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.Watching over someone almost seemed godly to me. I had control over how their most conflicted minutes of their lives played out. It was way too intimate in a way, too deep considering I didn't know them. But Miss Henderson was different. She was Mr Henderson's daughter, I will not let anything happen to her. Even if that meant giving my life, that family doesn't deserve this, no one does. But in this world it's biased, the worst things happen to the best people.

Going undercover at the hospital seemed like the most logical idea for me. My boss would provide me with the ID I needed to surpass as one of their own, no one would know that I wasn't just an intern getting lost. The only fault would be that they might even find me suspicious because of how well I fit the role of an intern. Confusion? Yes. Lost? Yes. On edge? Yes. It was perfect. I'm starting to think I took the wrong branch on the career tree.

She's a doctor, so they get offered an intern every now and then. She's good at what she does, it was only fair that she shared some of her knowledge with us, it wouldn't surprise me if she put her own name up for an intern. She's one of those people you always see on social media for saving a little girl or helping a dog who was brought to the hospital by a pickup accompanied by a little child. She's like the perfect definition of a role model for those little kids sat at home, dreaming about what they were going to grow up to be. She was perfect. The perfect daughter. Everything I had yet to be labelled. But I wasn't jealous or envious of her, because I actually appreciated my life, earned it. She inspired me. She was a doctor, and it was handed to her on a silver platter, but she deserved it, she works so hard to keep it. I have to give credit where credit's due, despite being the daughter of her father, she's doing a very good job of making a life of her own.

Locating Miss Henderson was becoming more of a mission impossible than a task, and if I wanted to make sure she was safe and out of harms way, I'd need to make the mission possible. It just happened to be my luck as this had to be one of the biggest hospitals in the city. People were brimming out of every side corridor trying to locate the best entrance or exit, the doctors seemed to be down in ratio compared to the patients, maybe that's why they hire so many interns.

"Could you tell me where Miss Henderson's floor is?" I questioned the first doctor I saw. A tall, attractive young man was on the receiving end of my somewhat frantic question, an annoyed frown plastered on his face at the interruption. He eyed me suspiciously.

"What's it to you?"He interrogated, files nearly falling out of his arms as he turned his back for a second to shove them over to a nurse behind the desk.

"She's my resident." I answered, bored. My eyes looked back towards the nurse he had shoved his workload on, her eyes glaring into his head.

"She never told me about this." He replied arrogantly.

"And who are you?" I asked.

"A doctor. Are you sure you're meant to be here? She didn't tell me anything about you, we're clearly very busy, I'd know if something like this was happening." He sneered, his ego shining through.

"Well check the system then if you're that bothered about it!" I snapped at him.

"Of course babe, wouldn't want to keep you waiting now would we." He replied as if he'd have a chance with me. On occasions like this, the fact that I was gay always cheered me up. I couldn't imaging thinking this sort of behaviour was hot, or thinking he was hot. He was not appealing to me and I felt sorry for any women who will or who already have fallen for him.

I walked off to the elevator, trying sincerely not to push anyone out the way, and pressed the number. It's not every day you're faking your job, you'd think it's the most obvious trait that comes with being a bodyguard. But not really, a bodyguard is normally shown off so people will stay away. But it's not as easy for me this time. I've never had to go undercover before on a job.

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