Arcade Time

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Mully Pov

Once I get home, I hide away from my parents. I don't need them asking me questions and shit. I lock myself in my room until it's night time. I come out to eat now and then, but other than that I sit alone in my room, listening to my parents fight. I sneak out the window again at 6 and run to Josh's house. He's already waiting for me outside. I smile when I see him. 

"Hey Mully. How'd it go?" He asks.

"Well, I didn't see them at all," I say. "So I locked myself in my room. Wish I had stayed with you."

"It did get pretty boring without you here. My mom took it pretty well," Josh says.

"That's good," I say.

"She really likes you. She's happy that I have someone," Josh says. "And so am I." I look down at the ground and feel my face heat up. "We should probably get going. Grant and Ayden are probably waiting for us." We walk to the arcade. Sure enough, Grant and Ayden are sitting on one of the benches out front, waiting for us. I wave at them.

"Ok, how much money do we have?" I ask. I pull out a 20 that I got from my mom's purse while she wasn't looking. Think of it as a birthday present she didn't want to give me. Everybody else pulls out a 20 so we have $80 in total. 

"Wait, Mully, your fingernail," Grant says.

"Oh, yeah. I got it this morning. And so did Josh," I say. Grant and Ayden both look at him. He bites his lip and holds up his hand.

"Oh my f*cking God! You guys are soulmates!" Ayden says. 

"I'm glad we are," I say.

"So am I," Josh says. I feel my face flush lightly.

"Come on, let's go play video games," Grant says. He's just pissed about not having a soulmate yet. We go inside the arcade and spot the games we want to play. After lots of games and lots of rounds of air hockey, we cash in our tickets. Candy, like fun-dip and laffy taffy is what we decided on getting, Because we're getting a little too old for the other prizes. We leave the arcade around 9 and eat our candy while walking on the street. Josh stands on one side of the group, and I on the other. Grant and Ayden are in between us. I don't really mind. We're all friends and Josh and I can act more lovey when we're alone together. I'm sure it would embarrass the others if we do anything in front of them. We part ways and I follow Josh home.

"Can I sleep over at your place? I don't really want to go back home yet," I say.

"Sure, I need to give you your birthday present anyway," Josh says.

"Birthday present? You didn't have to get me anything," I say.

"I know I didn't, but I wanted to," Josh says. We go back to his house and he hands me a wrapped box. I take the wrapping paper off of it and then open the box. It's a box full of all of the pictures that Josh has on his walls. "I thought of this today when you said you wanted the one of us."

"Thank you Josh. I'll put them up around my bed tomorrow," I say. We stay up later, talking about shit. When we finally get to bed, it's around 1 AM. Both of us end up sleeping in the bed. We've done it plenty of times before. So it doesn't really seem awkward. When we wake up in the morning it's a bit different.

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!

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