Soul Fallen

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That next morning I woke to my alarm. Monday.

No one likes Monday. I got out of bed shutting off the alarm careful not to wake Levane.

I got dressed quickly and then woke Levane when I realized she wasn't waking up anytime soon. She got up quickly and got herself dressed. We were already late. We headed down to class. Levane looked so tired but I didn't really know why. She practically forgot her own spell book so I had to grab both of ours on our way out the door. Lucky she even remembered the key.

Our spell books taught us different spells for different situations. Everyone could recite a spell and make it work. But no one could do magic like we had. The mind kind of superhero stuff.

We slid into the back of the classroom as the teacher began the class. We had to recite a few different spells and memorize them and stuff.

Warmth and light. Halcyon of sight.

The words kept on taunting me from their page in the book. They kept on repeating them self over and over in my head. I was starting to get a headache.

"So what's up? Why were you so tired this morning?" I asked Levane trying to not think about the spell.

She shrugged. I had a feeling she wasn't telling me something but she looked like she didn't want to talk about it. She was in one of those bad moods again.

After class we headed over to our renovate classes. We had to meet the upper angels at their dorms. I head up to Ace's dorm feeling like I could just die.

I knocked. He opened the door.

"Hey" He said. "Come in" I walked in. His room had a single bed and a desk next to the door with a lot of paper and pencils and pens on it. He had a bathroom next to the bed and a closet on the other side.

Today Ace was wearing a navy blue tee shirt and jeans. He had on white vans.

"Are we going somewhere?" I asked referring to why he had on shoes.

"Well I was thinking we could go down to the office and ask permission to see your friend in the human world"

"Really?" That sounded a lot more exciting than what I'd thought. I was thinking we were going to do a bunch of psychological shit on depression or something. He nodded. We headed down to the office. We asked Jaquel permission and he had granted it. We were told a spell to appear at whatever place we wanted in the human world.

We appeared at Seth's room as soon as we'd recited the spell. His room still looked the same. Pictures on the wall, bed in the corner, blankets un made. And then I saw Seth resting against the closet door with his knees up. He was breathing hard and holding what looked to be a knife. He looked over and his eyes widened.

"I'm dreaming right?" He asked.

"Sure. Let's go with that" I said trying to sound friendly. Like the same friendly girl I had been around him.

"What are you doing here Eve? How did you get here?" He was backing away a little as I tried to come near him.

"It's a long story" I said. "But know that I'm here to help you. I need you to know that. I need you to trust me. It's okay Seth"

"You've turned on me haven't you?"

"What? No Seth I-"

"You're a crazy sychocitc bitch! You're working with the devil or something"

"No, Seth, I'm not. I'm a ghost"

"Yeah a ghost of hell"

"No. I'm going to become an angel if I help you"

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