Soul Fallen

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Ace and I headed back to the car and with each second I felt light as a feather. Not to mention we'd decided to go ahead and date.

When everyone woke up which was already before we got back, I gave Levane the rest of my muffin and Leisha the coffee.

The ride back was pretty quiet too. Except when we got back, I'd expected everything to be as normal as It ever be.

Only no, it wasn't. Prince Jaquel was astonished at the whole diary thing. He made lots of changes for me but I refused to be in a dorm alone. I wanted to stay with Levane who'd just been through a kidnap.

Ace and I parted but were still as happy as ever, now dating. Everyone tried to ask about Levane but I refused to let them bother her and hurried her to her dorm so we could be alone.

We sat down at her bed and I sighed. "What a trip" I said.

"What a couple of days" Levane said.

"We'll I'm glad your back"


"Levane, what happened with Drew"

She frowned. "Not this again Eve" She got up and went to the bathroom.

"Levane!" I said getting up and knocking on the bathroom door. "Just tell me what happened, I'm your best friend"

"I thought I loved him" She said from behind the door. "That's all, it's just a broken heart really, Now i'm taking a shower, so if you wouldn't mind"

I decided to call Drew. He answered right away.

"Drew" I growled. "What did you do to Levane?"

"Oh you mean she won't tell you?" Drew asked.

"No shit. What did you do to her?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"I'm not playing games Drew"

"I raped her"

"You what?" I hung up and slammed my phone down. How could he have done that to my best friend? How could he have hurt her like that?

Levane returned out of the bathroom after changed into a pair of jeans and a tank.

"He told me" I said.

"Who told you what?"

"Drew told me what he did to you"

"He did? You mean, you called him?"

I nodded.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone"

"Fine, I won't. I'm just pissed he hurt you"

"I'm fine now" Levane said.

"Sure you are" I said back.

Levane left saying she had a renovate class but I was pretty sure her schedule was the other way around.

I went to Abduls since he had the diary last. I knocked on his door but his roomate answered.

"Where's Abdul?" I asked.

"He's at class I think. Do you need something?" The guy asked.

"The renovate class?"

"Uh yeah"

"Okay thanks" I headed downstairs to find Leisha.

"Hey" She said stopping me in the hall. "Prince Jaquel wants you"


She shrugged, heading upstairs. With a sigh, I headed over to his office where the last time it had been with Levane and Abdul. Now that seemed so long ago but was only really a week and a half ago.

Jaquel was there at his desk and welcomed me in.

"You have my grandmother's diary?" I asked. It was laying on his desk, untouched.

He nodded. "I got it from Ace, who had it from your friend Abdul"

"Well it's mine"

"It's not yours" He said. "It belongs here"

"I'm her grandaughter"

"Well your going to have to take the throne"

"Isn't that your job?"

"At the school yes, but yours is at the castle"

"A castle? I'm not leaving Soul Fallen"

"You don't have a choice"

"Oh why's that? Is this all like the seventeen hundreds where no one gets a say on what they do in life?"

"Ms. Winters please calm down. I know you've been through a lot but that doesn't mean you can be upset right now"

"I don't have a right to be upset? I don't get to choose my path in life and now your telling me not to be upset?"

"Your path is chosen for you" He said.

"My grandmother never wrote any of this castle stuff at all"

"Then maybe you haven't read the last few pages" He said.

"I just wanted to inform you that you will be living at the castle and will not need to have your renovate classes any longer. Your magic will a distraction for you so you will not be in need of it. It will be used for other purposes here. Seth your friend will cope soon enough"

"No, I don't want to leave my friends"

"You have a bigger obligation"

"And Ace?"

"Will remain here"

"None of this seems fair"

"What don't you understand about your duty as queen?"

"What don't I understand? What I don't understand is why you decide to give the dead a second chance at life and then you crush those dreams with those who are supposed to put a smile on thier face for the camera's and they're the most important people to do that!"

"You'll pack your things now" Jaquel said. "You'll take a flight to the castle in fifteen minutes. That gives you time to say goodbye to your friends"

I left the room and was a storm all the way up to my dorm. Levane and Abdul had already returned from thier classes.

I went to my dorm and started to pack everything.

"Eve, what's going on?" Levane asked.

"Jaquel's making me leave Soul Fallen to live at a castle and take the throne as queen"

"He can't do that"

"He is. I just argued with him with everything I had. But he's only a coldhearted bastard"

Levane got up and hugged me.

"And they're taking my magic"

"They can't" She said. "What am I supposed to do without you?"

"Fall for Abdul again"

"I kind of already did"

"I knew you would. And by the way, I fell for Ace too. But now that's going to be done for"

"Long distance relationship" She suggested.

"Those kinds never work out" I said and hugged her once more before leaving. I said goodbye to Abdul and Leisha before heading out. Leisha took a little longer because she was my sister. At least that's what we'd been told by Taylor.

Then finally, I'd run into Ace. As soon as I saw him standing at the end of the hallway I burst into tears. He saw me and he walked over and hugged me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"They're making me leave Soul Fallen to take the throne" I said. "I'll never see you or anyone else again"

"Couldn't we visit?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I don't think so"

"We'll I'll call you okay? I love you" I looked up into his eyes and kissed him.

Then I left for the plane.

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