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Camilla's POV

And here we were. Back to square one again, except this time it was the other way round. She was ignoring me. It wasn't about who would break first, but I had a feeling that it had come to that.


Charlie's POV

It had been a few weeks now, nearly time for our parents to be back . They were due to get here tomorrow. Me and Camilla were back to ignoring each other again. We walked past one another daily, but acted as if the other wasn't there. Her act was starting to crumble though.

She had started looking at me when I walked past her and had been looking down for the last couple of days. I bet it was one of her acts again. Trying to make me feel bad for ignoring her. Karma's a bitch. I was trying to keep ignoring her, but the looks she was giving me were affecting me big time.

I could feel her stare whenever we were in the same room. I could feel her eyes on my body in places a straight girls eyes would never have wondered to, especially not for that long anyway.

I had woken up a few hours ago and I was currently making dinner. Even though I wasn't on speaking terms with her, I always cooked her food in which she ended up eating later on in the day.

I was just putting the food on two plates when a presence behind me startled the living crap out of me. My head spun around and my eyes met Camilla's.I held her stare. She edged closer to me and I darted back. I wasn't done giving her the avoidance treatment.

I placed my hand behind me to prevent me from falling and my hand landed on the still hot stove. I shot away from stove, holding my hurt hand, and leant over.

"You fucking piece of shi-."

"Language Charlie." Camilla scolded me. She shoved me towards the sink and held my hand under the cold tap. We stayed there for about ten minutes before she decided more needed to be done to prevent it for seriously affecting the state of my hand. She led me to the sofa and then went back to the kitchen to get a bowl of cold water.

I inspected my hand and I had a huge, round, bright red mark staring back at me.

Camilla came back and grabbed my wrist. She let my hand sit in the cold water for a while, in silence of course, and then delicately applied some cream that she had before she bandaged it. I could have easily have managed myself, but I didn't want to increase the tensions between us both just before our parents got home.

"Thank you." I muttered under my breath but loud enough for her to hear it. I still didn't look at her.

"You're welcome." she sighed obviously disappointed with the lack of attention I was giving her. She cleared off and I was sat left with my thoughts.

Our parents are throwing a welcome home party, no clue why. Probably to celebrate whatever building they bought, so tomorrow night, would be another thing to prepare for. I decided to clean around the house, as my dad had recently texted me explaining that they were going to be home early tomorrow morning so they had enough time to decorate for the gathering.

I finished the cleaning, it was now dark outside so I headed to my room. I decided to have a shower before actually going to bed so I grabbed my clothes and walked in. The shower was already running but I assumed that Camilla forgot to turn it off.

I pulled the shower curtain back and was met with Camilla's flawless body. There she stood, wet hair, drops gliding down her body, clueless of my presence. I must have stared a little too hard when her body turned to face me.

I rushed to shut the shower curtain.
"I'm so sorry Camilla, I'll erm, I'll just wait until your, until y-your out." I stammered, as I stumbled out the bathroom. My breathing was still fast and I had an image of a naked Camilla etched into my mind. Holy shit on a stick.

About five minutes later the door opened and I looked towards it. Out came a nearly naked Camilla. She had a towel rapped around her body, which highlighted her curves perfectly.

"Breathe Charlie." she chuckled as she made her way out of my room and back to her own.

I let out a shaky breath. How was I going to keep my best intentions for her safety in mind when she walked around like that.

All I could do was dream.

But I didn't have ling before that dream turned into a nightmare. He would be there tomorrow, and how could I have not over thought it. How could I have not spent hours going through worst case scenario's so I was prepared for anything?

Because two of the most powerful families would be in the same room tomorrow. They would have already took extra precautions.

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