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Josh Pov

"Oh yeah, that thing," I say.

"What do you mean that thing?" Mully asks.

"I got it this morning. I don't know why I didn't get one right away," I say.

"Really? This morning?" Mully asks.

"Yeah," I say.

Mully Pov

I run my thumb over my painted fingernail. The one with the same color as Josh's. 

"Why are you asking? Do you know someone with this color?" Josh asks.

"You could say that," I say. I slip off the glove.

"Wait..." Josh pauses after seeing my fingernail. "You have blue too?" I nod and give him a small smile.

"I'm sorry if I'm not the one you wanted," I say.

"What do you mean?" Josh asks.

"Well, you asked if I knew anyone with the color. You didn't even seem to think about the fact that I got mine today. I just seemed like you wanted someone else," I say.

"You're my best friend. We know everything about each other. How could I be sad that you're mine?" Josh asks.

"I just, don't think that anyone can love me. You know, because of my whole family situation. And now my dad's going to flip out that my soulmate is a guy," I say.

"You can always stay here. Or just never talk to him about it," Josh says.

"Thanks for the offer, but I can't avoid it forever," I say.

"He can't do anything about that fact that I'm your soulmate," Josh says.

"He'll try as hard as he can to though," I say.

"We can fight it together," Josh says. 

"You know, if Gaege and Eddie had this same type of conversation, I'm sure they'd still be living here," I say.

"Yeah, probably," Josh says. 

"I should probably go back to my house," I say. "I'll meet you at the arcade tonight."

"Ok, see you there," Josh says. I leave a quick kiss on his cheek and then leave.

Josh Pov

My cheek tingles where he kissed it. Once he's gone, I reach my hand up and place it on my cheek. I look down and smile. A small blush spreads across my face. It finally sinks in. My best friend is my soulmate. He's mine and no one else's. I knew that once he got his soulmate, things wouldn't be the same in our group anymore. He'd spend all of his time with them. And it wouldn't leave anytime for us to do anything together. Now that we're soulmates, it won't stop our group from hanging out. And I won't loose any attention from him. If anything I'll gain some.

"Josh?" My mom calls up.

"Yes mom?" I ask.

"Your friend just left. Want to come down and have some breakfast?" My mom asks.

"No thanks. I already ate. But I'll come down," I say.

"Ok," my mom says. I rub my ring finger as I walk down the stairs. "So, what's new with you?"

"Uh, Mully's birthday is today," I say.

"Are you guys going to the arcade again tonight?" My mom asks.

"Yeah. And, so he got his color," I say.

"Oh, yeah. What color did he get?" My mom asks.

"Bright blue," I say. "Same as me."

"But I didn't think you had-" my mom starts. I stick out my hand for her to see. "Why were you late?"

"I do not know. But I saw it this morning," I say.

"Wait. This is all sinking in. Mully is your soulmate?" My mom asks.

"Yep," I say.

"And you got a color?" My mom asks.

"Yes," I say.

"I'm so happy for you!" My mom says. My mom hugs me. I feel sort of guilty about this, knowing that Mully won't have a good experience for this. I hug her back. I look down at her own finger, it being blank. She did once have a color. But my dad passed years ago. Once you loose your soulmate to death, you loose your color as well. It's something so that your color doesn't remind you of them. I assumed that since I didn't get a color, that my soulmate had passed away before I got to my 15th birthday. It saddened me to know that I probably wouldn't get one. But I did. And it's the best soulmate I could have wished for. 

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!!!

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