An Unexpected Connection

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“Wow… What a rush!” Peter exclaimed as soon as he and Pietro arrived at Genosha. The first thing Peter saw was the figure of a worried Erik Lensherr, also known as Magneto. The father of both Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch looked at him as if he was a threat, not that he would fault him whatsoever for acting that way. Pietro must have told him what the Avengers wanted to do with Wanda and it was paternal instincts to want to protect one’s son or daughter.

“He’s with me, dad. Told me that he wants to try and empathize with Wanda” Pietro stated, making Peter watch carefully the interaction between the two. Peter could clearly read Pietro like an open book and he could see that the speedster was completely worried for his sister and that he would do almost anything for her. On the flip side, Magneto seemed to keep a more focused mind over his arrival at Genosha, which made Peter sigh a bit. “I don’t know what to do and if Spider-Man can help Wanda… I am all in for it”

“Can you really help my daughter, Spider-Man?” Peter frowned at the question. Was the man really thinking that way? There was no helping Wanda, because she didn’t need help. All she needs is someone who can understand her pain and suffering, someone who she can relate to so she could move forward in life. And while Peter may not be the ideal person to actually talk with Wanda, he knew that he was probably the only person that she somewhat knew that was able to understand her pain. “Can you-”

“I’m going to stop you right there, mister Lensherr. Wanda doesn’t need help” Peter started to walk forward, making Pietro and Erik widened their eyes quite a bit. Peter kept walking, passing by the shocked and petrified bodies of Quicksilver and Magneto. He even looked over his shoulder, hazel eyes staring right at Erik. “She just need someone who can really understand her pain”

“I see…” Magneto, after a couple of minutes, stated, making Peter nod a bit. He couldn’t see their expressions quite well since he had his back to the two members of Wanda’s family. But Peter could clearly hear the slight pained voice that Erik mustered out. It must have been an achievement if Peter was able to draw out something like this from Erik Lensherr but Peter wouldn’t comment on it. The situation they were in was too much of a risk to actually be wasting even more time. “Then I leave her in your hand, Spider-Man”

“Thank you, Magneto” Peter stated as he kept walking. He was completely worried about Wanda. The last time he saw her, she was falling from the sky unconscious thanks to Stephen Strange. The master of the mystical arts may be a friend of his, but even the man has a limited view on how to truly see things. He couldn’t fault him though, he was too engrossed in trying to maintain everything in order that the man didn’t actually have any time for himself nor for his supposed wife, Clea Strange.

Peter walked into the room he thought that Wanda was in and as soon as he entered, he saw the complete destruction it really was. All it really had was a small bed in which was not even used at the moment. He looked straight at Wanda, who was sitting on the floor in front of the bed with her knees on her face. He could see the tears still dripping down her face as she sob in pain all on her own. It made Peter flinch a bit, blaming himself for not actually being there for her before today. And while they hadn’t connected like she had connected with other Avengers, she was still someone that he could trust with his life.

“Wanda… Can you hear me?” Wanda blinked twice but didn’t move from her place. She heard the voice loud and clear, but this was not the same voice that had tormented her for quite some time. This voice was different, a caring tone the voice had, which prompted Wanda to move her head a bit. She saw through her puffy red eyes the figure of one of her fellow teammates, Spider-Man. It came to a surprise to see him without his mask and she could say without a doubt that he is quite handsome. “Maybe you don’t want to talk. Is that it? You don’t have to say anything at all… You can just listen to me”

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