Soul Fallen

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We filled Drew and Leisha in on what Jacquel had said.

After lunch I got permission to head outside where a market was being held shine or snow. It had been there for years and years. People sold things on the streets. All you had to do was walk out the front gate of Soul Fallen and there it was. I was getting a birthday gift for Levane. She was turning eighteen and I'd almost forgotten after all the renovate and magic stuff going on.

I walked up to a cart of scarf's and jewellery. An old woman sat behind the cart.

"You look like her you know that?" She said.

"What?" I asked.

"That girl I met. Years ago. So many years ago"

I looked at her confused.

"Oh it's probably not you" She said.

I looked down at the jewellery. My fingers traced over the gems and the stones. Suddenly, I'd found it. The perfect gift.

It were a sparkly white gem bundled in a tiny black chest box with a silvery rose painted on the front and a key to open it.

"She would have gotten that too" The woman said. "Child, child, where have you been a hundred years?"

She had to have been mental. So respectfully, I paid for the item and hurried back.

I went up to the dorm, and thankfully Levane was not there. So I hid the gift over on my side of the room near my bed.

I found Levane and Drew in the art room. I walked in. Levane looked up.

"Hey" She said. "Renovates start tomorrow"

"Oh cool" I said. "So what have you guys been up to?"

They looked at one another a smile pulling up at their lips.

"We've been up to some things" Drew grinned. "What have you been up to?"

"Well I was buying Levane a gift at the market and there was some really old lady that was there telling me I reminded her of someone" I said.

"Weird" Levane commented.

"You know I heard that there was a lady at the market that's a ghost and she's been there a hundred and a half years. She never leaves" Drew said.

"What kind of people do you hear that from?" I asked.

"Never mind. I've got a pretty good idea what you guys are doing here and I'm just going to leave now. Oh and by the way, I'd suggest a dorm room or a janitor's closet" I had to smile as I headed out.

I almost bumped into Ace on my way up to my dorm.

"Hey" He said. "So your one the ghosts with powers, I've heard"

I nodded.

"Well I'm one of the upper angels with powers, and I'm assigned to be training you just so you know"


"Yeah, It's on your schedule" He said smiling a bit at my surprised expression. His smile was to die for.

"Well okay then, this has been a weird day"

"Why do you say that?"

"Just a bunch of stuff going on lately" I said. "So see you around I guess"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow" He said.

I slipped by him and headed up to the dorm. Levane was there already, but she wasn't the only one. Drew was there too.

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