Pizza Hut

12 0 6

George took a seat beside you. He tucked his lower limbs under his chin and wrapped his forelimbs around his knees.

"Hey," he repeated.
"Hi," you responded simply, rubbing the tears from your eyes.
"Do you wanna meet somewhere after school..?" he asked, "Like, later tonight."
"Cinema, maybe... maybe Pizza Hut?"

You despised Pizza Hut, much preferring a Subway sandwich, but decided to go anyway.

"Sure," you smiled. "It's a date!"

You clapped a hand over your mouth!

"I-I-I'm sorry! Not a date!" you cried.
George shifted and put his chin between his index and his thumb, biting his lip. "It can be a date if you want," he said smoothly.

What a smooth dude!

You ran your hand down your face, exasperated, internally facepalming millions of times over. You both stood up, and parted ways.


Your hair was curled, a beautiful fawn waterfall that tumbled with more grace than any sugar plum fairy could ever muster. You wore a cute indie kid crop top with a heart on it, baggy jeans and 8 inch platform high heels. They made you over 6 foot tall, taller than George, because you wanted to be seen as powerful on this first date. Your neck was decorated with pearls and diamonds and a handbag much like Honey Lemon's Chem-Purse from Big Hero Six hung from your shoulder. You also had ladybug patterned stud earrings on. You looked cute!

At exactly 5pm, you heard a knock at the door. You ran downstairs, taking care not to twist your ankle and die from the mega tall platform heels. Opening the door, you see George, a sweet smile plastered on his face. He shoved a bouquet of red roses in your face and blushed very deeply. You felt embarrassed for him.

"M'lady," he joked, holding out his hand.

You giggle cutely. He looks very nice, he is also dressed as an indie kid. He wears his school shirt under a black jumper Chaya gave him, dark jeans and trainers. His hair is swept to both sides in a nice middle part. His piercing blue eyes look into your soul.

You follow him outside and clamber into his dad's car, excited for your date...


Broken Faith 🥀🖤⛓ - Ami x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now