Soul Fallen

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"What? Why?" I asked her. She looked like she wanted to go but she was scared to.

"It's crazy, I know. But I'm just afraid that he will really do it. And he's so in love with me, I'm not saying I don't love him, but..."

"You think he'll kidnap you or something and take you away?"

"I don't know"

"I know Drew. He would never do that. He's a good friend and probably a good boyfriend, right?"

She nodded.

"Well yeah you spend so much time with him, I don't think he would do that to you, He knows what he'd be getting himself into"

"Yeah I shouldn't be worrying" She said. "Come on, let's go do something"

"Oh that reminds me" I said pulling out her gift.

"You got me something?"

"Yeah, here" I handed her the box. She opened it and stared down at the gem. Her eyes started pooling up and then she was crying.

"It's so beautiful" She said. "Thank you" She hugged me. When I hugged her back, I had a weird feeling it would be our last. We headed down to the cafe for lunch. Abdul had class today. Tomorrow it would me. And then Levane.

Drew and Leisha were there with a cake. We got soda and then we all sat together in the back.

"Do not sing happy birthday" Levane warned Drew. He smiled teasingly.

"Happy Bir-"She stuffed cake in his mouth. He swallowed it grinning.

I looked at them. They were a good couple and all but- there was something I saw about Drew. And I didn't like it. Why now? He had been such a good friend, but...

After lunch I took Levane out to the market. Getting permission, we went out. She seemed mesmerised by all the product. That same old lady was there again, and damnit, Levane was going over there to look at the jewellery. She smiled up at us.

"Is this your friend Irene?" She asked.

"Yes and my name is not Irene" I told her. "It's Eve. Irene is my grandmother"

"Oh, that explains it. You must be..." Her eyes sparkled. "The next one"

Levane and I headed someplace else, thankfully. We walked into a coffee shop and ordered two chi lattes. We talked about our magic and we talked about Abdul a little. We didn't talk about Drew though. I didn't want to upset her.

"Why does it seem they only teach us to lift things?" Levane asked sipping her drink. "When I think there is so much more we can do"

"Like what?"

"Open doors, windows. Set locks, turn on tv's, type on computers, write with pens"

I had never thought that. Nodding, I took a sip of my drink and looked about the people in the shop.

I froze. There was the guy from the list Ace and I had made. One of the ghost hunters. He was staring at me like he was figuring it out. Or maybe he was going to plan something out. I pulled Levane's arm up and dragged her out quickly.

"What are you doing Eve? Why are we leaving?" She asked stumbling as she tried to catch up with me.

"That's one of the ghost hunters" I told her. She looked alarmed. We quickly ran back to Soul Fallen. I could see the ghost hunter here and there following us. He was fast.

"Come on you two" He taunted behind us. "Don't play this game with me"

We walked in practically stumbling into our other friends. He had stopped before the gate and we had rushed in.

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