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Charlie's POV

I was completely, utterly and selflessly in love with Camilla. But I couldn't be with her if she wasn't in love with me. Being in love and loving someone is completely different. Loving someone is like a best friend, but being in love with someone is like a fantasy, like a story.

I wanted to get over Camilla. You'd think it would be easy considering I hadn't seen her for a while, but it was going to be hard. A struggle.

People die of heart break. Now that is heart breaking. I get that loving someone unconditionally will make it hard to let them go , but its the circle of life. Nothing will ever be perfect. Friendships aren't perfect so why would relationships be ? It's just how the world keeps spinning. It's just life.

But this...was my life. And I knew I wasn't going to stop trying to get over her. I needed to, it doesn't mean I will, but I wanted to more than anything. After all, there might be someone out there who would love me just as much, someone who won't hurt me, someone who will wait for me. Forever.

It's always going to be the same, you are going to get your heart broken, but believe me when I say this, someone loves you back. Someone loves you as much as you do them.

"Charlie?" A voice startled me. My head spun round and saw Mr Henderson standing at the door with a worried expression etched onto his face.

"Sorry." I mumbled, getting up and welcoming him in properly. I wasn't doing anything today, I was just sat, waiting for the DNA results.

"Charlie, I've been calling you, we've found your son." He spoke, the excitement making it almost impossible to understand what he was saying.

"W-what?"I spluttered.

"Your son Charlie." He said.

I managed to finally understand what he was saying and sprung up and down on my feet, bringing him into a hug and prancing around the apartment.

"Where is he ?" I shrieked.

"Hollywood." He answered, surprised that it even came out of his mouth.

"Hollywood? The Hollywood?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, the Hollywood, the very same." He explained.

"Well what are we waiting for? Lets bloody go! I've got to find my son!" I shrieked, running towards the door, grabbing my phone and flying straight into the corridor.

My hand pounded against the door, a few seconds later it flying open beneath my hand.

"Get dressed. We are going to Hollywood." I screamed at Jake.

"Why?" He asked, lost.

"My son." I said simply, recognition drowning his face as he ran into the apartment somewhere, coming out only moments later with trousers on, a top and his shoes hardly staying on his feet as he stumbled over the undone laces.

"Laces Jake." Mr Henderson warned him, as we all flew down the stairs, Mr Henderson taking a little more precaution than us.

"Charlie's found her son!!" He screamed, completely ignoring Mr Henderson's warning.

We ran straight out the door, but then slowed as Jake did in fact fall head first out the door as he unfortunately ... tripped over his laces.

Narrators POV:

This is everything she had been waiting for. But just because her dreams are coming true , doesn't necessarily mean her fate is too. Fate beats everything...when it finally happens.


Love is everything that Charlie wanted, but was it what she bargained for. Was it really worth it? Yes, I believe it was. It taught Charlie pain, it taught her rejection, something she'd never experienced before, she'd never had to. Now, she truly did love Camilla, but not every love story is prefect, and not every love story is love. One sided love is still love, but it is not a love story. Love is the most challenging thing life offers, but when you meet the right Pierson, it's the most rewarding.

Read on my beloved people, and find out exactly how Charlie gets on in life.

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