgusting, like a monster. He knew that that was not Sirius' goal. But Sirius didn't think when he sent Snape to the shack. He wasn't thinking about how remus would tear him to shreds if he got the chance. How he would of if James wasn't there.

Remus wanted to die when he heard about what he almost did. He felt like he was gonna die when he heard about who sent Snape in the first place.

Afterwards he didn't talk to Sirius didn't even look at him. He couldn't even if he wanted to. How could Sirius do that to him? And even if he wasn't thinking about Snape, why didn't he think about Remus? If remus killed Snape, the ministry would put him down like a dog. Did Sirius want him to die?

He knew Sirius was sorry, Sirius had told him himself. But sorry was not going to do it. Someone was going to die either way, wether it was Remus or Snape. And Sirius put him in that position.

Every time he saw Sirius he wanted to just hold him, he always looked so sad now. He never got out of bed unless he had to. He had big red puffy eyes from crying (not that Remus would listen and cry with him). And his hair was a mess. He also would not change out of his clothes for days at a time. Remus felt bad, but Sirius had hurt him and he needed to know how it felt to be hurt by one of your best friends.

This was all remus could think about as he tried to study for his test. He was in the library, but every time he look at his page images of Sirius kept flashing at him.

Once he finally couldn't stand it anymore, he got up to try to do something else. He decided that he was hungry and it was about dinner time so he was going to go to the great hall. As he made it through the doors he saw he was the last person to make it to their table. He saw the only available seat left was next to Sirius and was about to just go to the dorms when James yelled his name. James had already spotted him and was waving him over.
Remus sat in the seat next to Sirius was but squished into him by Peter. Peter was having a chaotic conversation with james about quidditch, while Lily was talking to the other girls. This left Remus with no one to talk to.

He and Sirius sat in silence until all of a sudden he felt a hand on his. He looked down and saw it was Sirius', but he flinched away. Sirius look up at him into his eyes, and Remus could see the tears threatening to fall. He abruptly sat up and left.

The whole table stopped their conversation to watch sirius leave then look at Remus. Lily got up from her seat and came to sit by Remus. She leaned into so only Remus could hear when she said,

"Re... I know and I agree what he did was awful, but I know your hurting and so is he. You both love each other still so much and you guys need each other. If you need more time to think the take it, but at least talk to him. Your miserable.. and don't deny it cause I can tell."

Remus knew she was right, and he has been thinking about talking to Sirius for a couple days now. He was just scared if he was being honest to himself. He didn't want to get hurt again by Sirius, because he wouldn't be able to take it again. He knew Sirius was trying and would still try though.

He gave a small smile to Lily and muttered a chocked, "thank you lils"
She kissed the rope of his head as he stood up. He then started to make him way to their dorms. He needed to talk to Sirius now. He just needed Sirius now.

As remus got to their dorms he could hear Sirius sobbing through the door. His heart dropped. He slowly pushed the door open to find Sirius crying in his bed holding one of his sweaters. When he heard the door open his head shot up from where it was buried in his sweater. His eyes widened when he saw who was at the door. He jumped up from Remus' bed and started to walk to his own muttering,

"R-Remus I'm sorry I didn't know you'd be back yet. And I um- I just-" he closed his mouth as he saw Remus walking straight at him. He looked like he was going to shit his pants. But Remus just wrapped his arms around Sirius tightly. Sirius stiffened but almost immediately relaxed into his arms and grabbed at his sweater he was wearing. Sirius started to sob hard again onto his shoulder.

"Remus I'm so sorry, please believe me. I love you so much and I wasn't thinking about anyone but myself. I didn't want anything to happen to you-" Sirius' crying hiccups interrupted him, but he quickly continued after," I miss you so much, and I hate myself. I get it if you never want me again or don't love me anymore-" Remus had to stop him. He would never be able to stop loving him even if he tried.

"Sirius-" but Sirius kept going

"Just let me at least be your friend again. I can't do do this anymore, please I need you-"

"Sirius listen I-"

"I just want my best friend back. I want my boyfriend back too but you probably don't want-" Remus was getting frustrated as Sirius would not let him talk. Remus wants to say how he loved him and wants him back in every way. But Sirius won't shut up so there was only one thing left to do. He pulled back from Sirius and grabbed his face.

Sirius finally shut up when Remus connected his mouth to his. He kissed Sirius slow and careful at first. As soon as Sirius realized what was happening he kissed back. They kissed with passion and love. They kissed because they hadn't in what seemed like forever. They kissed because they were sorry. And most importantly they kissed because they loved each other.

Remus held onto Sirius hair with one hand and his waist with the other. Sirius traced his facial features with his fingers like he want making a map.

When they finally broke apart they were both crying.

''Sirius, I was mad, I still am a little. But I love you more than ever. I couldn't have given you up if I tried to."

Sirius grip on his face tightened.
"You still love me? And you want me back?"

"Yes, of course. But it will take a little to get back where we were but we will do it together." Remus smiled at him and Sirius smiled back immediately as if it was a reflex.

"Remmy, I promise I will try. I will never hurt you again ever. I swear on my life I will take care of you for however long we live." Sirius' face turned serious as he said these words. Remus could tell he was very genuine.

" I know baby." Remus muttered as he kissed his forehead. Remus grabbed Sirius' wrist and pulled him to his bed. They both collapsed together on the bed and snuggled impossible close. Sirius was laying on Remus' chest and his face was hidden in the crook of Remus' neck. Remus held onto him missing him greatly. He ran his fingers through Sirius'  knotted hair (seeing as Sirius wouldn't brush it but make Remus do it, and then didn't even bother trying when Remus wasn't there)

"I love you Sirius" Remus whispered in his ear. Sirius held him closer.

"I love you Remus."

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