You're My Reason (Rita Wayword, aka Spiral)

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Rita Wayword was waking up, slumber taken away by the light that the sun gave through the window. She groaned lowly, not wanting to wake up from her slumbers but it seems like a losing fight in her opinion. So she slowly opened her eyes, moving one of her six arms to cover her eyes from the harsh sunlight that was trying to get her to get out of bed. Though even if she wanted, which she didn't, she couldn't move from her designated place in the bed.

Hugging her from behind was her husband. The man who had not only believed in her in one of her darkest moments in her life but has given her a reason to truly change for the better. She couldn't help but give a slight smile as she continued to feel the strong arms of her husband around her waist.

She couldn't help but smile a bit, happiness coursing through her body as her mind began to recall what had happened. She smiled even further as she attempted to move a bit so she could face her husband's face. To see the face of Peter Parker, also known as the Amazing Spider-Man.

Flashback; With Spiral

She was walking aimlessly through the city of Los Angeles, California. Being expelled by Mojo from his pocket dimension had left Rita without a purpose in life. She even felt weaker, thanks to Mojo's machinations when he casted her out of his pocket dimension.

She didn't have a place to go. She had been wandering through the city without a purpose. She had tried to work in little things but no one was willing to accept a known supervillain. No one had given her the chance to even get a solid chance at starting anew. She walked aimlessly, until something caught her, restraining her for a moment.

"So... Why is Mojo's attack dog looking like a kicked puppy?" She immediately turned her head to look at Spider-Man. His position in front of her was clear, he was ready for battle if anything should happen from their encounter. She wanted to attack for trying to harm her, but she really had lost hope in trying to have a new beginning here. "Wait... You were really kicked out?!"

"Why do you even care, arachnid?" She asked, hate and numbness being mixed with each other through her voice. She didn't have a purpose any longer, what could she actually do to get her passion back? She could try to gain Mojo's trust once more but she doubted that the yellow blob called Mojo would actually acknowledge her once more.

"Because everyone deserves a second chance" Spider-Man stated, releasing Spiral from her bindings. Her eyes were opened in disbelief as she stared at the hero in front of her, shocked by the spontaneous commment. Someone was going to give her an actual second chance... A chance at having a better life. She couldn't believe it but as soon as she saw his hand extended towards her, everything made sense.

Here was her new purpose in life. She took a really good look at the hero in front of her. Tears of happiness dripped out of her eyes in excitement. Her purpose in life had reignited itself from the abyss that was her heart. She knew that as soon as she accepted the extended hand everything would change. And she didn't mind at all, she prefered to have a reason to live than live without reason. So she accepted the hand, with a smile on her face.

End of Flashback

The silver haired ninja used one of her many hands to caress softly the cheek of the man that had given her not only a second chance, but had given her more than she could have ever asked for. He had even sacrificed some friendships within heroic groups such as the Avengers and the X-Men just for her, which prompted her to give her husband a night to remember.

But her mind went back to the fateful day where their little family grew a bit bigger. At first, everything was to get something out of the little one. She had started to hate that kind of thinking, but she couldn't help it at times. It had become instinctual by now. But thanks to Peter, she had managed to reign it in.

She heard the slight rattles coming from the door, making Rita look at the culprit of said sound. She smiled a bit more when she noticed that it had been their adoptive daughter Ginny Parker, peeking through the opening she had created. Rita motioned for her daughter to come to them, making the little blond haired girl to rish silently towards her. Catching her in two of her arms, she placed Ginny in between herself and Peter. She could still remember the day the two of them found her, it had been the same day that she had gotten her second chance.

Flashback; With Spiral

She and Spider-Man were walking through the city. She had fully denied being transported in the arms of the hero through the skies of Los Angeles, a long way from New York, but she really didn't question it. He may have his reasons to be here right now and she was not going to try and get information that she didn't really need. Not from the man that had given her a second chance.

"Wait... Something's wrong" Spider-Man stated, making Spiral frown a bit. She knew perfectly well of the heroes' senses, which made her body tense a bit. Being the advocate of Mojo for a long time had made her knowledgeable of many things in life, especially if it was about a hero or villain who had caught Mojo's attention. "That alley..."

"Let's go then" Spiral stated, making the two of them walk a bit faster to the alley. Her heart had been throbbing in desperation, wanting to know what was really happening. She never had felt so unknowledgeable about something that was happening around her. She always had Mojo to tell her about things, though that was in the past and now she had to do things herself.

What both of them saw was slightly uncomfortable. They saw a young dirty blond haired little girl sitting in between two male knocked out adults. The girl was about to act but it was then that she noticed the hero that saved everyone he could and she stopped. Spiral noticed how the girl rushed to their side, hugging the leg of the arachnid hero as slight tears were shedding out of her eyes.

"Shh... You're safe now, little one" Spiral clicked her teeth together, making a silent sound of resignation. Her mind had immediately gone to her previous behaviours of trying to make fruit of this situation. But she knew that she had a chance to give the little girl a home, something she actually never really had. She only had Mojo for the longest of times and now she had none of that. Though she felt her heart skip various beats as she watched the sight between the little girl and the hero. It was a cute sight to watch.

End of Flashback

Spiral closed her eyes as she once more relaxed her body and mind. She could easily guess what were feelings for the man and the little girl there with her on the bed. Peter was her significant other and Ginny was their daughter. She felt a soft sensation upon her lips and slowly opened her eyes once more. She found out that it had been her husband who had kissed her, his eyes looking straight at hers.

"What got you up so early?" Spiral watched the preoccupied look that her husband was giving her, which made her silver painted lips smirk a bit upward. She couldn't help but get herself lost on the endless abyss that his eyes provided her with. She could stare for an eternity and not get bored of that abyss. "Something wrong?"

"No..." Spiral muttered, making Peter smile a bit. She closed her eyes and gave her husband a quick unexpected peck at his lips. A peck that evolved into a loving short kiss. She could finally say that she had begun a new chapter in her life. "Just remembering things... And Peter... Thank you for giving my life purpose..."

"No problem, my love. I'm happy that you are happy" Spiral reclined her forehead to his own, enjoying their time as a family. She had wanted to expand their little family a bit further, though they wanted to buy a house of their own before they started to expand their family. "That is all I have wanted ever since you became my wife. To make you and our daughter the happiest women in the world"

"Thank you, my love... Thank you"

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