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Jack Henderson. Mr Henderson's son. Jack's been working for my dad for about three years now I think, he's never once let us down. He's a very loyal associate, for my dad anyway. To me he was a close friend, so the professional verbs for what to call him don't really kick in unless we're under work circumstances.

"Well hello Charlie, mind telling me what you're doing out here?" he spoke.

"I'm keeping a watchful eye over your sister." I spoke, calmly.

"Why, do you have a crush C, are you in looove !" he joked, earning a 'playfull' hard punch from me.

"No dipshit, I'm protecting her." I rolled my eyes.

"Really? Can I help?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"I could actually use your help yes."I said.

"I'm not sure how much I can put in though because the business is very busy at the minute as you know. I don't want to fall behind with your father." He said, his fingers drumming against the hood of my car as he took in the pink tinted sky that stretched around the house.

"I could ask him to lay off your gang for a while if it'd help?"My father had been on their tails for a while, he wants Jack's gang to become the top after us, so he keeps helping them with training and everything.

"Don't be silly Charlie, I'd never ask for that, but I'll help as much as I can." Even though he was busy he still wanted to help out, it was his sister and family meant everything to people like us.

"Good now get your fat arse in here so we can talk properly, speaking through the window has been a pleasure but hurry the fuck up and get in please." He jumped in the car and I gave him all the information I could on the yet to be named stalker.

"Is there any chance we could get a few of my people to take a look?" He asked sternly, he got serious whenever it involved his sister's safety.

"Yep, as long as they can help you help me find out who the dick is." I spoke.

"Okay, give me some time to get in touch with some of the guys, but if I don't get back to you in the next few days then I haven't found anything. I'll speak to you soon." He said giving me a side hug and then getting out and going inside the house, but not before slamming my door of course. But seconds later came running back out again.

"By the way, you're not very good at staying under the radar, she knows you're following her you moron." He said, a warning written on his face.

So I really was too wrapped up in the fact of not letting her handle her own problems. If I hadn't have saved her from that twat at the hospital, she wouldn't have seen me twice in the same day. My attention then turned to the show that was currently playing away to itself in the passenger seat, sleep evading me as my concentration had been taken over by the sights around me. I wouldn't need to be too concerned, especially not with the dozens of guards that were stationed at the gates.


Camilla's POV

I was running late today. But luckily for me I hadn't got any surgeries planned that I was needed at the hospital for. Collecting my bags was cut short by the sound of the door opening and closing.

"Camilla baby?" A gruff voice shouted through the house. Ugh, of course he'd fucking show up when I was in a rush.

"Mike what have I told you? Get out of my house, you can't just walk in freely. This is my house, not yours, how did you even get in?" I asked, pissed off that he'd just let himself in.

He walked towards me saying, "Camilla, what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine. You know that baby."

"I'm not yours though. We broke up 4 months ago. Leave me alone." I said sternly, heading out the front door with him following closely behind. A car parked at the gate threw me off a little until I remembered that Jack's boyfriend had a car similar. Maybe he came round again last night.

"Did I not make it clear that I wanted you to stay away from me at the hospital, Mike?" I questioned, annoyed.

"But baby, I love you." He said, simply.

"No Mike. Leave." I said, giving him his last chance before I called the guards.

"Come on baby. I've missed you." He said, pushing his luck. The guards came over at the signal of my hand in the air and dragged him out the gate, out of my site. Finally.


Charlie's POV

I was woken by a door being slammed shut. I rubbed my eyes, and focused on the cause. It was Camilla, with some man chasing after her. I lowered my windows enough so I could hear them.

"Get off the grounds Mike, did I not make it clear enough at the hospital that I want you to stay away? I hope I don't have to tell my dad about this." Oh great, it was the devil himself that decided to shine his darkness on my lovely morning.

"You told the police I was harassing you Camilla? What's that all about?" He complained.

"I didn't tell the police anything, but you are harassing me." I shut my window and waited for it to play out. He spoke back blah blah, let's just say in the end he ended up getting dragged out by the guards, screaming bloody murder. Camilla didn't seem affected by it whatsoever. She got in her car and left for work, and obviously I followed, not close but close enough incase something was to happen.

The traffic was horrendous today. I was one car behind Camilla and we had been sat here for nearly 20 minutes. I always hated rush hour, just because of the bloody pile ons. I don't know how people cope.It was then that I saw a bike weaving it's way through the traffic, stopping at Camilla's car, and pulling out what looked to be a gun. The way it shone in the sun, almost like everything stopped. It held all the power, all the attention. I heard a scream and acted on instinct. I rushed out of the car and jumped on the guy, smashing his head through another cars window, causing glass splinters to fly all over the ground, and snatching the gun from him. I turned around for a split second to look at Camilla to see if she was hurt, and was met by an excruciating pain in my thigh. I snapped my head back around and noticed that the guy was still conscious and was twisting the knife in my leg. I shot him. Straight there. But not enough for him to die. I needed him for later. Icould hear screaming and crying around me and people calling the police but I yanked my badge out so they would calm down.

"It's okay, I'm with the Police! There's a helicopter somewhere!"I shouted out. I rushed to Camilla to see her staring at the man on the floor, unmoved from the last time I saw her.

"Miss, let me drive." I don't think she even thought about who I was before she moved to the passenger seat and stared into space. How was I even going to get through all this traffic, I needed the police to come cordon off the road, and it would have helped to have one of them sirens that I can carry round with me. I beeped the horn a million times to get through the cars, weaving in and out of the hard-shoulder and took her to my families house. I'd never took my work home, but this was different, she was a Henderson, and she would be my only priority until she's safe. And the safest place at the minute, is in fact the Monaco house. My house.


What a drama. Are they really safe at the Monaco house?
Comment and enjoy.

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