Soul Fallen

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I had on a dark blood red dress with a thin top that curved with my body and then flowed out like a ball gown.

My brown mousse hair was threaded down and flowing towards my mid back. My glossy long nails wore a French manicure. I was wearing night sky black stilettos. A silvery thin headband was in my hair with little white sparkly jewels. I reached up to touch them twinkling in the warm light. I was at a party. One of the upper angel's royal parties. I was with someone. A he. He was holding out a strange drink and standing next to me. We had been socializing. He was one of the upper angels but not a royal. He turned to me and said-

"How is it?"

"Fine" I admitted. "I'm a bit nervous, but I'll get over it"

"I'm sure you will. Oh look, here comes a few of the older angels. They're from the late eighteen hundreds. They have been wanting to speak with you"

"Speak with me? Why would they want to do that?"

"Why don't you ask them?" He suggested.

The angels approached us.

One of them spoke. "You have Irene's eyes"

"My grandmother?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes. She was a smart woman. Strong willed but at the same time, she always liked to have fun. Not afraid of going after what she wants"

I woke up startled. It was still very much night and Levane was asleep. I didn't want to wake her, so I got up quietly to grab some water. I shook myself off from the dream. After drinking the water in the bathroom light, I sat on the toilet and pulled my knees up to my chest. Something kept trying to get into my head. His face. His eyes. His voice. His everything. The way he talked and walked. His standards. How he loved me...

I stood up abruptly and stalked back over to the bed. Forget about it. It's over now. I told myself briskly. I climbed back into bed and slept till day.

When I awoke Levane was shaking me.

"Get dressed" She said. "Today were starting on our renatives"

"What are you talking about?" I asked sleepily.

"The upper angels. They've called a meeting with us all. We have to meet them out on the back field"

"But its Saturday" I groaned. "And it's January"

"Well you have five minutes" She said. I got out of bed, wearily, and slipped on some jeans and a tee shirt. I tied my converse clumsily and then slipped on a coat and headed out with Levane. We were all gathered around the back field which was held behind the school and behind the field were forest.

Upper angels were standing all in front of us. Twenty or thirty of them.

One spoke. "You will be assigned a guide through your renative. He or she will help you to become a destined lower angel. There are classes scheduled for when you will meet to work on your renative so don't think you can back out of this" He said.

Some groaned.
"When I call your name step forth. Your guide will walk over to you. And then you two can head back inside"

He began calling names one after another. I only knew of a few upper angels and they weren't the nicest people around.

When he finally called my name I stepped forth.

"Ace Gregory" He called. An upper angel stepped forward. My heart slammed into my insides. He had the same whitish porcelain skin that the other upper angel royals had. He was wearing a blue plaid quarter sleeve with dark jeans. He had light brown hair that swooped across his face and flowed straight down towards the bottom of his ears. It looked like he had straightened his hair and it was hot. He had green-grey eyes that looked over at me curiously. He was tall as were the rest. We walked over to each other meeting at the back gate.

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