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After I got home from the pier, it was around eight in the evening, but I was exhausted. Summer was supposed to be fun and adventure-filled, but so far, all it was, was pain following agony. My mentally tired mind and physically drained body gave way to the grasps of sleep easily. The sun had beaten down on me the entire day, so my cool air-conditioned room was my refuge for the night.

Waking up around mid-morning, I found it impossible to keep myself occupied. I could've called Jayde to hang out, but I knew since today was a weekday, she had to take her sister to ballet class and then go to one of her many town hall meetings. Don't get me wrong, I have other friends, but Jayde is the only one with who I can truly relax around. Well, besides Mateo, but I don't usually hang out with him without Jayde.

Checking a few other acquaintances' Instagram stories, I gave up on the idea of hanging out with a friend. Everyone was at the beach or hanging out with friends at a pool, which is expected during summer in Maine. The next few hours passed smoothly with Grey's Anatomy on the tv and a sketchbook in hand. I don't draw seriously like quite a few of my friends but I do occasionally dabble in a little bit of realism.

Hearing one of Tyler's friend's cars pull into the driveway, I quickly turned off the tv and set aside my book.

Y'know what Alexandria? Food might be a good idea.

I don't want to be around when they start drinking. Grabbing my wallet, I got back into my car and headed out to Mainstreet. Our small town was full of mom-and-pop shops, but my favorite restaurant happened to be an Italian restaurant called Giovanni's Kitchen. It was famous for its shrimp dishes and they were honestly the best I've ever had. My dad used to take my teammates and me out for pizza after winning our Little League softball games. At first, it was a sore spot to eat at, but over time, the memories of my dad faded, and they were replaced with ones of my friends and I gorging ourselves on buffet salad and homemade bread. The cozy atmosphere filled your heart with warmth and your soul with good vibes.

"Uh, hi," I voiced over the clanging sound of pots coming from the kitchen, "is there a table open for one?"

The hostess taking reservations gave me a once-over and nodded cautiously. "Just you today, hun?" she said kindly.

"Yeah, my mom is out of town," I explained unnecessarily.

Shut up you dumbass, she doesn't care.

Gesturing to a table in the back, she led the way, "Alrighty then, this-a-way, you can follow me."

Scanning the restaurant like I usually do in every social situation, I noticed a few of my school friends' parents enjoying dinner together.

Everyone looks so happy. They deserve that happiness.

Looking down to my menu, I ordered the same shrimp scampi that I've gotten every single time that I've been and actually ordered for myself. The taste never gets old.

Relaxing back into the booth, I looked through my notifications that had collected over the past few hours that I'd been relaxing. Texting Jayde back about plans for this coming Friday, I slid my hand over the worn booth seat.

Y'know Alexandria, if you just texted Morgan maybe you would be here with someone else, instead of sitting by yourself. Loser.

Ignoring my pessimistic thoughts, I opened Kaia's Snapchat story, which was filled with photos of her and Katelyn posing in front of a mirror.

They look happy too. They deserve it.

Honestly, the two of them would make a cute couple, but to my knowledge, Kaia was straighter than a pin. And not a bent one.

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