Soul Fallen

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Ace and Leisha arrived at the car a few minutes later dragging Abdul with them.

"What happened?" I asked as Levane and I hurried towards them.

"Drew had a gun with him" Leisha said. "He shot once and got Abdul on the leg"

We got into the car and drove back to the motel. When we got inside Ace locked the door.

Everyone started to pack thier belongings back together into a bag.

"Are we going back?" I asked Ace who was hurriedly putting his things into his own bag.

He nodded. "Drew isn't done with trying to find us. Were lucky we even got ourselves here"

When we were all ready we headed to the car. It was a long silence and Abdul hadn't gotten his leg treated but had a pillow that he was keeping his foot on.

"It's going to take us four hours to get back" Ace said from the drivers seat. I was sitting next to him and Leisha, Levane, and Abdul were sitting in back.

"I'm just glad we got you back alright" I said to Levane. "And you never told me what he actually did to you"

"Oh" Levane said frowning. "Well, we can talk about that later"

"Why not now?" I asked.

"Eve" Levane said. "I really don't want to talk about it"

"Okay" I said. Something serious had really happened to her, apperantly.

We stopped at a rest stop after everyone had gone to sleep for a little while.

Ace and I were the only ones awake so we parked the car and headed over to the stop.

"Here" Ace said handing me a five dollar bill. "Get something for breakfast, I'll be in the bathroom"

I went over and got two muffins and a coffee. I sat down at a bench that faced a huge window next to the enterance. It started to rain and it was only about five in the morning. I stared out at the rain and started to think a little bit.

"Hey" Ace said surpising me. He sat down at the bench next to me. The rest stop was pretty much deserted so it was really only the two of us.

"So" I said. "Are we going just hang out here until the rain lightens up?"

"I thought it'd be good to rest an hour before heading back to Soul Fallen" He said. "What'd you get?"

I gave him the other muffin which he only had half of. As it turns out, upper angels could have food.

"So" He said turning towards me. "Eve, were alone, and theres something I really need to tell you"

"Okay" I said. "So tell me"

"I really like you Eve, and as a friend yes but, I really like you as more than a friend"

What? Did he just say he likes me? Ace, an upper angel, not the mention the guy that's too hot for words??

"Oh" I said. "Well, that's..." What would be the right words to say? That I didn't know how I felt about it?

"Maybe I shouldn't have said anything" Ace said. "But I've been thinking about it a long time, and I've been waiting for the right time to tell you. It seems like this is the only time we'll ever be alone"

"Ace" I said. "That's a lot to put out there, you know"

"I know" He said.

"Well, I don't know how I feel about you, but give me some time to think about it and I'll tell you"

But then he was looking at me, with those green blue eyes. And I swear I was going to kiss him then, with the sun shining through the glass and through his hair, making him really look like an angel. Making it so I'd want nothing more than to have him love me the way I felt in my heart at this moment.

And that's when I felt his lips brush across mine, without even realizing he'd leaned forward already. Trapped in this moment of wanting forever with him. I pulled my arms around him and decided what the hell. Thinking about it didn't matter anymore.

He pulled away and said "Sorry"

"Don't be" I said. "I like you Ace,so don't be sorry about anything"

He smiled and kissed me once more. To have an upper angel kiss you was more than I'd ever expected. Especially when I'd wondered what it would be like. Now that had come true.

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