Chapter 12

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"Shit!" I shouted to myself before making a big swerve to the right. The side mirror crashed to the wall and got detached from the car with a loud sound.

Kevin was completely speechless while Zack was hyperventilating from the back seat.

Without slowing down, I stepped on the gas even more and sped up until darkness overcame us and leveled pavement replaced uneven ground. I stepped on the break and the car came to a screeching halt.

Silence. The only sounds we could hear were the sounds of our own breathing but the car was engulfed with complete silence and darkness.

"Where are we?" Kevin asked his breathing getting slower and calmer.

"We've reached." I told him.

"Are we alive?" Zack asked with a hitch in his throat.

"Very much so." I responded rolling my eyes in the dark before unlatching my seatbelt and opening the door to go out. "Wait here, let me turn on the light."

I hastily slammed the door when I heard Zack getting started on the many complaints he probably had. Kevin turned on the headlight from the inside so I could see the wall surrounding us. The lights were enough to illuminate one part of the room but not enough to brighten up the whole place. Following the course of the wall, I walked and felt for a latch I knew would be there. As soon as I grabbed it, I pulled it down with all my strength.

Fluorescent lights started to light up one by one in circular motion until the whole place was lit up with an orange glow. As soon as the place was bright, Kevin walked out and stretched out his legs.

"Nothing less from the Lady Anderson." Kevin smirked as he took in the dome like structure of the underground garage.

Anderson is the family name of my mother's side and my Grandmother is the third generation CIA operative but the only one who actually became a head of the whole agency. She had built the safe house long before my mother was born and it's apparent that she was not taking the family business lightly.

The concrete structure of the garage was obviously meant as an underground hideout for emergency. It has a special mechanism where it could detect danger and close down by itself to keep people from going in and from getting out. A hidden storage of basic needs reveals itself when the whole place shut down.

I nodded my head. "She's amazing like that."

As if one cue, Zack came out of the car and closed the door with a bang.

"I'm going to be sick!" He grumbled before running to the wall and bended over.

Kevin and I looked at each other. Messages passing through our eyes on how to toughen the man up.

Zack came to where we were clutching his stomach. "Never, ever, drive again on my account."

I didn't respond. Instead I opened the trunk and took some of our things before walking towards the narrow pathway breaking the circular mold of the dome. Zack who kept glaring at me was pulled by Kevin to help out with the rest of the baggage and followed suit.

The narrow pathway was lit along with the dome but dimmer so we had to carefully tread through the dark with our hands touching the concrete wall. After ten minutes of walk, we came face to face with a metal door. I held onto the latch and opened it.

A flight of stairs welcomed us. When we reached the top, I opened the small door and easily crawled my way out. Kevin and Zac had more trouble getting out of the small doorway.

"And if a man should escape through here, he will die first for being unable to fit." Zack complained. Again.

Kevin was smirking at the door like a fool when he saw where he just emerged from until Zack's comment made him frown. "Should I kick him back down?"

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