Soul Fallen

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Abdul went out and got us pizza. We had spent the whole day figuring out what we were going to do and no one had even wanted to go out and get it. After we finished our dinner we had been planning to attempt to find Levane.

We headed to the car and drove to an empty parking lot to talk about what we were going to do.

"Wait what about the powers?" Abdul asked from the backseat. I'd forgotten about the powers. Abdul, Levane, and I all had them and we'd only discovered that shortly before she'd been kidnapped by Drew.

"We barely even took any classes on that" I said. "We won't know what to do"

"Couldn't Levane have just used her magic to get herself out?" Leisha asked.

"He might have taken it from her somehow" Ace said.

"Well I say we give it a try" Abdul said. "I mean, I know that you can only do telakenisis Eve, but I think I can do something else to help us here"

"Abdul please don't..." I said. He thought he was capable of more than he really was, and someday, it was going to hurt him.

"I have to try for Levane" He said. "I love her"

So he still did.

We all watched as Abdul concentrated and tried to focus his magic into whatever he seemed to believe he could.

His eyes suddenly flashed open and it had startled all of us. He gripped the edge of his seat and said-

"28, 28 Bentley drive, or 29"

"How did you do that?" I asked. "I want to do that"

He shrugged. "All I did was think about how much I wanted to know where Levane was"

Ace emmidiatly headed to Bentley drive after putting it in the gps. We parked on a different street then walked to Bentley. We hid behind house 28 and house 29. I saw in 28 two shadows with shapes that seemed like they'd be Levane and Drew.

"Ace" I said. "I think we should check house 28"

He nodded.

First we waited while he slipped in the window and then he returned and said that they were there.

"They've got her tied to a chair" He said. "It's in the backroom, but the very back. Drew and three others are there, Drew is in back with her and the three others are up front"

"How did you manage to see all this?" Leisha asked.

"Lots of hiding places" He said. "Okay so let's go in"

We slipped in and quickly hid behind a bookshelf. Ace was so close near me I could hear him breathing and it was driving me crazy. Then, he got up and since we were in the back room had gotten Drew's attention quick.

Drew spun around startled but quickly had his defenses in when Ace approached.

Levane was glad that we had come and had found us. All thanks to Abdul, who I felt bad I'd ever doubted.

As Ace and Drew fought I realized that meant it was my turn to come into picture. I came out from behind the bookshelf and saw Levane's face light up like a christmass tree at rockefeller plaza. I quickly untied her and we both headed back to the car. I was running and she was hurrying to catch up with me.

"What are you doing Eve?" She yelled. "Those are our friends! We have to go back there!"

"No, Levane" I said panting. "We've got a plan, trust me" When we reached the park which was where we parked we both headed to the car and waited near until return from Ace. He would call if he was okay. I hugged Levane and asked her if she was okay. She was.

"What did he do to you?" I asked.

"He wanted my magic" Levane said. "He was a magic hunter"

"A magic hunter?"

"It means he tries to get immortal's magic. Weather diminishing it from them or taking it for himself"

Suddenly my phone rang. It was Ace. Relief filled within both of us and I answered my cell.

"Hey" I said.

"Hi" Ace said back panting too. "Were all okay but, Abduls hurt"

"Abduls hurt?" I said aloud. Levane looked upset about that. I was pretty sure then that they both still loved each other a lot.

"Yes badley" Ace said then hung up.

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