Phase 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own the lyrics used in this chapter.

"So, what does 'fine' mean, exactly?" Nikki inquired. "Because, when I say 'fine', that means things are fine. But, when a girl says 'fine'...shit. The possibilities are endless!"

I rolled my eyes and simply shook my head. I refused to acknowledge his question with a verbal response.

"I really don't understand why you're so upset. It's just a song," Nikki continued as we left Tommy's mansion behind us and headed back towards Nikki's car.

After watching the guys perform, my level of irritation towards Nikki had sky rocketed to all new heights. I just wanted to leave the house at that point. I didn't want to ruin the rest of the band's night by sticking around, but I didn't care if I ruined Nikki's night. I planned on bitching at him the whole ride home.

"If you don't get it by now, then you must be dumber than I'd originally thought," I snapped at him, continuing to stomp towards his car.

"You think I'm dumb, huh?" He asked with a light chuckle.

"Yup. Dumber than a box of rocks," I insisted.

"If I was dumb, then I wouldn't have predicted that you'd hate my song. If I was dumber than a box of rocks, I also wouldn't have prepared to follow up Phase 1 of this date with Phase 2."

"Phase 2?" I asked, looking at him with a doubtful gaze.

We had reached his car, and I was stopped at the passenger's side door, looking over the top of the car at Nikki. Despite it being so dark out tonight, his eyes were flashing and I could still see the pearly whites in his mouth shimmering at me.

"Si," he said, nodding enthusiastically at me.

I raised an eye brow at him, finding it hard to believe that Nikki could be so wise. "You expect me to believe that you had anticipated all of this? I'm pretty sure 'Phase 2' was an idea you pulled out of your ass while walking from the door to your car."

I could see that Nikki was trying his hardest to suppress a laugh. "You sure are somethin', you know that Winter?"

I shrugged. "And you sure are frustrating."

He chuckled and shook his head. "So, you gonna' break my heart and make me take you home tonight, or are you gonna' let me make it up to you and take you out on a date? A real date."

I bit my lip and looked down, not wanting him to see me fighting back the smile that was forming on my lips.

He really was charming. Of course, I knew that my leaving wouldn't be enough to break his heart, but the thought that it ever could was enough to make me giddy. And besides, a real date? Wasn't that all I'd wanted tonight? Maybe he could find a way to turn this around.

"Fine," I muttered.

He grinned at me. "And, what does 'fine' mean, exactly? 'Cause, when I say 'fine', that means things are fine. But, when a girl says 'fine'-"

"It means get in the car before I change my mind," I shot back, still trying not to let him see that our bickering entertained me more than it actually angered me. I continued to put on a pouty face as I slid into the front seat.

"Okay, okay! snippy!" Nikki commented, hopping into the car and starting it up.

As the car roared to life, Nikki began flipping through the radio stations, landing on one that was playing Poison again.

"Huh. What're the chances of that, am I right?" Nikki turned to me with a smirk.

Before I could respond, he turned up the volume. As we pulled away from the house and turned back onto the road, I could hear Nikki screaming over Bret:

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