A Dilema Unleashed

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Peter Parker was walking through the garden of the House of Magnus, exploring the area that had become his house with his family. Sure Uncle Ben, Aunt May and his sister Teresa lived in a separate house but he was with Wanda, his wife in this reality, and their children, alongside her family. Peter had become accustomed to avoid Lorna in these past two days that they have been living together in the house that had Magneto as it’s patriarch.

Peter was to take his kids with him to play at the park soon, and while he was saddened that Wanda couldn’t go with them to enjoy the park as a family, she had promised him that she had a surprise for him when they all returned back home. He just really hoped that his Parker’s Luck didn’t hit him straight at the gut. He felt that something was going to happen, but he didn’t know either what or when.

As he made his way through the lushful garden filled with red flowers of all kinds, he saw something that made him smile in sorrow. Ha had to console Wanda for nearly the entire day when the entire family found out of what happened. Deep within the garden, stood a great rock with a golden placard identifying what was the reason for there being such a massive rock hidden within their garden. He also saw Erik Lensher, just looking at the rock with a sad expression on his face.

“I still can’t believe that he is dead… at least in this reality” Peter said, making Erik glance back at the arachnid hero before giving him a nod. Peter really understood Magneto’s position in this whole scenario. He practically had this kind of relationship with many other heroes in his life that would make him react the same way, with James Howlett being one of them. The Wolverine had been an amazing friend to Peter, always having his back even in the worst times.

“I still am going over all of these new memories that Wanda had created with her powers… Trying to find a way to even see how I could have made better decisions for not only myself but for mutant kind” Peter listened closely, watching as the red cloak with gold trims that Magneto was currently wearing rattled against the ground thanks to a soft breeze. He could even hear the regret that Magneto had over not being able to save his old friend, making Spider-Man realize that Magneto and the man, whose name was engraved on the golden placard, really had a deep connection with each other. “And no matter what I may think of doing differently, I can still see him lying on the ground, sacrificing himself for Genosha and all of mutant-kind”

“You can’t blame yourself for what had happened, Erik. What can assure us that he is even dead right now? We really don’t know what kind of repercussions had Wanda’s powers really done within this new reality” Peter tried to explain himself. He was really stretching it if he had to be honest, but none of them knew what had really happened in this new reality. Memories of past events changed to a certain degree to match what would undoubtedly be the happy ending of each of Wanda’s friends and loved ones. “For all we know, he could just be missing and without communication. We just have to wait for him to appear once more”

“Let’s hope you are right, Spider-Man” Both men looked directly at the golden placard on the massive reddish rock. The placard shone thanks to the reflection of the sun’s rays, making it have a small twinkle as both men had a small sad smile on their faces. They could read the engravings that the placard had perfectly, time hadn't deteriorated the shiny placard that rested on the rock.

‘Xavier Memorial Garden. He died so Genosha could live”

Time Skip; At New York; With Peter Parker

“Tommy slow down! The park is not leaving anytime soon!” Peter shouted towards his son, while a smile was on his face all the way. It didn’t take long for Tommy to be by his side alongside Billy, who was calmly walking by Peter’s side and with his little hand grabbing the hand he was not using to carry Richard. He even had a baby carrier on him, a carrier that was being used by Mayday, who was sleeping without a care in the world. They had traveled to New York from Genosha, just so Billy and Tommy could see the city that he was raised in.

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