An Altered Reality

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Peter had his eyes closed, sleeping peacefully on his side of the bed. He was dreaming peacefully and for once in his life he was not tormented by the constant nightmares he is constantly plagued with. His snores were silent, making the room he was in completely silent. He had a smile on his face, dreaming of his life with a perfect life and living happily with his wife, Mary Jane Parker-Watson.

“Waaah!” Peter groaned as he heard the cries that resounded through his ears. He tossed through the bed, trying to mitigate the sound from making its way to his ears. He tried to keep on sleeping but the constant cries were resounding even louder than before. He groggily began to open his eyes, though he didn’t even try to move from his side of the bed. He noticed that in front of him, was another person with long brown reddish hair.

“Peter… It’s your turn” He heard the familiar voice of Wanda Maximoff, though his mind didn’t make the connection that it was the person sleeping right next to him. He just groaned once more, not caring in the slightest to who was in front of him. He just wanted to rest from a tiresome day he had the past day. But the cries increased, making the hero groan a bit. “Can you go and see Billy and Tommy as well? They have their studies to go over today”

It was then that Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, woke up with a jolt from the bed he was currently resting on. His eyes widened in shock at hearing the two names that he knew were the kids that were killed by Agatha Harkness, or better yet, returned to their rightful place in Mephisto's realm. He looked to the side, his eyes still opened in shock, as he saw a slightly naked Wanda Maximoff to his side. She was wearing a very revealing transparent red night dress, which made Peter blush instantly at the sight.

It was then that his mind began to recall what had happened before he started to wake up from the bed. He was talking with Erik Lensherr, making small talk as Pietro and Wanda talked with each other in the other room. And while they were talking with each other, a bright light suddenly covered them, which made the two males cover their eyes. And now he finds himself on a luxurious bed with the Scarlet Witch and it made Peter confused and scared about what he had done.

“Calm down, Peter… I can explain everything” Wanda smiled at her hero. He had been the one that had saved her from her madness, saved her from making something worse, saved her from herself. She knew that this wouldn’t last, she had to explain it to Peter so he would be more calmed about the situation. She just wanted to experience happiness for once in her life before everything must go back to the way it was.

“Please do so… Because I feel as if I was in the Butterfly Effect” Peter stated, making Wanda smile softly at him. She didn’t quite understand the reference he was trying to make, but it must be something related to what she did to their reality while using Charles powers. She moved her hand towards his cheek, more specifically, she moved the hand that had her new wedding ring that she created just for this reality, a reality where she and Peter were married together and had two pairs of twins. The older twins which were William and Thomas, and the younger twins which were Richard and May.

“I wanted to feel loved… I wanted to make everyone happy…” Wanda explained, watching how Peter widened his eyes as he felt the ring on his cheek. He also felt a metallic object around his ring finger, and he knew for a fact that he didn’t have to look at his hand to even know what was in his finger. He knew that something had happened to make things like this, but he didn’t even know how to react to this. “So I altered reality to make everyone happy, but I wanted to be happy as well… And I wanted to be with you…” Peter softened his sight at the hurt woman in front of him. He knew that she needed help, but he never expected for her to be her own help. “But I know that this can’t last… All I ask is to be happy for once, please…”

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