Soul Fallen

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That next day was Levane's birthday. I woke her up singing happy birthday. Groaning she turned over and started her morning with a glare.

"If you really want to wish me a happy birthday" She growled. "You'll let me sleep"

"There's still school. You can't get out of that one" I told her. She got up and stalked off to the bathroom. It gave me a chance to look at the diary.

I pulled it out and read a few more pages.

Dear Diary, Taylor is upset with me. He knows that I have gone off into the courtyard to meet Tristan. He knows that we are only friends but what he doesn't know is that we need this time to talk. Because something awful is going to happen. I need to know that things are going to be okay

Levane walked back out and I quickly slid the diary under my bed. We headed off to class. Today magic class was a little different. Our teacher led us to another room where we could actually practice our magic.

"Class I know your very anxious right now" Our teacher said. "But please keep quiet. You'll head inside in a few minutes"

When we went in, it was just a gym. We gathered around by the bleachers. Our teacher told us that he would be calling our names. When it was called we'd up to the front and then he'd have us recite the spell in a dangerous situation.

Levane was called first. I watched as she made her way down to the front. Our teacher used magic to make it look like we were all in the forest. We actually might have been. We gathered by the trees standing up now. Some man was coming at her. Using the spell she'd had to memorize she quickly ushered out

"First and foremost. Fire's warmest" The man lit up in flames. We watched as the light glowed on all our faces.

We were back at the gym now.

"That was a ghost hunter" Our teacher told us. "He will try to steal your soul away, in belief that you are working with the devil" Like Seth had said...

"And when fire is lit on him, he will no longer attack you, in belief that the devil has had his grasp on the man. He will be too afraid to think about killing you anymore"

Levane went back up to the bleachers and sat next to me. When it was my turn our teacher made it so now the scenery was a dark alley. Another ghost hunter was soon to approach.

He appeared then over by some trash barrels. He kept on just standing there staring at me. He slowly began to walk over to me. Before he could reach me I said-

"Warmth and light. Halcyon of sight"

We appeared back in our gym.

"That spell can be very helpful when you're in a tight situation and you've forgotten the other spells. It will make you appear to a sunny spot of wherever you've been last"

After class ended we headed to our renovates. Ace was meeting at my dorm today so while I waited I read more of the diary.

Dear Diary, I guess I should have seen it coming. But I didn't of course.

There was a knock on the door. I set the diary down on the bed. I trusted Ace enough to leave the book out. He walked in. Today he was wearing a blue plaid quarter sleeve over a gray tee shirt and jeans.

"Hi" I said. "So what's up? Are we going to see Seth again?"

He shook his head. "No, were just going down to the library. I think I found something out that will be very useful"

"What'd you find out?" I asked as we headed down to the library. When we walked in he grabbed a book off a shelf and we sat down at a table.

"I overheard your teacher at your magic class today. I heard how he was talking about how there are ghost hunters who want to kill you because they believe that you are working with the devil. Remember how Seth said that to you yesterday?"

I nodded.

He opened the book. "Well I think Seth may have been inflicted from one of these ghost hunters to believe that you are something from hell"

It made perfect sense. The book was all about ghost hunters and their what you could call "dazed from spell personalities" They acted as if they were under a spell.

"Here, read this" Ace said pointing to a paragraph. The handwriting was tiny but I could make it out.

These beliefs began in the late fifteen hundreds. When a man had died caused from an explosion. His friend who had seen the whole thing had seen it as if the devil had caused it. Fire reminded him of stories of the wicked. He was determined that it had been the cause of the devil. This passed on through centuries. Now some ghost hunters today are believed to be out looking for ghosts. The older ghosts are usually found at the heart of a forest or someplace dark. But the angels are rarer to find and much more valuble. The angels are never to be found because they are said to be up in heaven. As true as this may be, a lower angel may be in most danger here. As while a younger ghost is able to stay protected in an academy, a lower angel is able to leave this school and is able to put themselves in danger.

"So someone put a spell on Seth?" I asked Ace.

"I think so" He said. "But I'm not sure. We don't have any proof yet"

"We'll find something" I said. "All we have to do is look up the town's central ghost hunters"

We researched online. We printed out a list. In each list there was a description of the person along with a photo and their name and age, and address.

"The next time we meet up" Ace said. "We'll go to Seth and ask him if he's seen anyone from the list before"

Class ended after that. I bumped into Leisha on my way back up to the dorm.

"Hey" Leisha said. "How was your renovate"

"Okay" I said. "How was yours?"

"Good. Oh by the way Abdul is looking for you"

"Okay, where is he?"

We heard him coming down the hall. "Well I guess he's right there. See you around Eve"

"Bye" I said. Leisha walked away. Abdul met me up trying to catch his breath.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"I just found out something major" He said. "About your grandmother Irene"

"What is it?"

"She was royal"


"Yeah that's all I know"

"Oh. How'd you find this out?"

"Well I made a photocopy of the diary. And I was reading it just now and I read halfway through that it said she was to claim her destiny as a royal"

"Are you sure you were reading that right?"

"I know what I read Eve"

He went back to reading more. He seemed so fascinated with my history. It didn't really creep me out or anything. I didn't care.

I practiced my magic when I went back up to my dorm. I was trying to lift the diary. It was too much effort. But it was just a diary so why couldn't I do it?

I could lift pencils, pieces of paper, gum wrappers, anything small and light. Sometimes I didn't even mean to and when I had been walking by a paper would fly up then float back down.

Levane walked in as I was reading the diary. I closed it and set it aside from me.

"Books for school" I told her. "I was trying to memorize a poem or something. I mean- a spell"

She came over and sat on the side of my bed. "Eve" She said, looking very serious.

"Eve, Drew asked me to run away with him"

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