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Waking up in a state of confusion, I scrambled to grab my phone. What time is it? Fuck. 12:30. I've been sleeping in my car on the side of the road for twelve hours. Starting the engine, I rolled up my convertible roof. Thank god it hadn't rained. Maybe someone up above was watching over me for once. Looking in the rearview mirror, I caught a glimpse of my tear-stricken face and puffy eyes. Man, I look like a wreck. I was not about to go back "home," not to that cold establishment with its haunting memories, so texting the groupchat with Mateo and Jayde in it, I let them know I was coming over. I knew Jayde was going to be with Mateo because after seeing her tipsy last night, I could guarantee Mateo took her to his house. Though Jayde's parents were nice and all, they, like my mother, had an image to uphold. So if they saw that Jayde had even a drop of alcohol in her system, she'd be grounded for weeks.

Thankfully the ride over wasn't long, seeing I was already "on" the road to begin with. Arriving at Mateo's house, I saw there were a few cars in the roundabout driveway but that wasn't unnatural for the Michaelson's. Elena, Mateo's mom, was a socialite. As a prestigious real estate agent and the founder of many many organizations in town, she often had lunches at her house. 

Parking my car off to the side, I quietly walked up to the front door, ready to slip through as silently as I could, when the door was yanked open in front of me. A furious-looking Morgan holding a fist full of papers yelled over her shoulder, "FUCK YOU." 

Well, I didn't expect to see her here, let alone swearing. No longer sleepy, I quickly moved out of her way, hoping that in her anger she might not see me. Alas, no such luck. The blonde girl turned to me with hundreds of emotions flashing through her eyes. First, there was a flicker of recognition, then her eyes softened but her warm eyes were instantly replaced with a cold glare. 

"And fuck you too," she spat at me, storming down the driveway. 

Frozen in what I could only explain as pain and shock, I stood by the door until I felt someone gently shake my shoulder. Jayde. Thank the heavens. 

"Hey.." she said lightly, "come inside." 

Mrs. Michaelson walked by me consoling the lady who I presumed to be her mother, "Hello Alexa, make yourself at home honey." 

God, it feels so nice to be welcome.  After last night and well, just now, all I wanted was a hug.

Sitting at the dining room table, I ate chocolate chip pancakes my best friend's boyfriend insisted he had to make me. The lemon-colored table cloth and warm white dishes drew me in like a bee to a flower. Jayde and Mateo sat in silence watching me eat until I placed my fork down, looking up at their concerned gazes. 

"Hun, what happened to you..?" Jayde said, her voice dripping with worry. 

Explaining the misleading conversation that Morgan had overheard, my best friend and Mateo's faces slowly dropped farther and farther into unease. A collective "shit.." was heard throughout the room. 

"So she just ran off..?" Mateo asked cautiously. 

"Yup," fiddling with my fork I brought my eyes slowly downward. 

"Well," Jayde began, "did you try contacting her afterward?" 

"Tried that, she texted me back once," I said mumbling. Looking up at them, I prepared myself for the onslaught of worry. "After she ran out I couldn't sleep so I went for a drive, and then fell asleep in my car."

Both of my friends' eyes widened.

 "ALEXA," Mateo cautioned, "do you know how unsafe that was?" 

"I KNOW, I KNOW," I snapped back, losing my temper. 

Stop yelling at him Alexandria. Don't do that. 

Seeing Mateo recoil from my volume and tone, I immediately apologized. 

"Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap, I'm just really tired," I said, my cheeks burning with regret.

 Nodding, he stood up. 

Shit, he's gonna walk off. 

"Stand up." 

Questioning him with my eyes, I did as I was told. Walking towards me he pulled me in for a hug. 

"It's gonna be ok Lex.." he said softly. 

Melting into his arms, I felt tears streaming down my face. Here's the hug I wanted. 

I felt another pair of arms wrap around Mateo and me. "We've got you," Jayde murmured. Crying even heavier, I stood enveloped in their hug for a few minutes.

Finally pulling away from my two friends, I dried my tears. "Why was she yelling?" I asked. 

"Oh, yeah... You definitely came at a bad time," Jayde explained. "We only heard bits of their conversation, but it sounded like Morgan was left her grandfather's house in his will, and her mom didn't tell her." 

Even more confused, I questioned them again, "Wait, it was all that just because she didn't get told?" 

"I think they were going to move and Morgan didn't want to," Mateo interjected. 

"Why? I mean I can see why she'd want to leave but not why she'd want to stay," I muttered to myself. 

"Maybe," Jayde said, "she likes it here? Despite everything?" 

"I hurt her," I admitted to them, but also myself. 

"Well, the only way to fix this is to apologize," Mateo stated. 

Waving my hands in a, "what the hell" manner, I blurted, "How am I going to apologize to the girl that just shouted 'fuck you' at me not even an hour ago? I'm pretty sure she hates me." 

Sighing, Jayde turned to me, "She doesn't hate you, she likes you and she just found out you hooked up with another girl when she thought she had a chance. Do I really have to explain the obvious to you, my dear bestie?" 

Mateo snorted at his girlfriend's words. 

"HEY, don't put this on me, you already know I'm clueless sometimes," I said with a small smile. "Does she really like me?" 

My friends simultaneously answered, "YES." 

"Ugh, fine, I'll text her," I said pulling out my phone. 

Spluttering, Jayde frantically grabbed my phone, "EXCUSE ME, you will do nothing of the sort." 

"What why? Why can't I?"  

Mateo looked at me with disbelief, "Young padawan," he said quoting Star Wars, "when Jayde gets mad at me I NEVER just 'text her,' I go to her house and apologize with flowers." 

"Ok, that might work for you, but I'm not dating Morgan," I stated. 

Jayde nodded along with Mateo's words, "Fine, then leave out the flowers, but don't just text her."

Finally agreeing with them, the wheels in my head started turning. I'll go to her house, luckily I know where that is, and I'll apologize and explain everything. "Tomorrow," I said turning to my friends, "I'll go tomorrow. Hopefully, then she'll have calmed down?" Agreeing with my plan, they both nodded. All might be calm right now, but I've got tomorrow to prepare for. Or at least think over in my head.

After my talk with Jayde and Mateo, we went upstairs to the living room. Watching Harry Potter movies and eating junk food until I dozed off, put my mind at ease, my late-night adventures had drained me. Hours later, I woke up with a blanket over me and the tv turned off. I should go back home, I know my game plan now. Thanking Mateo and his mom for their hospitality, I said goodbye to Jayde and got in my car to drive the 15 minutes back to the cold abysmal mansion that is my house.

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