Chapter 14

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The sound of the gunshot piercing through the wooden cupboard rang through the whole place. Kevin and I instinctively crouched down to hide but Zack was stunned to his place.

"Get down!" I hissed at him.

He must have realized what was happening and bent down in panic, hitting his head on the table. I almost wanted to laugh if the second gunshot didn't come through and so much lower than the first.

"What the hell. How did we get followed here?" I smacked Kevin's shoulder in worry as I took out the gun I hid behind me and loaded it.

"I have no idea. You said this is a safe house!" He retorted back taking out his own gun doing the exact same thing.

"Well it shouldn't have been easy to find, it wasn't easy my first time!"

"Whatever the reason, we have to get out of here!" He exclaimed before crawling towards the side of Zack.

The gunshots had stopped and there was complete silence around us that it almost felt like it was all in my head. But the broken cupboard door swinging back and forth had been the only proof I needed that it was in fact real.

It has become a battle of nerves between us and the shooter. I knew for a fact that we were being closely watched and the moment we get out of our hiding place, we'd be gone for good.

"Let's go underground!" I told them after following Kevin. Zack was rattled and almost lost to the world.

I smacked him on the back and said, "Snap out if it! This is not the time to panic."

Upon the impact of the smack, he glared at me and exclaimed, "Someone just shot at us and not the time to panic? You are insane! You have a gun?!"

I ignored his words, more so his fearful face when he saw both me and Kevin holding a gun ready to fire.

"You and Zack should go down first, I need my computer." Kevin said under his breathe.

"Are you crazy? Just leave your computer!" Zack exclaimed probably after shrugging the thought that he's with two armed people. "Your life is more important than that useless piece of device."

"My life wouldn't matter compare to the number of people that could be affected if somebody else get their hands on my computer." Kevin said in a serious tone.

I nodded my head to Kevin before opening the island cabinet and pushing Zack to crawl out of it following right behind him. As we were going down, Zack was murmuring, "It's not like the national security will be put at risk."

I kicked him on his last step and he fell forward on his knees.

"What the hell?!" He whipped his head towards me and shouted.

"Yes it does." I deadpanned my hand unloading the gun to prevent unintentional firing.

Zack fell silent in fear clearly trying to grasp what I had just said and what he just had seen me do. Then we heard sounds from upstairs.

"What was that?" Zack asked but I put up my finger on my lips to hush him.

The sound got louder and closer and I could hear someone heaving heavily. Then there were clanging of pans and utensils.

"Shit! Wait here!" I told him before hurrying upstairs in two strides.

Before I had my head out of the cabinet, I saw Kevin's backpack getting thrown right into it so I caught and dropped it to where Zack was. I swiftly looked back and warned him, "Do not let go of that."

Zack hugged the backpack instinctively and I took that as my cue to get out of my hiding place. Once I emerged from the small entrance, A man had his back facing me while he was strangling Kevin.

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