A Day to Remember

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Peter stood besides Pietro and Lorna as Erik was in front of the trio. The three of them were surrounded by two lines of royal soldiers, who were also mutants. He was slightly incommodated being the only non-mutant on the island of Genosha. But Wanda had calmed him out of those thoughts.

Peter's sense could clearly hear the motor of a Quinjet being used. His first thought was to be prepared for anything, Logan had all but told him that they were going to attack his family. But Peter already knew who was coming, and he could say that he was actually surprised at the fact that the man was coming for the party that was being held in Genosha.

It didn't take long for the Quinjet to appear in front of them and start to land on the reserved area. Peter's hair swayed because of the wind, but he didn't seem to mind. He had always preferred his hair to be slightly messy to begin with. Peter then noticed how the Quinjet landed and seconds later an entrance appeared on the side of the Quinjet. Peter stayed emotionless as he saw the figure of one Victor Von Doom walking out of the Quinjet with his guards.

Peter kept an impassive look as he stared upfront. He didn't know even how to react to the arrival of the leader of Latveria in Genosha territory. He knew that Doctor Doom was not the same man in this reality, and was actually a ok-ish man. But he still couldn't help but feel shaken a bit by his presence.

"Magnus" Peter could hear the rough voice of one Doctor Doom as he walked directly towards Erik. Peter could see how Pietro was almost vibrating in the same place so fast that he looked as if he stood still, and how Lorna was also clenching not only her fists but her teeth as well. There were a lot of negative emotions from the Magnus family towards Victor Von Doom.

"Victor Von Doom…" Erik said politely. Peter heard the almost silent click of Pietro's teeth clattering together. Peter would have done the same if he knew that he was not at risk of becoming a squashed arachnid on Genosha ground. He stood besides Pietro, while Lorna walked a bit closer to him. Her actions made him sigh a bit, it seems that Lorna was still trying to be with him. And unfortunately for him, who had his arm stolen by Lorna and had her own arm interlocked with his, there was no wife nearby that was able to control Lorna right now. "I was quite surprised to receive your 'Respondez, s'il vous plaît'"

"Do you think you were more surprised that I was to be invited?" There was a momentaneous silence, a silence that made Peter glance at Lorna. She was looking his way, a seductive smile on her face. He gave a hesitant smile in response to the seductive smile she was giving him. It was not that she was not attractive, far from it in fact. She was very beautiful, and her beauty could be considered exotic because of the color of her hair. But he had eyes for Wanda in this reality and for Mary Jane Watson in their original reality, and he is not going to betray Wanda. And when everything turns back to normal, he would not betray Mary Jane.

"You'll stand for some photographs?" The previous question was avoided by the newest question that Erik asked, and Peter could noticeably feel how the tension around them suddenly faltered away. He didn't know he even was holding his breath slightly, but he sighed as soon as Erik opened his mouth. He even felt Lorna relax quite a bit, her arm getting more relaxed in his own arm, which both were still linked together by Lorna's action.

"It is why I'm here" Victor answered, making Peter walk a bit to the side with Lorna by his side all the time. He was making his way out of the picture, only letting Erik and Victor take the spotlight of the cameraman that was shooting the photographs like there was no tomorrow. Though he could see that Pietro had something on mind, he couldn't quite place it.

Time Skip; With Wanda

"I can do this…" Wanda muttered to herself as she kept a close eye on her four kids with Peter Parker. For the past hour she had been trying to convince herself of actually going through her promise with Peter. She wanted to be near him every single moment of her life, to not lose anything special that may happen in their lives together. But she knew that she had to cede to his request.

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