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Camilla's POV


Once Charlie had led me to my room, I had settled on the bed. But I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were running wild as I was left in a room I did not know. Was I safe here? What happens if he comes through the window, or Charlie doesn't hear him? What if he comes back?

I couldn't take being by myself. And I knew I was probably giving her the wrong impression but I just couldn't be alone. It was incredibly selfish and I knew I was probably setting myself up for something much mire than this should be, but I need comfort.


Charlie's POV

The light filtered the church like a spotlight as I waited for my bride to walk down the isle. This place was huge, like something you'd see in Harry Potter. Like Hogwarts, but brighter and it didn't hold any foreshadowing aspects to it, just pure light. White flowers littered the place, as if turning it into a dream, a fairytale, something so enchanting that it couldn't possibly be real. The emotions on our guest's faces were either pure happiness or love, true love. It was everything I wanted at my wedding, everything I had dreamt of. My little girl and boy to walk down with their mother as she made her way to the front to marry me. It was perfect. She wore matching white dresses with our daughter, even including a vail that hid her face, holding onto the last bit of the unknown as she could.

And then our little boy in his cute suit, white too. And then they had one more significant thing that matched, their eyes. As she got closer, she lifted her vail over her head. And now, we were ready to spend the rest of our lives together. Alex,  Becca, Camilla and me.

I clicked the light on in the hall and there she was. Head in her arms, arms on her knees, crying. I don't think she heard me wake up seeing as she didn't even flinch when the light came on. It was only a dull light but it was enough for me to make out where she was. I sat beside her and she flew away from my touch and started hitting me. I tried to block as many as I could but I was still half asleep so my reactions were slower than usual.

"Camilla, it's me." She carried on hitting me but they were much weaker this round, finally succumbing to her emotions.
"Calm down, it's okay, I'm right here." I soothed her as I hugged her, restraining her arms from doing anything. Her tears seemed to become mine as they rolled off her face and down my neck and I couldn't help but feel bad for leaving her alone in a place she didn't know.

"Come on, lets get you to bed." I offered but she refused to move. "It's okay."I said as I helped her up from the floor and carried her into my room, to my bed, putting her down and making sure for certain that she wasn't going anywhere. Of course she wasn't going anywhere.

I pulled the covers over her, moved her onto the other side of the bed for boundaries as I still wasn't sure about how safe she felt with me, and placed myself on top of the covers and sat up, my back leaning against the head board. I didn't say anything. I just pulled her a bit closer and wrapped my arms around her, her head falling beneath my chin. She seemed to calm, and after a while her breathing slowed, meaning that she had finally relaxed enough to allow her body to work it out for her.

The next morning, I woke up with a weight on top of me. I cracked my eyes open only to be met with two beautiful brown ones.

"Sorry."She mumbled shyly, slowly moving off from me.

"That's okay, how did you sleep?" I asked, quietly.

"Good. Thank you, for helping me last night."She said, looking down. It was almost as if she didn't want to believe she had relied on me for something so personal, something so emotional, the denial that she had locked out before was sure as hell making itself present now.

"It's okay Camilla, as far as I remember, you stitched me up, not the other way around. Now how about some breakfast." I offered and she agreed and started getting up. Oh god. She was half naked, a bra and pants was all that was left from keeping me seeing her in the most intimate light. I yanked her back to me, took a deep breath to calm myself, reached for a jumper from the floor and putting it on her.

"There." I said satisfied.

She looked at me weirdly and then carried on getting up, the jumper was ideal because it went down to her knees, so it didn't show off anything. Exactly what I had hoped. It wasn't in my intentions to find her attractive, but I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. She got her looks from her father, and I couldn't fault her mother for her eyes.

We went downstairs and I made breakfast for her. She was silent the whole time, and I didn't want to interrupt that in case it was one of those things she did to think things through when she needed to. I gave her a plate and I had a plate too of bacon and eggs, then I looked up at the time.

"Shit, its half 3!"I shrieked causing her to giggle at my behaviour. We had slept for ages. Another 9 hours and it would be a new day.

"So Camilla, today, we could just put some films on in my room, we don't have that much longer of the day, and we've got nothing better to do, how does that sound?" She just stared at me. "We don't have to do it if you don't want to, we could go to the pool or do someth-."she cut me off .

"No, that's fine Charlie." she said happily.

Okay ... movie marathon it is.


Just a movie marathon?
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