Soul Fallen (Last chapter)

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I sat on the plane thinking about what it would be like when I got there. Who would I meet? What would I see?

I sighed knowing I'd have to wait and leaned back in my seat. I was going to sleep when something hit me on the head. I looked down at a copy of my grandmother's diary, which had fallen from the storage space above me. Apperantly, someone had slipped a copy into my bag before I left.

Then I remembered about what Jaquel had said about reading the last few pages. To see if he was right I opened the book and flipped through to the third to the last page. I read it.

Dear Diary, I'll be leaving soon for the castle. It's a shame that Taylor can't go with me, but those are the rules. It's okay though because I'll be able to see him after I get out. This whole castle experience is like Colleage. I'll be able to come back and see my friends again. Of course I can't go back to Soul Fallen unless it's some ceremony with the queen or something. Taylor asked me to write him letters about how it is at the castle. I promised him I would but now I'm just not sure if I'll have the time to. With what I'm told, taking role of queen is going to put a lot on my hands.

The next page was written when she was on her way to the castle but I skipped to the last when she was writing about her experience there. I didn't think she'd only write one entry on her adventure but perhaps she'd gotten a new diary.

Dear Diary, life at the castle isn't like colleage. It's better. As soon as I arrived, everyone welcomed me as if I were some girl from summer camp coming home. It was as if they all new me but they didn't. I don't suppose they were bribed to put a smile on thier face, but no one could hate me if they don't know me so I have nothing to worry about. I've made a lot of friends with the workers and my own tutor. It gets a little lonley here but I don't think of the maids and cooks and servants like unimportant people that are only workers. I think of them like family. I'm also very fond of the town. I've taken walks with my bodyguard and saw many new things I'd never even dreamed of. I've told Taylor all of this of course. Another thing before I go, I know soon I'll get used to it here and eventually will I take on the role of queen actually wanting to. I wonder what my grandaughter will think of it here. I hope she likes it too. Love, Irene

I set down the diary and closed my eyes to sleep. It would be a long ride and who knows? Maybe I'll dream of the castle.

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