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Camilla's POV


I knew from the moment we had woken up this morning, she had gotten the wrong idea of me. She likes me. She couldn't make it more obvious. But she thinks it's two sided and it's anything but that. I didn't like her for goodness sake. But she keeps doing things as if I do. I'd fairly say that I dislike her for what she is and how she feels about me, but maybe that's just me being judgy and a stereotypical homophobe, which I'm not by the way. Jack's gay so being homophobic isn't really an option, I accept him for who he is. But sometimes things happened and you were forced to go against everything you believed in, or moreso for me, everything I didn't want to believe in.

I had to make it clear that I didn't like her back. And I would feel guilty about it, even if I am insensitive with gay people. But I couldn't have her bringing out the side of me I was yet to accept. Sometimes things about yourself were easier to keep hidden than open up about, and this was the one thing in the world that I would rather take to my grave with me than let it consume me. Some people found it easy and some people found it extremely difficult, for me it would be the latter. This wasn't the life I had planned. This wasn't what I had grown up around and it certainly wasn't an option for me to be gay. I had told Jack I wasn't gay. And I'd do everything in my power to keep it that way.

I had struggled so long with it, been almost happy before Charlie got here. I couldn't have been assigned a guy to protect me, because I'm sure it was the fact that she was what was keeping me away from death that made me like her. No, that made me nearly like her. The idea that she was keeping me from something so deadly and morbid, surely that's why I found myself feeling a certain way for her...surely.

All I knew for certain, even if I was confused as to whether I liked her or just admired her, was that I didn't want to be gay. I can't be gay. I just can't.


Charlie's POV

We had settled on the couch, the continuous clicking of the remote the only thing that was currently breaking the silence. We couldn't choose. Or she couldn't choose.

"Today would be fantastic."I told her. She nodded her head and clicked on the next film on there. I missed the name but her oversatisfied face made her look very suspiscious and I found myself growing uncomfortable. Me and horror films never got on, we had one encounter and we've never met again.

"What did you decide on?" I mumbled. She smiled evilly at me and shook her head, dismissing my question and refocusing her attention on the screen before her.

It began in a dull mansion, with a child who's parents had decided on a night out , and at this very moment he was hidden under the bed and all was silent. I moved to the edge of the sofa, thinking it was going to be some kickass scene where the boy kicked the living shit out of a bad guy. Oh how wrong I was. From the doorway, came a noise and then another noise followed behind the boy. The boy turned around and nothing. He turned back and BAM.

"Fucking hell!" I screamed as I clung to whatever was closest to me. A half formed face came at him and he ran, got caught a few times but managed to escape and then his parents rescued him and they escaped.

"Wasn't really that scary was it?" I questioned whilst looking at the credits.

"Camilla?" I turned towards her and met her eyes. I felt a tap on my hand and looked down. Oh shit. My hand was just below her breasts, wedged in between them and her ribs. I bit my lip nervously and pulled away immediately.

"Sorry." I muttered without taking a second glance at her, still staring at where my hands were. She clicked her fingers in front of my face to draw my attentiion back to the living, which seemed to be humorous to her.

"Stop." I mumbled, which seemed to amuse her even more.

"The look on your face!" She basically shouted through laughs.

"Are you finished?"I turned away and crossed my arms.

"You got so flustered, are you keeping something from me?"she questioned evilly.

"It's not really any of your business." I muttered, maybe denying it a little to strongly.

"I'm sorry to break it to you but you're not my type, I'm not gay. I find it disgusting."she said, not even bothered by what she was actually saying.

"Fuck off then." I said, shoving myself off the sofa out of pure disgust to be in the presence of someone so utterly selfish with their words.

"Oh come on Charlie, we both know your father won't let me leave." She sneered at me.

"I don't care, get out Camilla." I said as I pushed her towards the door.

"Rico, you're daughter's harassing me!"she said, her voice cracking to make it more effective.

"Just leave Camilla, who the fuck asked for your input on something that doesn't even involve you."My voice rose as I became defensive. Conversations like these have happened way too often in my life.

"Charlie! You better hope you're not disrespecting Camilla!"My dad shouted, coming into the room and taking in what was happening.

"Oh come off it, my life for the next however long evolves around her, do you really think I'd throw away my biggest achievement for someone like her? I'm here to protect her from death and nothing less, and certainly nothing more." I sneered.

"Charlie don't you dare, she is more than just your assignment and you know that. Don't think that just because you're best in the business means you're any less human than the rest of us. Camilla clearly had her views on your preferences and so do I. Leave it." He said, dismissing my feelings in the situation.

"And what are your views?"

"Charlie, we've spoken about this before and there's not need to go through it again, we don't-."

"What are your views?" I said slower, knowing what the answer was already.

"I'm with Camilla. I think it's disgusting, absolutely disgusting. Out of all the things you've done in life Charlie, I'd never expect you to force it onto someone else. Don't you even think about trying anything on with Camilla. You won't even understand the meaning of Monaco once I'm through with you." He spoke lowly, barely hiding the fact that we weren't the same as what the tabloids made us out to be. Camilla would sure as hell know that now.

"I would never fucking do that. You're supposed to know that though, clearly you've stopped paying attention to who I am as a person and got lost in not accepting one part of me. I hope you enjoy each other's company, we'll see how long you can last not getting killed when I'm not here to keep death at bay." I said, turning and vanishing away from them.

If they thought for one second that I'd tolerate the two of them coinciding with one another, then they thought wrong. I don't mix well with groups. I had become almsot accustomed to the fact throughout my teenage years of spectating groups going against one person. It never sat well with me, because how is that fair? It's not. It's cowardly, to feel the need to be surrounded by people and receiev their approval just to say something. Completely and utterly cowardly.


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