A Heart to Heart Moment

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Peter sat down at one end of the table while Erik sat on the other end. He could also see the trio of brothers and sisters also sitting around the table. It was the position in which they ate at the table; Erik at one end of the table, followed up by Lorna who sat to her father’s left while Pietro sat at his father’s right. There were two empty chairs and two empty high chairs, each belonging to the children that Wanda and himself had together in this reality, and then came Wanda’s chair, where she was sitting to his right while he sat on the other end of the table.

The atmosphere was tense as the House of Magnus had reunited to discuss something important that would affect everything that Wanda had created and they wanted to protect it. Not because they wanted to stay in this universe forever, they have been already informed by Wanda that by the end of Magnus Day, or M-Day as people around the world were calling it, that she would return everything to normal. But what Peter had told everyone minutes prior had made everyone be on edge.

“How dare they?!” The first to react was Pietro, who slammed both of his fists into the table almost cracking it at the force he used. Peter wanted to act the same way, and if he had noticed correctly so did Magneto. But one look at Wanda, made him control his anger even further, prefering to console her instead of lashing out. She was hurt, Peter could notice the pained expression on her face. Peter quickly moved his hand towards Wanda’s left trembling hand. Peter noticed how Wanda glanced at him, relief and love reflected in her eyes just by his touch. “After Wanda went out of her way to make everyone happy, this is how they repay her?!”

“Calm down, Pietro… We have to think of what they are going to do and not act hastily with our actions” Erik immediately made Pietro calm down, the stern look he was giving his son, made Peter remember that Erik had been a leader. While most of his actions as a leader were when he was the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants, it didn’t meant that he was not repenting bit by bit, and in Peter’s mind, the man had already fully repented and just wants what is best for mutants, which was an admirable goal. “We know that they wish to attack Genosha, and more specifically they want to attack us. Their perfect opportunity for them to do so would be on Magnus Day”

“But dad, what about the kids?! They will get-”

“Wanda should be able to defend them while Pietro, Erik and I deal with them” Peter commented, making both Wanda and Erik nod at the comment. Wanda could see the seriousness in Peter’s voice and face. She could see how he wanted to protect them all… to protect her from the danger that were their friends. She could only smile happily at the man she was married to in this alternate reality she created to be able to move on from her kids. She was convinced that she needed to show him her love before she had to return everything back to normal. “Lorna, you should be able to get the other dignitaries to safety if they attack on Magnus Day, god knows that Logan would take the first chance to attack as soon as we appear on the party”

“If I could just get him alone one on one, I would destroy his adamantium bones even if I have to go beyond my speed limit to get enough force behind my punches” Quicksilver stated, trembling as his body began to vibrate at very high speeds. Wanda could see how everyone was there with her, giving her a hand with all of these problems she had created against the Avengers. She let out a small tear from her eyes, happy that she had such an amazing family, and an even more amazing husband.

“Leave Summers to me, I’ll show him what an angry spider really looks like. He will regret the day he attacked me while I had Ritchie and Mayday in my arms” Wanda almost destroyed Cyclops with her powers when she heard that earlier, and the same could have been said by the rest of the family. Scott Summers had been a thorn to the family since almost forever and this action just cemented their growing hate towards the mutant with the visor.

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