A Happy Ending

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Peter sighed as he held the newspaper with both of his hands. He read over and over the title card that the paper from the Daily Bugle had written about him and he couldn't help but roll his eyes at it. He was tired of everything being blamed upon him even if he was not in New York any longer. He looked up, watching nature through the window of the place he was staying at. A nice little lodging in Wundagore Forest, where he was staying with his wife.

"We so needed this..." Peter muttered to himself, standing up as he tossed the newspaper into the fireplace. He stared at the paper burn slowly, before looking away and walking slowly through their little cabin. He was happy with his current lifestyle, happy that for once everything seemed to be going his way. Peter had wished upon every single deity to make his life, at least, more bearable and it took his son from an alternate reality to make his life worth living.

Peter watched as his wife was sitting on the stairs that were outside of the house. Her hair soaring in mid air thanks to the breeze that the forest suddenly made. He couldn't believe that he was able to be with someone as beautiful as her. It was unreal what his life has been transformed into. He saw how she glanced back at him, her reddish-green eyes staring right at him with affection. And he couldn't help but reciprocate the motion as he walked towards his wife.

Ever since he noticed that he was not married after they all returned to their original reality, he went straight to her to propose. The moments they lived together had made him realize that she was the one. That alternate reality or not, they belonged together. And he was more than happy to say that she had accepted instantaneously, making him the happiest man on the planet. So here he was, now sitting next to his wife who had her head on his shoulder, as the two of them watched the forest glow.

"Do you think that we can have that once more?" Peter couldn't help but ask, glancing at his wife who had closed her eyes. He knew that she was awake, and that all she was doing was resting her eyes. He felt how her hand got on top of his, both hands had a ring in their ring finger, demonstrating the beauty of both silver rings bestowed upon their hands. He really loved her with all of his heart, and he would go through everything once more if it meant that in the end she will be in his arms.

"I do..." Peter smiled as he also closed his eyes. Hearing the melodic voice of his wife made him know that what he felt was real and it was not just simply a fabrication of someone else's manipulation. He felt right being this close to her, to be able to be just besides her was enough for Peter. He wouldn't force her upon anything that she didn't want to do. She had her own ideals and morals, and that was alright with Peter.

He watched as his wife stood up, her red with black trims flamenco dress waving a bit thanks to the wind. Her dress was a typical gitana outfit, an outfit that was normally used for the flamenco dance. But even if it was a normal red and black dress, she looked more beautiful than ever in his eyes. She had moved her hand a bit, telling him without saying a word the meaningful words that he had hoped for. So he took the hand, and immediately everything was perfect for the married couple.

Peter began to slowly dance with his wife all around their lodging in the woods. Their connection got closer by the second they spent in each other's hands. Peter knew that she was the one, after various trials with a huge amount of errors, he had finally gotten the chance to be happy with his wife. Peter approached his wife even further, nearing their head as they went for the kiss they so desperately needed from one another.

"Are we there yet?" Peter and his wife widened their eyes in shock as they ended the kiss abruptly. Peter was vigilant through their surroundings as soon as he and his wife heard the voice. Ever since everything turned back to normal, mutants were hunting him and his wife. And he had to do anything in his power to protect his family, even if it meant abandoning Aunt May and his closest friends.

"Just be patient. We should be there-" And it was then that Peter and his wife watched two teenagers walking towards them, with the one speaking seemingly stopping as soon as he watched them. Peter didn't understand what was happening, though he carefully analyzed both, the black hair teen and the white haired teen. Peter then heard his wife gasp in shock, making him look at her in worry, but what he didn't expect was to see her cry at the sight of the boys that had just found them. "right now..."

"Billy... Tommy..." Those names that his wife had muttered made his eyes widen in shock as he snapped his head back towards the teens. He could see the familiarity in their faces now. He started to tear up as well, the huge amount of happiness that soared through his body made him wish once more that this was not an alternate reality. But with the sobs that his wife was trying to hide and with the tears that the teens seemingly had on their faces as well, it was everything Peter needed to know that these teens were his kids.

"The Scarlet Witch and Spider-Man... Mom... Dad..." Peter gave out a huge smile as he opened his arms. A sudden blur instantly hugged him, making Peter smile even further. He could feel how Tommy was sobbing in his chest, which made Peter let out even more tears as he was finally reunited with his son. Peter looked up a bit to see Billy hugging Wanda Parker-Maximoff, his beautiful wife who currently was letting out tears of joy. He watched as Wanda also looked towards him, a teary face with a huge smile that demonstrated how happy she was with having her kids back. And it was something that Peter was also experimenting with as well.

"Come on... Family hug" Peter said, making Tommy react almost instantly. Peter watched as Tommy disappeared in a white blur in Wanda and Billy's location, arriving way faster than he would have done so. But Peter didn't mind, he was way too happy to be with his family once more to even care about a silly competition. But he did arrive towards his family's location and everyone hugged. Peter was finally with his loved one, and there was nothing else he could care about in the world.

"I love you, Peter" Peter looked at Wanda, how had her head upon his chest as Billy and Tommy were in front of the two parents, their hug running strong and without any motion of stopping. He smiled at Wanda, as he neared his face to her own face before delivering a kiss right on her forehead. Peter couldn't help but feel over the moon today, day and night had he prayed for something that would make their lives worth it and her they have it. Their kids had returned to them, they had returned home.

"I love you as well, Wanda" Peter said as he then concentrated more on the hug. The family was back together, and there was nothing in this world that would break such a beautiful family apart.

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