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Camilla's POV


She was playing a dangerous game. She knew exactly what she was doing and I couldn't help but think how experienced she is compared to me. She stood there, entranced as I slowly walked out the pool towards her. She looked so incredibly vulnerable. And yet I'd only ever seen her as strong. It was quite endearing seeing this side of her. But she was flirting a lot. Almost too much, but I always flirted back, I couldn't let her see how much of an affect she was having on me. If you thought she was entranced, you should have seen me every time I saw her.


Charlie's POV

She climbed out of the pool and stalked towards me. She held no emotions so I knew this was revenge.

"I'm sorry." I pleaded, "I'm sorry for everything."I carried on. She grabbed ahold of me and her hands forced me in the pool. I was only submerged for a few seconds before I came above water and noticed her presence next to me.

"I'm sorry for kissing you. I'm sorry for not asking first. I'm sorry for speaking to you bad I know I'm not meant to, you're special to this family and I really regret the way I treated you, but you kind of deserved it. I regret kissing you without asking but I don't regret kissing you. I'd never cause you any intentional harm, I lo-." I clamped my hand over my mouth as both Camilla's and my eyes went wide.

"You love me?" She blurted out.

"I-uh, I need to go." I said as I rushed out of the pool, straight upstairs into my room, locking it. The wight of my head on my shoulders became noticeable, something no one ever really noticed. My legs allowed me to lean against the door, it supporting my head to stay up.

"Charlie open up, what happened? Come on. Open the door Charlie. I swear if you don't open this fucki-."

I yanked open the door, my hands taking refuge on the back of her beck and pulling her into me. I hardly allowed her time to react before my lips met hers. But she didn't respond to my lips, which made me pull away.

"I'm so sorry, I fucked up again, why can't I ever just ask, stupid fuckin-." I was cut off by her lips finally on mine. I moaned into her mouth as my back collided with the wall. Her hands held my face in place, cupping my jaw. My hands roamed her body and made a daring move inside her top, near her breasts, before she pulled away, grabbing my hands and pushing them gentlyaway from her.

"Why did you stop?" I asked breathlessly as she released my arms, opening her mouth on more than one occasion before closing it, unable to say anything. "Fuck. I know. I'm sorry... No I'm not. You kissed me back. You fucking kissed me Camilla so if anyone is speechless after that it should be me. Say something. Anything." I stressed, dragging my hand through my hair.

"I don't know what to say. I wish I did." She spoke slowly, trying to piece together a sentence that might even slightly express the things she couldn't understand.

"It's fine." I breathed out, looking down.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked.

"Of course." I nodded, waiting for her inquiry.

"Why are you here?" She said, almost torn by the question.

"You know why I'm here. I've got to keep you safe Camilla. I won't let anything get in the way of that." I said softly, getting distracted by my phone ringing.

"Yes?" I said, not even looking at the caller ID.

"Give me your mother and one million pounds, and then I might think about stopping everything I've got planned." The distinctly obvious voice came through the phone. Mike.




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