A Brewing Despair

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Pain. It was the worst pain she had ever felt in her life. Her eyes were tight shut, holding back the extreme amount of pain that coursed through her body. It was surreal, she could never go through this again. The pain was too much for her, all she wanted was to open her eyes and find her family again, waiting for her.

She was sweating uncontrollably, it dripped off her as if she had just exit showering. She grabbed on to whichever she could and seemingly grabbed a silky bed sheet. She didn't know how she managed to even find some bed sheets but she could feel them, and it was all that mattered at the moment. Her tight hold made the sheets crumble in her grasp, the tightness expressing the amount of pain that she was going through.

She bit her lower lip, trying to not yell at the pain she was feeling. It was worse than what she had experienced before. The darkness was surely getting pleasure out of her suffering, but she had to hold on. A familiarity suddenly rushed into her mind, but was quickly squashed away in hopes of not having hope. She didn't want to suffer through it again. If what she was feeling was true, she didn't want to feel hope it would make it all the more painful.

"Argh!" She couldn't hold it back any longer. She had to let go of the pain somehow, and it seemed to have worked a bit. She tried to reach for something, anything that would hold her hand and keep her at ease. Nobody seemed to know how much she needed someone there for her, someone that would understand her grief and pain. Until she grasped a metallic hand, which held onto her own. She slowly opened her eyes and couldn't believe what she was seeing. Vision, her husband, was there grasping her hand. She slowly looked forward and found Steven Strange, seemingly waiting for something, and it was then that her mind connected everything together... she was giving birth. So she immediately started to push, grasping Vision's hand in a vice grip.

She could see the little shine Dr. Strange had in his eyes, a shine she knew perfectly well. They were looking at what was the biggest miracle in her life, and she couldn't be any happier. All the pain and suffering was worth it. Her babies were returning back to her and it was all she cared about. She ignored the pain, even if she felt it deep within her soul. She would do anything to be with her kids again.

"Almost there..." She gasped in pain as she threw her head back. Her back was slightly arched. She had tightened her hold on the sheet and on Vision's hand. She wanted to cry, but she didn't know if it was because of happiness or because of pain. All she knew was the pain in her entire body, specifically in her lower area.

"Oh god!" She shot her eyes wide in pain. The threshold of pain had suddenly made its mark on her body. Why was she feeling all this insufferable pain, when she had already experienced it? She didn't know but either way, she didn't care either. All she knew was pain, and pain, and even more pain. She heard the slight mutters of Stephen Strange, telling her 'Here they come!'. That made her push even harder, trying to quench the pain that she was feeling and get on with what she had to do.

It was then that she heard the cries of her two babies and she couldn't help but chuckle a bit. She had them back, it was all she wanted. Was the darkness in her mind finally allowing her to have a moment of peace? If so, she was going to enjoy it to the fullest. She wanted to be with her babies, raising them alongside Vision and her entire family. She saw when Strange handed her one of her babies, and immediately picked him up with care. She was crying tears of joy as she was finally able to see her pride and joy once more. When she began to focus more on her children, she was surprised at what she saw... or rather, what she couldn't see. She couldn't see color.

She blinked, not once but twice, and she still couldn't see the colors around her. She moved her sight a bit towards Vision, who was smiling at her, and immediately flinched at also seeing him in shades of black and white, though he still maintained the soft and caring expresion she loved about him. She kept looking and she saw, that around the room were: Simon Williams, also known as Wonder Man; Pietro Maximoff, also known as Quicksilver and her brother; Magda Lensherr, also known as the first Scarlet Witch and her mother; and Erik Lensherr, also known as Magneto and her father. Her entire family was there but she saw them all in shades of black and white. But she didn't care, all she cared about was that their family was perfect, and it made her euphoric!

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