16-Chapter 3

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Camilla's POV


Sleep wasn't coming to me today, maybe all of the stuff with Charlie tipped sleep in her favour, maybe it sided with her, god knows everyone else is. I know it sounds bad, maybe I need to stop. Stop and start seeing things from an outsiders point of view. On one hand, she was the professional bodyguard. She was never supposed to get wrapped up in me or my feelings, she was only supposed to do her job. She wasn't supposed to make things personal.

But on the other hand, maybe I had aided the whole 'feelings' thing. I had let it happen, despite my efforts in making it clear that I didn't want things to progress or get even remotely more complicated, I had made things much worse. I'm confused and with that comes hurt feelings. Everything's always about feelings. In some cases, feelings can be deadly. I don't thing willing to die for each other should even begin to come into play here. But then there was her job. She had to be willing to die for her clients to protect them. Had her willingness to die become a form of love, or had it strengthened by all these... feeling... that she has for me.


Charlie's POV

"Charlie." A voice interrupted my unconsciousness. Unfortunately for me, it wasn't a good thing, it took me too long to rid myself of consciousness last night.

"Mhm?"I hummed, as I brought myself to push the covers away from me and sit up, leaning on my hands behind me.

"Get dressed and come downstairs, Camilla's already awake." I managed to hold in a groan at hearing her name, gradually making my way out of bed and into the shower, sleep still trying to drag me back to bed. The hot bullets of water slid down my body, willing it to relax. My hands moved gently through my hair as the shampoo foamed around my face, the water eventually fighting it enough that it disappeared. The towel that was awaiting worked together with me in an attempt to rid of the steamy water that resisted on my body. My hands grabbed the clothes off the side, slowly allowing myself to come to the conclusion that being dressed meant it was time to face the day.

My feet dragged me into the kitchen, resistance a clear trait in my body's movements, and waiting for me was a plate of waffles. My eyes lit up at the sight and I heard a laugh from beside me. I turned and found Mr Henderson.

"You're here early sir, any reason why?"I questioned confused. I sat at the table only just noticing Camilla in all her glory. She looked beautiful. The tense edge that usually followed her around seemed to be softer today, but maybe that was down to the clothes she was wearing. She allowed the joggers and sweatshirt to hang off her body, maybe it was the freedom she felt from not being in her work scrubs that made her look softer than usual.

I caught her eyes but she let out a forced cough and looked away. I tried not to allow her actions to sour my mood, knowing that despite how she was treating me or acting around me I would still have to do my job. Never mix personal and professional was becoming really good advice, advice I should have taken weeks ago.

"We're going on a business trip, we would have invited you with us but we didn't want to infiltrate you with Camilla. We didn't want to make any more fuss for you knowing that going to a foreign place meant you would need to take more back up. Jack's away with his boyfriend on holiday somewhere in Greece, so it'll just be you two in this house." Mum finished instead, not giving Mr Henderson the time to say it a little less up front.
"The Henderson house will be locked up and no one will be allowed in, not even you Camilla."she added on after a few minutes.

"What?"She spoke up, "Why can't I go home?"

"Why are you leaving now ?"I questioned calmer.

"Camilla our house is much safer than anywhere else for you, believe me. We are planning to expand so we thought we would go looking for somewhere to build, going now is meant to be the quietest time if the year, why not enjoy the peace whilst we can?"Of course they were on about the mafia.

"How long will you be gone?" I asked. Moving my last waffle around my plate in an attempt to not giveaway the fact that now was not an ideal time for them to be leaving, for obvious reasons.

"At least a month, maybe even longer." I nodded, picking up my waffle and nearly inhaling it as I stuffed as much in my mouth as possible to avoid saying something no one wants to know or hear.

"When are you leaving?" I struggled out, earning a glare from mum as I tried to not show everyone the journey my food was making in my mouth.

"Now thankfully, I don't have to see that for the next few weeks." She said, smacking the back of my head before laying an arm around my shoulders. "Don't do anything you wouldn't normally do."I hugged mum back and gave a half hearted smile to my dad which he seemed happy about and then left to the pool to let Camilla say bye to her parents.

About half an hour later I went inside to change into something much more suitable than what I was currently wearing to comfortably go in the pool. I figured I'd spend some tine winding down considering the place was pretty much on lockdown and no one would be allowed in or out. Baxter was out on the gate with a few others, this was the safest we were going to be. I went in my room to change but thought I'd get an update to see how Camilla's safety is doing.

"Any update on Camilla's case, we've been in hiding for a while?"I asked, putting the phone on speaker before dropping it on the bed and moving to my wardrobe to find some swim shorts and a sports bra.

"We haven't got the bastard who's after her yet, just make sure to keep security at a maximum, when we have him, she will be free to do what she pleases." His voice crackled through the phone.

"Thank you."I said, reaching across the bed to end the call. I decides to call my dad and make sure security is at a high whilst he's gone.

"Hello?" He said.

"Dad it's me." I stated.

"Did something happen, what's wrong?" He asked, mum's voice cutting in through the background asking him questions about what was happening, he shushed her and waited for my reply.

"I was just wondering whether you could get maximum security on this place, triple the normal, at least whilst you're gone." I begged.

"Of course dear, I'll get on it straight away." He said, the line going dead. I left my phone on the bed, grabbing a towel from the rack in the bathroom and heading down to the pool. Swimming was one of my favourite sports as a kid. I'd always been good at it. We used to go to tournaments all the time, but it had stopped as I got older, as my dad started to realise I was getting towards the age that I could understand the significance of the Mafia, and how we were related to it. He seemed to lose interest in how good I was at seimming, even though I progressed to the possibility of becoming professional, but it all left my path when he introduced me to my role in his empire.

"Didn't know you could swim."Camilla asked amusement clear in her tone.

"Didn't know you could talk."I shot back immediately regretting it. She shook her head, dismissing her efforts, clearly annoyed that she had even tried to have a conversation with me. That was mostly my fault.

"Camilla, we need to talk. Camilla-." Once I stepped foot in the kitchen I was slammed against the wall. My eyes went wide and focused on her.

"W-what are you doing."I asked worry evident in my voice.

"You said we needed to talk so talk." She sneered. I'd had enough of this attitude. My hands hooked around her legs, hanging her body over my shoulder and carrying her towards the pool.

"Charlie. Put. Me. Down." She demanded, her hands grabbing ahold of my tense back slightly to hold herself steady.

"Okay." I shrugged and dropped her straight into the pool. She rose from under the water and I nearly moaned at the sight of her. Not the best situation I could have put myself in I must admit.
She knew exactly what she was doing. She looked so sensual, so perfect. She was slowly drawing me in, and yet I was supposed to have been the one drawing her in. She was supposed to be pushing me away.


Hope your liking it so far.


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