An Unmistakable Delusion

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Peter could hear all the bustle the various guests were making through the house. He was with his family, waiting for the moment when the one that was announcing all the dignitaries would present them to everyone invited to the party. He sighed as he looked down on himself, looking at the similar outfit he and Pietro had. It was very classy in his opinion, but even he knew that they had to be dressed this way to make up for appearances.

Peter stood besides his wife, a beautiful red dress with golden accessories throughout her body. He could only frown at seeing the golden headgear that was covering her eyes slightly. And while she still looked beautiful in his eyes, he wanted to see her beautiful red eyes. So turning Wanda a bit, Peter shuffled the headgear away, making Wanda widen her eyes a bit.

"You look even more beautiful without your headgear. Your eyes pronounce your beauty, Wanda" Wanda couldn't help but blush at the compliment that she was receiving from her husband. She was looking directly at her husband's eyes, a shy smile on her face. She loved moments where he would compliment her out of nowhere, to let her know that she meant something to him. It made her feel even more special, and it was the whole reason that she wanted to stay with him.

"Thanks…" She fixed her hair a bit, getting back in place next to her husband. She had a huge smile on her face now, glancing at Peter who was also glancing at her as well. She couldn't help but be even more attracted to him. Her heart's beats accelerating even further. She looked at her sister, who had a sneer on her face while looking at the two of them. Wanda could only smile at her, showing a bit of superiority. She knew that Lorna wouldn't do anything without permission first, though she knew that it didn't stop Lorna from seducing Peter either way.

"Dada!" Mayday said, making Wanda and Peter smile at their only daughter. Peter had her on his arms, though he knew that he needed to give her to Wanda in case Logan and his group were really going to attack them today. He passed Mayday to Wanda, making his wife accommodate her hold on Ritchie so she could hold both of the younger twins.

"Be good for mommy, okay? Daddy has to make sure that no one would harm you, your brothers or your mother" Peter said while looking at Wanda. He also gave her a smile, a smile that showed that he was willing to do anything for his family. This gained a chuckle out of Mayday, though she flinched a bit because of all of the noises the announcer and the guests were making. "It's alright, sweetheart… it's just the-"

"Look sharp. It's our turn" Peter and Wanda turned their head towards Magneto. Wanda could see her father sitting on a golden chair with Tommy sitting on his right lap. Wanda then looked down for a bit, and watched how Billy stood right next to her. She gave a smile to her son, before raising her head and seeing Peter adjusting his suit and Mayday's dress. She just smiled at her family before looking forward, the curtain still closed for now.

"Gathered royals and honored guests…” Peter turned serious as he heard the announcement from the man in charge. Peter looked forward, the same as his wife had done just seconds prior to the start of the announcement. He even adjusted slightly his shirt before taking Wanda’s hand on his own. Everything was to be a show to all the dignitaries, so Peter would more than gladly show them who Wanda belonged to in this reality. And she belonged with him and no one else. Peter could see how the red curtains started to open up, letting him see all of the people that were invited to the event. Magneto was originally going to invite his family, but Peter told him not to. He didn’t want to see them in danger if Logan and his little group decided to really attack them today. “The House of Magnus!”

It was then that his Spider-Sense started to alarm him of something, which made him widen his eyes in alarm. Thankfully for Peter, he was also next to Magneto. So without any hesitation, Peter placed his hand on Erik’s shoulder and gave three squeezes to his father-in-law. By consequence, Peter saw the man tense a bit before nodding at him. Peter knew that an attack would come and he was happy that they all made preemptives to try and evacuate all the guests that were in this party. Peter looked up, and so did the entire family, watching how one of the sentinels in their charge had probably been reprogrammed and used against them. The sentinels belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D. in the first place and with Logan and others working for them, it was not a stretch to see them reprogram it to attack them.

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